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In the evenings, the boys and Amber walked toward the forest. The sun was going down and the stars were just about to come out.

Sid: All I wanted is true love. Is that too much to ask?

Sid continued sobbing.

Diego: Why is it so quiet?

Sid: Because the world is mourning my loss.

Everyone looked around. The forest seemed empty all of a sudden. Amber looked around for his wife and daughter. Nothing.

Manny: Ellie? Peaches? Where is everyone?

Suddenly, everyone appeared all of a sudden.

Everyone: Surprise!

Shocked, Amber stumbled backward and saw Silver and Lily appearing. Pip crawled up onto Silver's shoulder. Using her tail, Ellie released a dozen of flowers all over.

Ellie: Happy Anniversary, honey!

Manny: Anniversary? Oh, no. That's the thing.

Julian: Okay! Now it's your turn, Bro-Dad!

Crash: Yeah! We wanna see what you got Ellie.

For a moment, Silver wanted to know what Manny needs.

Manny: So how about another hand for Ellie?

Bird: He forgot!

Female: I feel so bad for Ellie.

Everyone all felt moaned in disbelief.

Manny: Ellie, I... Uh.

Then fireworks exploded into the air. Everyone looked up and they were amazed.

Mole: Oh he didn't forget. That's how big Manny's love is for her!

Sid and Manny: Nice save with the light show. Wait, you didn't do this? Then who did?

Amber shrugged confused. He didn't know why the fireworks happened.

Ellie: Oh, Manny. I was so afraid you'd forgotten. But you lit up the sky for me? How'd you do it?

Manny: Uh, well... A magician never reveals his secrets.

Ellie: Oh... Thank you.

Silver sighed relieved. Their anniversary had went well. Amber held Lily as Silver grabbed out some pieces of fruit. There from the bushes Lily could see the sabers eating the berries.

Diego: I keep picturing our own kid in there. He'd be the best one.

Shira: I think you meant "she."

Diego: He.

Shira: Either way, we've been over this, Diego. Kids are afraid of us.

Diego: Yeah, but why?

Two of them, a Palaeotherium and an aardvark gasped as they saw the sabertooths. They looked scared.

Child: Are they gonna eat us?

Both: Hi, kids!

They screamed and ran away.

Shira: I even smiled this time.

Silver sighed as they ran away. Nearby, Crash and Eddie were stuffing some of the grapes in their mouths. Amber fed Lily some condor chicken for her to feed on.

Peaches: Wow, Dad. Best present ever.

Julian: You, sir, are an education in marital excellence. I'm really gonna miss you guys when we leave.

Silver thought about it. They're going to have their own family alone.

Peaches: Um, actually, I haven't told them yet.

Julian: Oh. Surprise!

Manny: You're leaving?

Ellie: I thought you guys were gonna live with us the first couple of years.

Peaches: I know. But Julian and I kind of want to roam for a while.

Manny: Roam?

Julian: Yeah! Travel, explore, just go wherever. No plan is the best plan. That's my philosophy. Hors d'oeuvres?

He held out some fruit out from his trunk.

Manny: That's not a plan, or a philosophy or very safe.

Peaches: Dad, we're young. We can worry about being safe when we're old and boring. Like you and Mom.

Julian: I think we should just...

Manny: Excuse me! This is a family discussion.

Julian: But aren't I part of your family?

Manny: Not yet, you're not.

Silver and Amber looked at each other. Guess Julian had to be part of the family sooner or later.

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