A New Predicament

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So I just realized that "sputtered" is not a word that you use to describe someone talking.
God I am so stupid



"...Let's make a deal." Zeldris said suddenly. You nodded.

"I'm listening".

"If you kill Meliodas, you live and I won't make Gloxinia join the Demon race.", he said. No. I can't do that. Even if I tried... no, even if I did, Gloxinia would hate me, you thought to yourself.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. Even if I tried, Meliodas would end up killing me.", you replied. That wasn't the reason, but you didn't want to sound like you were head-over-heels for Gloxinia (which you deffinetly were). "You deffinetly have the potential to kill Meliodas, considering you're a friend of his.", he replied, however not in his usual cold, dark voice. It's as if his voice softened when the words fell out of his mouth. "...", you stood in silence. He was silent too. Suddenly, he left without saying a word. This definitely confused you, but you paid no mind to his action. You ran over to where Gerheade was. There, you saw Gloxinia, who had impaled Rou, and Gerheade, who was dead. No, just barely. Gloxinia looked over to you. He didn't want you to see him in a state like this. When he made eye contact with you, his anger was swept away by your dreamy eyes. His gaze softened. The two of you stayed like that for a while.

You were in tears, and all you wanted to do was run over to him and cry in his arms. Gloxinia walked over to you and pulled you into a hug, knowing you were horrified about what you just saw. He was horrified too, when he saw Gerheade laying there in Rou's arms, dead. You stayed like that for a while. Gloxinia then pulled away, looking down to you. Your head remained down, looking at the ground. Gloxinia sighed.

"I have to leave... Just tell everyone I died. Don't tell anyone I ran away.", he said, lifting your head up and kissed your forehead. You looked into his eyes, surprised. He simply chuckled and turned around, flying away.

Flashback end

Drole and Gloxinia headed out to look for King and Diane, leaving you behind in their cave. Alone. And you had nothing to do, so you just sat there and stared at the wall.

Time skip

Gloxinia and Drole came back with passed out King and Diane.

"Sheesh, what did you guys do out there?", you asked, wondering how they got knocked out.

"Nothing, love.", Gloxinia said while your face went red. He clearly anticipated this reaction, as he smirked.
"ALRIGHT LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE-", you were cut off by Gloxinia putting his finger over your mouth. You opened your mouth and bit his finger.
"Ouch-", he said after pulling his finger back.
"YOU KNEW-", you started, but you were again cut off by Gloxinia putting his lips onto yours.
"Alright, love birds. You can stop kissing now.", Drole commented, snickering. Somehow, you had ended up in Gloxinia's arms, your legs around his waist as he carried you. Huh, wonder how that happened, you thought to yourself. You simply gave Drole an angered look as you jumped out of Gloxinia's arms.
"Wait, but I liked that position..." , Gloxinia pouted.
"Tough.", you said, sitting down on the ground.

"Oh, they're starting to wake up. Huh, it feels like it's been no time at all.", Gloxinia commented.
"Yeah, that's because you two were too busy smooching.", Drole said, laughing.
"Oh come on, don't hold it against me", Gloxinia pouted. I let out a "Hmph" and turned away.

King slowly sat up, rubbing his head. "Ugh... What happened- Huh?! Gloxinia, Drole, and... Y/N?!", King yelled. "Diane!", he exclaimed as he turned to his right to see Diane, who was still passed out.

"Ugh... My head... Oh!", Diane said as she sat up. "Y/N?! And... So you two were the ones who kidnapped Y/N!", Diane practically screamed at them.

"Well, technically, yes, but we had no bad intentions.", Gloxinia replied.
"We meant her no harm.", Drole added.

"Oh really?! Then what were you looking to do when you kidnapped her!", King yelled up ad the two. Gloxinia shook his head.

"You don't understand. Y/N, you explain.", Gloxinia said, floating down to where you were.
"So, he's my boyfriend.", you said calmly. He leaned over towards you to try to kiss you, but you ducked down to avoid him. He (*cough* *cough*) simply chuckled (Please tell me you got the joke...).

"WHAT?!", King and Diane yelled in sync. "But how?! You don't even know him!", King said to you.

"Well, I actually knew him 3,000 years ago.", you stated.
"What?! You were alive back when he was?! Why didn't you tell us!", Diane exclaimed loudly.
"Eh...", you said.

"Anyway, we have something that can make you much stronger than you are now. After all, you two don't stand a chance against the other commandments the way you are now..."

Time skip to after King and Diane pass out

"Anyway... back to what we were doing before those three rudely interrupted us-" Gloxinia started. "THINK AGAIN.", you yelled quite loudly as you punched him.
"Ow.", he said.

"YEAH, THAT BETTER HAVE HURT! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THOSE THINGS-", you yelled, but you were cut off by Gloxinia somehow not haven fallen down, as he connected you and his's lips together. Again. It was a strange sensation that flowed through your body every time he did that, a sensation that made you not want to pull away. It was as if you were completely at his mercy, and he took advantage of this. Drole was polite and turned away. Not that he even wanted to see what was going on behind him.

This kiss lasted a long time, but eventually the two of you stopped. However, Gloxinia did not let you out of his grasp. He had you in the same position that you to were in before, and he refused to let go.

"GLOXINIA I SWEAR-", you yelled while all he did was bury your face into his chest as he pat the top of your head. Gloxinia floated up to Drole's height, telling him that he could turn around.
Gloxinia crossed his legs, sitting criss-cross as he still held you in the same position.

King woke up slightly before Diane. King didn't question the position you and Gloxinia were in, actually, he didn't even wanna know how it happened. "So, what did you choose?", Gloxinia asked him, intrigued that he had come out alive.

"What do you mean?.. oh, I didn't kill Rou.", King answered. "Let me guess... you were consumed by rage and you killed him?", King asked Gloxinia.
Gloxinia held his head down, burying his face into your hair. King took that as a yes.
"I'm curious as to which option Diane will choose..."

Time skip

Diane woke up. "Huh? How are you alive? No matter what choice you made, you should have died... unless you-", Drole started.
"I ran.", Diane said as an anime sweat drop fell down her cheek.
"Alright...", Drole replied.

"You guys have become much stronger since before you took the test. Good job.", Gloxinia said after he picked his head up. You stayed silent. Gloxinia chuckled, clearly knowing that you had grown a liking for the position you were in. You huffed, burying your face deeper into his chest, if that were even possible. "Now we will leave you guys to go back to your friends.", Drole said.
"But what about the forest?", King asked.
"We will take care of the forest.", Gloxinia answered. King nodded.

"I'm still not entirely sure whether you're our enemy or not, but... Thank you.", King said.
"It's the least we can do.", Drole replied. "Well, we better get going... Bye!", Diane said to them.
"Wait, but before we leave the forest, we're going to have to tell everyone about them.", King said. Diane nodded. They went off, told everyone about Drole and Gloxinia, then went on their way, back to the Seven Deadly Sins.

1,346 words

I think this might be my longest chapter that I've ever written o-o
Anyway, see you next chapter!

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