Odd Couple

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Summer pov.

I, Manny, and Sid had woken up about half an hour ago. Through all this time we just kept walking and I still got annoyed. 'Why?' you wonder. Because Sid doesn't know how to shut up.

"And, she picked a hair off my shoulder and said, "Look, if you're gonna have an extra mating dance, at least pick a female with the same color pelt, right?" And I thought, 'whoa, she's gonna go praying mantis on me." Do you know what I'm saying?", and Sid kept telling the story.

"Hey, if you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful. Now, get away from us!", snapped Manny.

I was walking next to Manny and we both froze. We saw a human in the river.

"Well, I think mating for life is stupid, and there are plenty of Sid goes around here.", Sid said that he bumped into Manny, who was also standing frozen. " Manny? Summer?".

Then Sid saw the woman in the river, and he also froze. I squinted my eyes to look at the woman. 'Oh mammal' I thought.

"Nadia?", I asked as I walked towards her. Of course, I knew that humans don't understand. As I was now standing in front of her, she looked at my ocean eyes, and then her gaze traveled to the feathers on my head. 'I knew she'd remembered me' I thought. Nadia's eyes filled with hope as she pushed a puddle to me. I grabbed the hem of it with my teeth and dragged it towards me. Sid then walked next to me and looked at me. I then looked at the puddle and saw a human baby. I internally gasped. Nadia was pregnant. And this is her son, Roshan, I think.

I looked from Roshan to Nadia. I felt tears threatening to spill. Nadia was like a mother to me. And she is gone.

"She's gone.", said Sid sadly. Then Manny turned around and started to leave. "Hey, Manny. Manny, aren't you forgetting something?", asked Sid.

"No", answered Manny. 'How could he say that? He knows that I used to visit humans.' I thought.

"But Summer just saved him.", stated Sid. "Yeah, well, we're still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved. Let's go, Summer."

"Manny!", I exclaimed. "This baby's name is Roshan and his mother is Nadia. Roshan's father, Runar, is probably searching for his wife and his son."

"How do you know all of this?", asked Sid. "It's a long story.", I answered.

"Anyways, we can't leave him here.", as Sid said that, he looked at the top of the hill. "Look, there's smoke! That's his herd right up the hill. We should return him.", after Sid said that, Manny got right into his face.

"Let's get something straight here. Okay? There is no "we". There never was a "we". In fact, without me, it wouldn't even be a "you"!", stated Manny.

"Just up the hill.", Sid murmured. "Listen very carefully, I'm... not... going.", said Manny while mouthing the words with his trunk.

"Fine, be a jerk. I'll take care of him.", Sid said while walking away. 'This I gotta see' I thought.

Sid walked near the hill, looked up, and then at us. Manny then motioned him to climb. After a few tries, Sid started to climb. And just as I thought that he was actually gonna do it, he tripped but didn't fall.

"You're an embarrassment to nature, ya know that?", asked Manny at which I snickered.

"This is cake. I'm fine, I'm fine.", Sid said while smiling through fear. After a while, I saw Roshan slipping out of Sid's hold. I and Manny walked towards the hill. Roshan then was hanged on Sid's leg.

"MANNY!", Sid screamed. "Manny, catch him!", as I said that, Roshan started falling. I was panicking like never. Manny raises his trunk ready to catch him, but someone does it before him. And that someone is a...saber-tooth?

Manny quickly took Roshan away from the tiger. He started to growl and knowing me, I started to growl at him. When he saw me, his eyes widened and he cleared his throat.

"Um... That pink thing is mine.", said the tiger.

"Uh, no. Actually, that pink thing belongs to us.", said Sid as he fell on his head.

"Us"? You three are a bit of an odd couple.", I rolled my eyes at that and I glanced at the tiger who only looked away from me immediately. 'Someone is staring~' I sang in my mind.

"There is no "us"!", exclaimed Manny while looking at Sid. "There is only me and Summer!"

The tiger glanced at Manny and then at me, though his look stayed on me for a few seconds. 'Maybe it's his first time seeing a female saber?'.

"I see. Can't have one of your own, so you wanna adopt.", said the saber regarding the baby to me and Manny. Initially, I growled at the saber, causing him to look at me with a surprised expression.

"Look, I'm sorry to interrupt your snack," reminded Sid "but we gotta go."

"The baby? I was returning him to his herd.", assured the saber.

"Oh yeah, nice try, bucktooth.", joked Sid while dragging Roshan.

"You calling me a liar?", asked the saber. "I didn't say that.", argued Sid. "You were thinking it.", growled the saber. "I don't like this cat. He reads minds.", whispered Sid to Manny. The saber then adverted his gaze from Sid to Manny.

"Name's Diego, friend.", stated the so-called 'Diego'.

"Manfred and Summer.", added Manny while pointing his tusk at me. "And I'm not your friend.", emphasized Manny.

"Fine, Manfred.", mocked Diego. "If you're looking for the humans you're wasting your time. They left this morning.", stated Diego.

"Thanks for the advice. Now beat it!", demanded Manny. Then he turned to Sid who was holding Roshan. "All right, I'll help you bring him to his herd, but promise me that you'll leave me alone after that?", declared Manny.

"Okay! Okay, deal! Hey, what's your problem?!", asked Sid.

"You were our problem.", I expressed the word 'our'.

"Well, I think you're stressed. That's why you eat so much. I mean, it's hard to get fat on the vegan diet.", explained Sid regarding Manny.

"I'm not fat. It's all this fur, it makes me look poofy.", stated Manny.

"All right. You have fat hair but when you're ready to talk, I'm here.", explained Sid.

After that, we started to go around the hill to bring Roshan back home.

~Time Skip~

We were already on the hill and Sid didn't know what to do.

"What are you doing?", I asked Sid. "Just put Roshan gently on the ledge.", I demanded. Sid then did what he was told.

"Should we make sure they found him?", questioned Sid.

I thought for a while and then felt a smirk creep its way on my face. I peeped at Manny and gave him that look. Manny glanced at me and smirked.

"Good idea", thought Manny out loud.

"Oh, no! No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!", Sid screamed as Manny threw him on the ledge. "AH!!!!!!! DON'T SPEAR ME!", exclaimed Sid.

I and Manny waited in silence till we heard Sid mumble "Oh, this is a problem."

Manny then climbed over the ledge and helped me climb up as well. As I was all stable we looked over the empty camp.

"Now, what? Aww, that's perfect.", expressed Manny. He then started to walk through the camp. I stayed behind for a little while and looked around. While walking I saw Sid getting hit by some kind of stool. I snorted. I then heard a familiar voice. 'Diego' I thought.

"I told you they were gone.", stated Diego as I now stood next to Manny.

"Well, look who it is.", I grunted. Diego only eyed me in response.

"Don't you have some poor defenseless animal to disembowel?", asked Manny. I tried to find sarcasm in this line, but he sounded quite serious.

"They couldn't be far. I mean, they went this way or this way?", Sid tried to explain. Failed. Obviously.

"You don't know much about tracking, do you?", asked Diego.

"Hey, I'm a sloth. I see a tree, eat a leaf, that's my tracking.", explained Sid.

"You didn't miss them by much," assured Diego while looking at a leaf. "It's still green. They headed north 2 hours ago.", stated firmly the saber. 'Wow. I believe he likes to flex' I thought.

Sid then took two sticks and stuck them in his mouth imitating Diego. " "Hey, it's still green, they headed north 2 hours ago." ", mocked Sid. Roshan laughs at Sid and flings a fish at Manny. It took everything in me to not burst into laughter.

"You don't need this aggravation. Give me the baby. I can track humans down a lot faster than you can.", Diego said. I snorted.

"We already have a saber.", stated Sid the obvious while being proud of himself. I felt a small smile creep up my face. Diego and I then locked eyes for a mere second.

"And you're just a good citizen helping out, right?", Manny said lacing with sarcasm.

Diego adverted his gaze from me to Manny. "I just know where the humans are going."

"Glacier Pass.", I stated. "Everybody knows they have a settlement on the other side."

"Well, unless you know how to track,-", started Diego. "I can track.", I interrupted.

"if you're too slow, you'll never reach them before the pass closes up with snow." continued Diego. "Which should be like tomorrow. So, you can give that baby to me, or go get lost in the blizzard. It's your choice."

I then looked at Manny. He then took Roshan in his trunk and lifted him.

"Here's your little bundle of Joy. We're returning it to the humans.", demanded Manny as he gave the baby to Sid. Which Diego growled at.

"Awww, the big bad Tigey-Wigey gets left behind. Poor Tigey-Wigey.", mocked Sid.

"Sid, Tigey-Wigey is gonna lead the way.", stated Manny.

"B-B-But we already have a saber.", whined Sid as I started walking next to Manny.

"Two noses are better than one.", said Manny, which I growled at.

"Uh, uh, Manny, can I- can I- can I talk to you for a second?", asked Sid. "No.", snapped Manny. "The sooner we find the humans, the sooner I get rid of Mr. Stinky Drool-face.", he said while walking ahead.

"And the baby too.", I added which caused Manny to chuckle.

"You won't always have Jumbo and Tiger around to protect you.", as Diego said that I turned to look at him and Sid. "And when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back... 'cause I'll be chewing on it."

"Hey, upper tracker, up front where I can see you.", Manny demanded.

"Help me.", whispered Sid while looking at me. Diego followed his gaze. I raised my brows and both of them started to walk as well.

~Time Skip~

"Oh, you gotta make it stop. I can't take it anymore!", whined Manny.

We have walked for about 2 hours and Roshan has been crying non-stop. What surprised me the most, was that I was okay with it. Though you couldn't say that I wasn't annoyed as well. 'I can't stand the whining from the males' I thought.

"I've eaten things that didn't complain this much!", complained Diego.

"Will you two stop whining?!", I exclaimed.

"He wouldn't stop squirming.", also complained Sid. I glanced over at him and groaned.

"You're holding him wrong!", I stated.

"Watch his head!", exclaimed Manny.

"Just put it down!", demanded Diego.

"Jeez, "pick him up, put him down...", said Sid while putting Roshan on the rock. All three of them looked at Roshan while I stayed aside. 'This should be fun I thought.

"Its nose is dry.", stated Diego. 'Human's noses are always dry' I thought.

"That means there's something wrong with him.", said Sid.

"Someone should lick it, just in case.", suggested Diego.

"I'll do it.", volunteered Sid sticking his tongue out.

"Hey, he's wearing one of those baby thingies.", stated Manny. "So?", asked Sid. "So, if he poops, where does it go?"

Sid slips his tongue back. After seconds of silence, Roshan remains crying.

"Humans are disgusting.", Sid said while grimacing.

"Okay, you.", Manny pokes Sid. "Check for poop."

"Hey, why am I the poop-checker?", questions Sid.

"Because returning the runt was your idea, because you're small and insignificant, and because I'll pummel you if you don't.", stated Manny while getting into Sid's face.

After a slight pause, Sid asks. "Why else?".

"NOW, SID!", shouted Manny.

Sid made a frightened look and got to the baby. "EW! YUCK! EW! I mean, my goodness.".

Sid then took a bundle, where poop was supposed to be, and started swinging it.

"Alright, look out, look out, look out, coming through.", said Sid.

"Hey, watch out!", exclaimed Manny.

"Stop waving that thing around!", demanded Diego.

"Ooh, ooh, I'm gonna slip. Woah!", Sid then threw the bundle in the air and it landed on Manny.

"It's clean! Gotcha!", laughed Sid as Manny threw the paper on the ground.

Sid picks up Roshan and gets smacked by Manny. "Will you cut it out?", asks Manny as Roshan laughs.

"Hey, do that again. He likes it.", Diego joked.

"Hey, yeah, and it's making me feel better too.", Manny smacked Sid again making Roshan laugh. After a second Roshan starts crying again.

"Here, you hold it.", said Sid bringing Roshan to Diego. In response, Diego punches Sid.

Roshan then tries to do it himself, but unfortunately, Sid blocks it. He then starts hysterically crying. Sid puts the baby back on the rock.

"Here! Turn him towards me!", Diego says while standing in front of the baby. "Where's the baby?", his paws on his eyes. "There he is!", Diego moves his paws while getting in Roshan's face and making him stop crying. "Where's the baby? There he is!", Roshan got scared and started to cry.

"Stop it, You're scaring him!", Manny shoves Diego away.

"Boys.", I said sternly making them glance at me. "We've been walking for hours. He's just hungry."

All of our ears perked up at the sound of a stomach growling. We glanced at Roshan and he only looked at his tummy.

"And you didn't say anything because...?", asked Diego. "For fun.", I answered while smirking.

"Okay then, what should he eat?", asked Sid.

"How about some milk?", suggested Manny.

"Ooh, I'd love some!", exclaimed Sid.

"Not you, the baby!", snapped Diego.

"Well, I ain't exactly lactating right now, pal! And besides, Summer could feed him", stated Sid, and this time I smacked him. "Ow!", pained Sid.

"He doesn't drink milk anymore!", I snapped. "Why?", questioned Sid. "'Cause he already has teeth!"

"But you could still do it, right?", asked Sid to which I growled.

"You're a little low on the food chain to be mouthin' off, aren't ya...?!", exclaimed Diego. 'Is he standing up to me?' I thought.

"ENOUGH!!!", Manny shouted making an echo. "Enough, enough, enough."

We heard rustling in one of the bushes. I and Diego got into a fighting stance, just in case. When a watermelon rolled from under the bush.


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