The Wedding

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So, this story has gotten to 1.16k-
(At the time I'm writing this)

To celebrate getting to over 1,000 reads, I'm writing this! (By the way, it takes place after the demon king is defeated, so uh sorry to those who haven't read the manga, also Glox and Drole aren't dead)
So I made a new book... it's actually a Zeldris x reader this time.
I don't know why, I just kinda felt like it

• • • Your POV • • •

Gerheade insisted that she helped me prepare for me and Glox's wedding, so right now she was decorating a dress with Harlequin and Elaine. I was sitting in a field just outside the Fairy King's Forest.

"What are you doing out this far?", I heard Gloxinia say while he picked me up and placed me in his lap.
"Just relaxing I guess. And why are you out here?", I said firmly while ever so casually melting into his touch. "Weeelllll, how are you feeling about our wedding so far?", he asked, looking down at me.
"Pretty good!", I said while smiling.

He chuckled a bit and said, "Good", then he kissed my forehead and walked off. I decided I should probably get going too, I wanted to see what the dress looked like so far.

"Hey, Gerheade! Can I see-",

"Nope, not until your wedding day", she replied before I could even finished.

"Oof, okay-", I said while turning around.
"Wait, hold on...", she said while observing me. She snapped her fingers, "Right, you can go now".

"Uh, okay?..", I said, then I walked away. Wonder what that was about.

• • • Two days later • • •

Gerheade was getting me ready for the wedding. It was tonight, and it was going to be right in front of the Sacred Tree (We figured the Sacred Tree would want to be apart of the wedding too).

The fairies were decorating the trees and growing flowers all over that area, and I encouraged them to grow the flowers in other places in the forest as well.

Gerheade pulled out a beautiful dress
(This, but your favorite color... and pretend the flowers are real).

"Gerheade, this is beautiful!", you said, admiring it's beauty.

"Harlequin did most of the work... me and Elaine just picked out the flowers.", Gerheade said to me while giggling a bit.

"Thank you guys so much!", I said to Gerheade and Elaine.

"You're welcome", Elaine replied, and Gerheade nodded happily.

"Well, you should go change into it", Gerheade said happily. I nodded and Elaine passed the dress to me.
Soon, I came out in the beautiful dress, and I was met by Gerheade and Elaine who were absolutely fascinated by how it looked on me. They gave some compliments and a few fairies insisted they did my hair. I laughed a bit and nodded. They happily went to work, braiding my hair and decorating it with flowers.

After Gerheade and Elaine reassured me everything would be fine, they walked me over to where Gloxinia was standing, who was pretty much frozen blushing.
When I made it over to him, he finally snapped out of his trance to look at me while smiling.

(SO I've only ever been to two weddings that I paid no attention to so uh, bare with me here)

"Today, we are gathered here for the marriage of this lovely couple", Gerheade said. Gloxinia insisted that she would be the person to do the talking stuff.

"Gloxinia, do you love Y/N and wish to take her as your wife?", Gerheade asked, looking at Gloxinia expectantly.

"Yes", he said while smiling happily. "And do you, Y/N, love Gloxinia and wish to accept him as your husband?", Gerheade asked while turning to me. "Yes", I replied. Gloxinia picked up one ring off of Hawk's back, who was the one who carried the rings to us, and he slid it onto my finger. I smiled and picked up the other one, and I put it onto his finger. Then, the Sacred Tree created two flower crowns and placed them on me and Gloxinia's head. The crowd laughed a bit, which consisted of pretty much all of the fairies, the Seven Deadly Sins, Zeldris, Gelda, Derieri, the Archangels, and Drole (Merlin gave him the pills to make him smaller). Suddenly, Gerheade said, "You may now kiss the bride".
Gloxinia smirked and quickly pulled me towards him, leaning in to kiss me. It was long and passionate, and the audience awwed at the sight.

Although Meliodas probably made a
pervy remark to Elizabeth.

Then, he pulled away and left his forehead up against mine.
"Now, give me a niece or nephew.", Gerheade demanded.

"Uh, I'm not sure-". "As you wish~", Gloxinia said while he picked me up and flew away. "HEY-"

And they were never seen again until morning.

...And nobody knew what happened that night...

And they probably didn't even want to know.

Even so... I'll leave that part to your imagination ;)

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