it's the middle of november. school is stressing me out so much, but marcus makes everything easier. or harder, he's always around so i don't really have time to study. but i don't mind.
i'm in the library studying, or trying to, marcus is attempting to do a braid on my hair and it's not going that well.
"can you let me focus for a second, i have a big test coming up and i need to study." i say taking marcus' hand and pulling him down on the seat next to me.
"but i'm bored, mads. just close the book for a while and pay attention to me." marcus whines.
"no, go bother martinus or someone else." i say and push his face away because he's staring at me from really close.
marcus groans and takes out his phone. i chuckle and shake my head. i go back to focusing on maths but the bell rings so i can't study for long.
i put my books in my bag and leave the library with my hand in marcus'. i don't know if i'm still used to all the looks people give us in the hallway but i don't really mind them.
marcus jumps to the couch acting like he's a hardcore parkour master or something and i quickly pull my brother closer to me so he wouldn't crush him.
"hey watch out! you almost crushed my favorite little boy in the world." i say hugging my brother and pouting.
"i thought i was your favorite boy in the world?" marcus says acting hurt. when he notices i'm not giving him any attention he takes my brother and goes upstairs with him.
"hey what are you doing to my baby?" i shout.
"your brother can't answer that question, but i'm just putting him to your sister's room so you would give more attention to me!" marcus shouts back.
then he rushes down the stairs and tries to jump to the couch but ends up slipping off and falling on the floor.
marcus groans in pain and i almost fall off the couch from laughing so much. i end up falling anyways because marcus pulls me by my arm.
"marcus you loser!" i scream as i fall but start laughing cause i accidentally hit him in the crotch when i land.
"not funny." he mumbles in pain. i give him a quick kiss to make up for laughing. that makes him smile and he kisses me on the lips.
"come on lovers get a room." mark says and lifts me up from the floor. "or don't, i'm keeping my little sister safe."
"mark come on i'm only one year younger." i say and help marcus up too. he puts his arm around my waist but mark gives him a glare so he takes it off.
"stop trying to protect me from marcus, he's my boyfriend and he's not a fuckboy so i'm safe." i say and lean to marcus.
"i'm still keeping an eye on him. but you're not gonna lie there on the floor making out, go to your room." mark says sounding like my dad.
i sigh and take marcus' hand and start leading him upstairs to my room. when we get there i close the door and jump on my bed.
marcus climbs on top of me and does a push up and kisses me. what a show-off. then he 'drops' himself on top of me and i can't really breathe.
"marcus you're crushing me omg get off." i say and try to push him off but somehow he has gained like 100 pounds or something.
"you can try but you can't lift me." marcus mumbles. i sigh and give up. he chuckles and wraps his arms around me.
i don't know how and i don't know why but i fell asleep under marcus, i think. i wake up and he's not in the bed. i look around, he's not in my room.
i yawn and get up. i leave my room and go to the hallway. i hear voices coming out of my sister's room so i open the door.
marcus is there playing with james and jenna. i sit next to him. he has james in his lap while jenna is on the floor reading to him.
marcus puts his arm around me and i lean to him. jenna keeps reading to him and marcus makes random comments and tries to be funny.
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