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Waverly's Pov:

It was a slow day at shorties when the door swung open and a girl walks in and over to me at the bar she kept her head low until I spoke with her. 

Wa:"Hi welcome to shorties" I spoke sweetly, she looked up to me and smirked, she looked like she had just gotten out of a fight but her smirk was smart she flicked her tongue over her cracked lis and took the seat closest to me. 

Gw:"Well aren't you beautiful" I blushed at the blond she smiled and sat straight up in her chair her long blond hair parted to one side.

Wa:"What can I get for you"

Gw: "Well other than your digits a beer would be nice" I giggled and walked to the taps and pour her a glass. She laughed as well and dropped the cocky smile, I slid the now full cup to her and she smiled and thanked me.

Wa: "Are you new to town I don't think I've seen you before" I asked curiously she gave a smile

Gw: "Yeah, I would have come sooner if I knew you were here" she winks

Wa: "Well aren't you a smooth talker and a tough fighter by the looks of it what happened," I asked concerned lacing my tone she looked very beat up and cold but she doesn't answer she just sips her drink. Something felt off about her so I went to the back and called Nichole she picked up on the second ring.

Ni:" Hey Waves now is not a good time to talk I'm-" I cut her off

Wa:"Nichole come to Shorties fast there is a girl here-"

Ni:" Blonde and beat up "


Ni:"I'll be there in five" she hangs up on me

Nichole's Pov:

I hang up the phone and drive straight to Shorties pulling into the parking lot and get out of my car and walk into the bar; sure enough, there was Gwen chatting up Waverley and sipping a beer I sigh in relief and walk over to her.

Ni:"There you are" she nods and sets the mug down I sit down next to her and order a coffee

Ni:"Why did you run away" i asked as Waverly made my coffee.

Gw:"I needed to visit someone" Waverly gently sets down the cup and leaves the bar to clean a newly vacant table. 

Ni:"What about um the" i whispered even though Waverly wasn't in ear-shot

Gw:"The gun" she says and drinks from her mug I nod she turns to me 

Gw:"Don't worry officer it's safe" I smile back at her

Ni:"It's Nicole by the way" Waverley turns back around and sets the coffee mug down I take it and drink from it I look at Gwen her scratches have stopped bleeding her face was pale but her lips have returned to a normal color.

Gw: "Gwen," she said i smiled and sip my coffee quickly, then turned back to her

Ni:"How are you feeling?"

Gw:"Radical," she says defeatedly and gives a small hand wag (like the surfer one "hang ten" you get it) I nod and drink my coffee 

Ni:"Do you have any place to stay in town"

Gw:"Since I have no money" she spoke in a hushed voice and shrugged I  nod and stand from the bar chair, I throw down 20 dollars and put on my hat and turned to Gwen with a soft smile.

Ni:"I have an extra room you can stay in"

Gw:"Really" Gwen stands from the chair with a huge smile

Ni:"that is if you want it" I say as I begin to walk out of the bar, I didn't want this girl to go through anything more than she already had and it was really no problem for her to stay with me.

Gw: "That would be stellar," she says and catches up to me as we head back to my car.


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