Chapter 22

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"Thank you, Katsuki"


3rd POV

'did he just call me by my first name?'the blonde couldnt help but think, his newly boyfriend just called him by his first name. Or was it something he imagened? no, he were sure he heard right, that his boyfriend really did.

The heterochromatic boy didnt even eat half of the bowl, but atleast he didnt throw it up. He handed the bowl towards the blonde, who placed it in the kitchen with a sticker attached to it. On the sticker the words 'Eat it and you'll die. Bakugou'.

He turned back towards the younger, seeing how he had a hand covering his mouth and his face getting more and more pale.  The blondes expression changed from confused to worried, running to the youngers side he placed one hand on his shoulder and another tangled in his two toned hair. Tilting his head slightly backwards "Hey, you okay?" the older asked, but never got an answer since Todoroki stood up running towards the bathrooms with Bakugou close behind.

Bakugou were worried of what was happening 'He were fine just a few minutes ago'. The blonde entered the bathroom, only to be met with his boyfriend leaning over the toilet bowl. The blonde rushed to the others side, crouching down while rubbing cirkles on the others back. He reached one hand towards the youngers forehead, gently removing the two colored bangs from his face. 

Todoroki POV

'Not again' i could feel how the burning feeling kept on repeating itself in my throat, everytime a knew flood of disgusting liquid came through. The feeling of someone removing the bangs from my eyes, helped me calm down when i realised it were Bakugou. I looked up at him, flashing a small smile before sinking my head back into the toilet bowl. 'its so disgusting'i felt like shit, my stomach hurt while my throat burned. My head kept spinning, and my knees felt weak.

I felt like my feeling from vomiting were finally dieing down, so i flushed the toilet before standing up. My legs shaked slightly but i managed, making my way towards the sink to rens my mouth and wash my hands. Flinching slightly when i felt a pair of hands slither around my waist, i looked in the mirror to see Bakugou. His red orbs staring into my mismatched ones, and eventhough it were through the mirror, i could still feel my heart tingle at the gaze. Wanting to feel it more, i turned around about to say something to him. But were cut off when he suddenly picked me up from under my knees, out of fear of falling i wrapped my legs around his waist while my hands found their way around his neck.

He laid one hand behind my back, while the other were under my thigh. Making me blush when he gently kneeded the flesh there, i made a rather embarasing 'squeak' sound which made him laugh. I pouted before placing my head in the crook of his neck, he chuckled slightly before making way out of the bathrooms with me still wrapped around him like a koala. Though my head never left his neck, i could still hear some 'aww' sound coming from behind me.

I lifted my head turning towards the sounds source, only to put my head back in Bakugous neck when i realised it were Mina who had made the 'aww' sound. And that almost the whole class sat on the couches, watching me and Bakugou. I tried to get down from his waist, but his grib only tightened slightly making me stay. "Your staying were you are, while i talk with these extras" His husky voice whispered in my ear, making me shiver slightly.

He began walking towards the couches, sitting down with me in his lap. My gaze wandered up from his shoulder, to see who were beside him only to realise it were Kirishima and Mina who sat on the same couch. Midoriya, Iida and Momo sat on the other couch, watching as the scene unfolded. "Todoroki-kun you alright?" i turned when i heard the concerned voice of my friend "Yeah totally fine" i answered before placing my head back in Bakugous neck, taking in scent slightly.

I could feel Bakugous hand grab at the back of my shirt, not tugging but keeping me in place. I looked up meeting his eyes to see him glaring towards the other couch, i gently smacked the back of his head. Making chuckles erupt around the room, while his glare feel from the other couch towards me. "You little..!" he began på were interupted by Mina "Quiet down, you dont wanna scare your little boyfriend of. Do you?". 'She knew?'.

Bakugou began mumbling to himself, low enough so i couldnt even hear what he were saying. I heard him say the words- "Goodbye extras" before standing up, me still in his arms which me me squel. He began walking towardsd his dorm, which confused me 'what did he want there?'. I watched his expression while he walked, when he cought me starring he smirked. I didnt understand why, until i could feel him squeezing my thigh.

He sat me down on what i guess was his bed 'we already here?' i looked up at him to see him starring at me. I tilted my head slightly, showing him my confusion. His gaze fell, before he wrestled me down on the bed.

He ended up on top of me, his legs on either side of my thighs while he had both my arms pinned over my head with only one of his hands. His gaze became kinda dark, before he leaned down towards my ear, whispering in a low and husky voice "I think you should pay for that smack you gave me". 'Now i were kinda scared' i closed my eyes, afraid of what he would do. When he suddenly began to tickle around my body, making me squirm in his grasp. Laughter broke through in the room, most of it coming from me while the rest came from the blonde above me. When he suddenly talked in a teasing tone-

"What do you have to say"


Word count 1,040

Im sorry there have been some delay lately, im just really busy.

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