My mind immediately went blank.
"Could you say that one more time I think I have reindeer fur in my ears or something," I say as I wiggle my slightly too large pinky finger in my ear. I can feel my hands start to sweat like the upper lip of a sinner in church. If I just put my hands behind my head like I'm relaxing he'll never know.
"Never mind, forget what I said. I don't want to be a bother," Hans says as he drapes the sheets closely around his body. "You can leave, I will be out in time to start chores"
Oof, not what I meant to come off as.
I walk and sit on the bed, "You will never be a burden. I haven't known you for a long time but..." I let my words drop.
I'm right, I haven't known Hans for very long. I've actually known the real Hans for even less time. I haven't known his laugh. I haven't known the crinkles by his eyes when he smiles. I haven't known the blush across his cheekbones, or the way it softens his freckles. I haven't known how smooth his dewy, pink lips are....
Why is he continuously in my mind?
When did his bright, colorful hair start to make my heart race?
Before my thoughts clear, I find myself caressing Hans' slightly angular face and brush my lips against his. My breath hitches in my lungs when I hear a soft moan against my mouth. I feel Hans bury his hands in my hair and I let my hands slide down towards his waist. I let my palms feel his thin night shirt and I raise it to feel his thin but muscular frame. Strenuously, I make myself part from his mouth. I gently wrapped my arms, while slightly shaking, around Hans. Buried in the nape of his neck I murmur against his warm skin, "I know I haven't known you very long, but even without you trying you're special to me now."
I see his deep green eyes widen and fill with tears. Smearing tears over his lightly red face he says, "I-I've never had anyone say that to me..."
I kissed his hand and held it to my face, I don't understand how I fell, even more surprising, I fell for a man. A complicated, little freckled red headed boy from another country has stolen my heart. Ever since I met the real him, a scared lonely soul, as he was sobbing and letting me into his nightmare, I've had an ache. An ache that hurts but in a warm, comforting way.
When Hans and I reached the kitchen to start the days chores, Ana was tapping her foot with her hands on her hips. With a furrowed brow she addresses me, "Look, you're like family to me. So I'm gonna tell you what family told me about this guy, you don't know him so just be careful."I smile down at her and I ruffle her hair, "I'm adopting this troubled pup, so I'll be careful. Thank you, Ana." To my surprise, Ana grabs my hand still on her head and murmurs at the floor, "Just be careful and don't get hurt." She let's my hand go and goes and stands in front of Hans, "I'm watching you. If you want to flirt with my best friend, at least peel the potatoes while you do it." She glares at us one last time and stomps out. I couldn't help but feel a tug of love for my friend.
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