I was in my chambers when I starting thinking.
I try not to do that much but I ended up doing it anyway.
It gets me flustered knowing that.......
That Hans, the creep, has MY Kristoff....
I don't like Kristoff like a boyfriend but he is like a brother to me and I can't stand the thought that he could get hurt. And I know that Hans can do some serious damage to the heart.
I don't want to tell Kristoff what to do but I do want his heart to be spared. So should I tell him to be careful who's bed he crawls into???
NO no no no...... Not like that.... Maybe I should just tell him to um.... no I can't tell Kristoff what to do. Though, he did get on me when I was going to marry Hans so maybe he would understand my concern.....?
It even sounds weak to me
Its settled. I have to go to the creep....
When I saw the two of them together..... It looked like Hans had been crying. I wonder if he is really a creep or just............. Never mind, let's go with creep.
I don't want to fall for the psycho again. I mean I can't. I punched him, and he may be dating my best friend so yeah. No. And I'm dating, oh yeah, no one.
Time to go and give Hans boy a piece of my mind.
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