Chapter 8

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Bakugou POV

I turned around after thanking Shitty hair, beginning my walk back to my dorm. To begin with, i thought it was strange how the dorms were pretty much empty, but just before i turned around, Shitty hair told me it was because most of the class wanted to go home for the weekend. I never really go home for the weekends, it's not like i don't like to be home tho it's just.. i don't want to get home just to get yelled at. I do know my mom doesn't mean any harm with it, but i just want a break.

I shrugged my head, realising i were already infront of my dorm door. Pushing the door open silently, i walked in closing it quietly behind me. Turning around, only to find Todoroki passed out on my bed, i walked up close to the bed to see if he were really sleeping or just teasing me.

When i realised he sure was passed out, i sat down on the edge of the bed beside his head. Beginning to stroke my fingers through his hair, he began to grunt and making cute little grimaces. He began to make a cute little pouting face with his lips, while he began to shift slightly. I began to part his hair, so the red and white wasnt mixed up as it was right now. I pulled my hand back, looking at the work i had done.

My expression softened, and i could feel how my heart just melted. Looking him up and down, i began to think of the previous night we just had, how he woke up with a nightmare and what this so called nightmare could have been about. I never got to ask.

Just as i thought that. Shitty hair came inside my dorm 'without knocking', i thought i have told him 1 million times to knock. It's something like this that really pisses me off. I looked over to see Shitty hair taking small steps towards the bed, with two bowls of soup, i needed to contain my laughing at his stupidity. He obviously filled the bowls too much, so they were both at the brink of overflowing.

He reached the bed, followed by him placing the bowls on my nightstand. He sat down beside me on the edge of the bed, looking towards Todoroki. When i heard an 'Awwww' sound coming from Shitty hair, i just rolled my eyes at him when he gave me a confused look. I just returned the confused gaze, not sure why he looked so confused. "How dare you" He suddenly said, looking like he were faking to be hurt, i just tilted my head slightly while asking- "What do you mean?" he looked at me and then to the other side, with a little pout on his face "You rolled your eyes when i said awwww to todobro" 'Seriously? i thought it was something else' I just rolled my eyes again, looking back down at Todoroki, while i could feel Shitty hairs gaze wondering the same way.

I suddenly remembered that he were probably hungry, and that the soup will soon get cold. So i reached my hand to his shoulder, shaking him slightly. It seemed to wake him, 'cause his eyes fluttered open while he grunted and turned to the opposite side of the bed. I made a 'tch' sound before talking to him again "Aren't you hungry?" i looked at him, his back still turned to me and Shitty hair. "Not hungry" his voice was low and kinda raspy "Come on, do you want to make the chef upset?" i answered a bit too harsh for my liking, tho it didn't seem to bother him "Sorry then, Bakugou"

It didn't even surprise me, that it seemed like he hadn't realised Shitty hair were here too. "Im not the cook" and when i said that it seemed to quirk him up a bit, 'cause he suddenly turned to be met with Shitty hair.

Todoroki POV

When Bakugou said he wasnt the cook, i got really confused. Were did he find the food then? i turned around quickly, only to be met with Kirishima staring at me, while Bakugou sat beside him. Kirishima smilled at me while making a small waving motion. I almost blushed out of pure embarrassment, i quietly waved back before covering my face with my other hand.

"And no matter what, you are going to eat" Bakugous voice rang through the room, i almost forgot he still were here "Even if i have to stuff it down your throat" it wasn't like he were angry, but his voice were still a bit harsh and dominating, i sat up on the bed, looking around only to discover that there were two bowls of what seemed and smelled like soup. I guess one for me and one for Bakugou, tho i don't think i would be able to get even half of it down.

I shouldn't even eat anything, i have been on a strikt diet the last month and i couldn't just ruin it now. Atleast that's what the voice in my head tells me, it always says things like 'Your too fat, don't eat so much' or things like 'You deserve what you get, and all the beatings your father gives you', normally i wouldn't and shouldn't listen to the voice, but since i started living at the dorms it was the only one i speaked to.

My thoughts got cut off, when a bowl of soup were suddenly pushed infront of my face. I looked up, only to see Bakugou holding the bowl "Here, eat it" i took the bowl from him, but i couldn't get myself to even taste the soup. 'Im sorry Kirishima'.

Guess they both saw, cause i were suddenly interrupted by Bakugou "Why don't you eat something?" and Kirishima who suddenly asked "It's not that bad, dont worry i tried it before you got the soup" and i felt bad for not atleast tasting it, with the grin Kirishima gave me i knew he were proud of it. But i just couldn't get myself to eat anything. I looked to the side, when Bakugou pulled my head back around, holding at my chin, he suddenly asked- "What's bothering you" i looked him in the eyes, seeing how his eyes were filled with worry and caring. I decided he were worth to trust, before telling him about what has been bothering me for such a long time.

"The voice.. i just.. i can't eat"


Word count 1,104

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