Gloxinia trusted Rou to protect you and his sister, Gerheade. You tried to get Gloxinia to let you go with him, but he insisted you stay back. Whether you went with him to fight the demons or if you stayed back with Rou and Gerheade, you would've died, but you didn't go to either. You ran off and came face to face with the leader of the Ten Commandments... Zeldris of Piety.
Flashback end
Your POV
Gilfrost said that they would try teleporting everyone out of the giant rock thing. Well, that plan didn't exactly work, because I was left behind. So, I stood there, alone, waiting to die. I could here Meliodas screaming ever so slightly, which meant he had lost.
A while later, the rock opened up to reveal me to the Ten Commandments. Or I guess Nine Commandments, since Galand is dead now. Gloxinia looked relieved, while the others just stared into my soul. They probably wanted to eat it. Gloxinia turned around and threatened them to not eat my soul. They all hesitantly agreed, and with that, I was swooped up by Gloxinia. He flew towards the Fairy King's forest.
"Hey! Let go of me, I can fly too yknow!", I protested. He chuckled a bit and said
"Aw, are you mad at me~?". "Shush.", I simply replied.
Time skip brought to you by RAID shadow legends
Gloxinia flew into a cave and finally put me down. I kicked him in the stomach.
"Will you be my significant other?"
477 words
(For those who read the part where I said they were dating, I actually changed that part so I could make this.. so just pretend they weren't dating before :')
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