"So let's get you to work, Pretty boy," I say as I start pushing him forward towards the servant staircase. Hans looks back at me with a slight blush glazing his cheekbones. What the....? All I did was push him. Sheesh. We end up down in the kitchen. "Okay. Let's see what the hell you're good at," I say to Hans as I get out some pots and vegetables. I stand by the cutting board waiting for Hans to pick up the knife and start dicing some veggies. He just stands there looking at the ground. "Hey. Come here. I'm sure you can cut some vegetables, Pretty boy," I say as I come and push him towards the counter as I stand behind him.
Hans flinches from me and says, "Could you not call me 'Pretty Boy'." I stand there just looking at his flustered face. Hans actually looks sort of cute. Wait, wait a minute, WHAT?! No, um, I didn't mean that. "Fine. Than don't act like a pampered brat and I will call you Hans," I say as I sit on the stool on the other side of the counter. Hans goes to the cutting board and picks up the knife, slowly, and starts trying to cut the vegetables. He is completely destroying them. I walk over to him and take his hands in mine without thinking and I start helping him cut. "This is how you slice veggies. remember to move your hand slo-....." I stop mid sentence as I see Hans red face look up at me. I suddenly realize where my hands are and how this is a cliché love scene. I quickly back away and turn my face away from Hans' direction. "M-my bad...." I say as I try to cover my slightly pink cheeks.