"Dazai, I am not leaving the mafia, and that is final" . Chuuya snarled with penetrating eyes.Every contraction and lie, concerning Dazai, were so barefaced and obvious that even he was laughing at him from believing such gullible beliefs. " So tell me why would believing you now be so different from before, is their sincerity in your words or have you found a loophole in manipulation that makes it more convincing".
The redhead's kick back emitted a shiver down the brunet's spine, pricking him with needles of anger like he had been running through a garden full of thorns for hours on end. Concluding with a deep exhale and a lip bite; there was no way that he could get through to the redhead.
The hatrack was too obstinate even to realise his stubbornness like a child refusing to share its toy.He solely saw the past Dazai existing in front of him, not the present one; it smashed Dazai's heart to pieces knowing Chuuya thought this. He was aware that this was his own doing and that it would take a sustained amount of time for Chuuya to trust him again.
As Dazai was lost in daydreaming, Chuuya stormed off, strutting towards a window showcasing colours of their current emotions.The bandaged man as well walked up to the window, watching the reflection of Hatrack, inhaling and exhaling; flowing with the rhythm as he leant his head on the petite mafia.
A hiss sounded the empty room; he didn't flinch, he just stood like it was something he was used to. The brunet entwined his finger's with the redhead's; observing the clouds; galloping along the blue velvety sheet.
Eyes gazed at the clouds, wishing that he and Chuuya could just run away from this birdcage called society. But he knew that it was futile. Loose ends were attached to their path of freedom that couldn't just be cut with scissors.
Scissors were just something to get rid of them now but not permanently because eventually, the path of freedom would fray and create more loose ends.Forgiveness was something Chuuya just couldn't do it right now, and Dazai knew this.
Chuuya saw tone's of oranges and yellows with a subtle hint of turquoise; illuminating the sunset as it got ready for bed, while Dazai witnessed red caused by the orange and yellow mixing. Paranoia settled in again; the brunet took this as a warning.
Dazai took out his mobile, hands trembling as he gripped it trying to type in the meaning of the colour red. His eyes ran across the page, scanning every word making sure not to miss a single detail.
Red is the colour of passionate love, seduction, violence, anger, adventure and danger.
Of course, he only saw the word danger and none of the other meanings.
" Chuu- No Dazai no more talking about it".Chuuya interrupted Dazai put his hand in front of the suicidal freak's face.
"But the sky is red ".
" Yeah, so what it happens when its sunset".The hatrack shook his head side to side." Red can symbolise various things shitty Dazai, not just danger, it can also mean stop which in this case, STOP being so paranoid".
The small man brought Dazai's face closer to his before flicking him on the forehead. "it's starting to get on my nerves ". Dazai frowned as Chuuya turned his back towards him to go and sit on the couch. It frustrated the brunet that Chuuya couldn't see how dangerous this.
His plan wasn't going the way he wanted it to. Thoughts caused guilt as he thought about having to use force to get the hatrack to listen.
"Will I have to use violence if he doesn't listen to me or should I drug him then tie him up". "No, if it keeps him safe then it's the only way ". Dazai slid down the side of the kitchen counter, face hidden in his sweaty palms. Chuuya searched around looking for Dazai, not noticing him on the kitchen floor.
" Dazai, I am going home, I have had enough of your crazy talk ".
Those words woke Dazai up from his vexatious thoughts he sprang off the kitchen floor; bounding towards Chuuya. " NO - I mean, Chuuya, would you like a drink of wine". Gripping the hatrack's arm as tight as possible.
The bandaged man trailed around the kitchen with nails attached to the redhead causing creases in his coat; he went up to the cupboard which contained a wine rack; flashing the bottle of wine in Chuuya direction.Chuuya scanned the bottle. " Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue Musigny Vieilles Vignes 1995, why do you have this, I thought you saw it as a "Woman's drink ".Placing his hands on his hips.
The hatrack looked at the wine and then Dazai again ." hang on a minute, are you planning something, shitty Dazai". Chuuya stood on his tiptoes to reach Dazai's height to meet him in the eyes to try to unpick his motive. He had seen through Dazai motive, but he wasn't gonna admit; well not yet anyway. " Ah, you caught me, I was trying to get you drunk on purpose so that I could ... ".
" So that you could do what Dazai ?". Chuuya cracked his knuckles walking towards Dazai. The brunet couldn't come up with a reason.
" So that so that I could plait your hair because I knew you wouldn't let me if you were awake".Dazai smiled while the redhead facepalmed.
" Anyway, do you want some wine now? ". Dazai said.Chuuya nodded, facing down in embarrassment.
Dazai opened the bottle of wine, pouring it into a silver-rimmed glass. The dark ruby liquid glided smoothly into the glass, inviting you to take a ride along the river of purity.But that purity was about to be tainted with lies and betrayal.
Dazai looked in the corner of his eye towards Chuuya to see what he was doing, he was too busy inspecting the wine bottle.He brought his eyes back, looking down to his pocket, he put his clammy hand into his coat pocket bring out a small plastic packet with two plain white tablets.
Dazai knew what this drug was for; it would be used to spike people's alcohol at parties resulting in rape.The Date-Rape drug was a situation Dazai would witness a lot at bars as he drowned his suicidal thoughts in alcohol, of course, he didn't tell the people who had a spiked drink because he simply did not care.
The brunet wanted to pick a method that was painless and wouldn't cause permanent damage.The side effects ranged from dizziness to partial amnesia. No long-term damage caused unless abused."All I am going to do is tie him up just until he listens to me ". Dazai's mind constructed.Crushing the pills into powder along with the little faith Chuuya had in him.Dazai began to stirring the power into the wine, making sure not to leave any trace by cleaning up as much damage as possible.
Tears began to wash Dazai face, coming in waves of stigma; smothered him.
" Oi shitty Dazai, where is my wine ". Chuuya turned to face him; the hatrack observed the stained cheeks.
" Why are you crying? , it doesn't suit you ". Dazai dried the remaining tears with his loose bandage.
"It's because of your horrible fashion style". Dazai chuckled trying to cover the mask of guilt with humour instead.
"Dazaiii". Flashing an angry expression at the brunet.
" How long does it take to pour wine ". The redhead tapped his hand on the leather chair impatiently Dazai finished stirring the claret liquid, inspecting every movement it made to make sure it wasn't hiding any of the powder.
" Finished, I'll bring it over to you ".He walked up to Chuuya; hands shaking as he gave him the spiked drink.Chuuya swirled the wine around in the glass, smelling it multiple times.
Dazai looked at him puzzled ." What ". Chuuya stopped before taking a sip.Dazai put his hand on the chibi's shoulder, making full contact as the redhead downed the whole glass of wine like a mother making sure their child had taken their medicine.
" Was it nice?". Dazai asked eyeing the empty glass.
"Yes, where did you get it asshole ?".
He wasn't prepared for this question." Erm well . . . . it was a birthday present from Atsushi-Kun".
" Atsushi? , I thought you didn't like wine". Chuuya exasperated while stamping his foot on the ground.
This was going deeper than Dazai expected.More and more lies consumed him, he couldn't tell Chuuya the actual reason.
Let's change the subject he thought.Dazai smirked, "Are you jealous over Atsushi? ". It took the redhead a few seconds to reply.
"Wh-y wo-uld I ,tt-hat is fuc-k-ing stu-pi-d". Chuuya slurred his words; swaying back and forth.Dazai sat the hatrack on the couch.
He didn't expect it to be that quick.
" Wh-er-e a-m I ". Chuuya struggling to say the right words. Dazai didn't want to be in the way of his sight. So he just sat on the chair, avoiding eye contact and noise just until he passed out.
Chuuya's P.O.V
"What is happening to me".
The room was spinning.Lights beamed balls of white into his sapphire eyes; robbing him of his sight. The redhead stumbled around, cling on to every nearby object.
Chuuya didn't realise Dazai was watching until he spoke softly." Chuuya, are you okay ". Dazai voice boomed through his ears causing him to collapse on his knees.
" Dazai, what happened to me".
"You drank a lot of wine, the whole bottle in fact".
"Wait, No I remember only drinking one glass".The redhead shouted causing his ears to ring.
" But Chuuya, don't you remember the drinking game we played, you kept losing, so you decided to drown your loser ass in wine instead " .
" That happened". Chuuya thought.
Bright lights clouded his vision.He felt like he could hear everyone's conversations around him, dancing around his drugged mind.
Dazai's P.O.V
" Shit, what have I done ". Dazai muttered to himself.
"If only he had listened to me, then this wouldn't have had to happen ".
" Where are you? ". Chuuya voice echoed through the bandaged man.
"Hopefully, he won't remember any of this". He grabbed the rope from under his bed.
" This will be robust enough to tame the redhead." The same question kept flooding back to Dazai " Why am I doing this? ". His response would always be " to protect Chuuya".Thoughts would always battle with each other good between bad.But did Dazai even have good thoughts or where they simply just less deceiving compared to bad ones?
He strolled back into the living room, noticing the redhead sprawled out on the leather couch out cold.The brunet reached to touch his pale cheeks; pinching them causing them to redden.
Next was the hair stroking the flaming hair of the sleeping beauty before kissing him on the lips.
" Sleep tight Sleeping Beauty".
A leather dining room chair was placed in the centre of the living room, he picked up the sleeping beauty and placed him carefully on the chair." You look like a queen on her throne Chuuya. All you need is your crown".
Dazai grabbed the rope from behind him.First tying the redhead's hands behind him; it took not even minutes before it created aggressive burns.Dazai winced in discomfort.He got up and snaked the rope around the redhead's waist, pulling it tight but not enough to suffocate.
"Chuuyaa~, you look so sexy tied up ". The brunet grinned
. . .
Dazai grasped the leftovers of the rope to bind his feet together; the no longer sleeping beauty opened his eyes to blurred vision.He blinked then closed them, repeating the cycle another three times.The clock tower chimed midnight, it had already been 10 hours since Chuuya had passed out.
" Where am I ". The redhead tried to recall his memories, but they just dissolved along with his sense of sight.The name Dazai floated around his mind. Bouncing around until he remembered.
" Dazai? , Dazai where are you".
Chuuya squinting, with his vision blurred and frosted as he took a guess at the prominent silhouettes that were in front of him. He put his head down, fixing his exhausted eyes on the floor.Shadows shifted around the room, clinging to the wall before disappearing but one stayed within the range of the hatrack's sight.It sat in front of him, back straight, against something.
"Was it Dazai or my imagination?". Chuuya thought until it moved closer to him.
" Good morning Chibi". It took the redhead a few seconds to pin the voice to someone.That persuasive tone of the person who left him stuck in the past.
" Dazai what is wrong with me ". Pain clawed its way from the petite mafia's mind to his confined body.In a situation like this, the only way was to be brutally honest.
Integrity can't exactly worsen the situation already, can it? Dazai thought.
" You wouldn't listen to me, so I had to do it ". Chuuya looked puzzled at the clouded shadow" I have lost your trust, haven't I? ".
Frustration was filling Chuuya's patience's to the brim due to the suicidal freak's riddles." I didn't have any in you in the first place but stop talking in riddles and get to the point already". The brunet sighed, clutching his hands.
" The reason why you feel the way you do . . is because I drugged you". He spoke with speed causing his words to distort.
The redhead felt a sharp burning around his wrists, vision cleared to his body restricted in a rope of Dazai's paranoia.Heat generated the more he moved; causing friction between rope and skin.Floorboards vibrated as Chuuya flailed uncontrollably in the chair; birds scattered as they were hindered from their sleep.
" WHAT THE FUCK SHITTY DAZAI". Dazai grabbed the rope to gag the chibi before he provoked any more harm to himself." I am sorry Chuuya, but this is for the best".
He booted the brunet lethargically.Energy started to fade away while sweat expanded framing into puddles.Dazai crawled near to the non-domesticated ginger; hearing an aggressive but out of breath" stay away from me, what is wrong with you ". Bruises composed as the redhead perpetually kicked him in the leg, hitting the same spot each time.
"Chuuya, can you please stop kicking me".
" Why are you doing this Dazai ". Silence drifted through the dark, starlight room; quieting both of them with heavy emotions.
"Remember to protect you". He repressed onto the hatrack with intimidation to only in the end claim that he had no choice.
" I know that, but from what exactly; fucking aliens". The Ginger laughed.
" If I need protecting, it from fucking you". Dazai visually examined him a solemn expression. " From the mafia, from Mori".
Chuuya looked perplexed and snickered" From the mafia ?; I haven't done anything for them to hurt me".
"Do you remember the premonition I had of you ?". Looking at the redhead bothered.
" No, I can't remember anything from before I PASSED OUT plus stuff like that doesn't exist". Chuuya said ensuring he heard the last two words.
" Can you remember anything at all? ". A smirk stretched across the brunet's face.
" I recall you tell me something, but I can't remember it". Chuuya concocted a plan, he needed to occupy Dazai.
" I remember what it was.". Dazai stated while grinning. " You declared your burning desire from me Chu , you dramatically reenacted a scene from Romeo and Juliet, balcony style ".
" As if ". The wild ginger began thrashing around in embarrassment. " If I recall these are the following words you said"
O Dazai O Dazai, why must you be so hot
Forget girls inviting you into their pants,
Why have that when you can have me to satisfy your needs instead.
Just love me, and I promise to love you
Reply already so we can just fuck already.
Dazai watched in awe at his expression.He appeared flustered, a rare sight for him.
" No one will ever fucking love you, you fucking suicidal bandaged freak".
"You're mean" . while Dazai fell drastically to the floor, acting fake offended.The redhead had successful distracted Dazai and untied his hands; he just had to wait for the right moment.
Memories of last night had never left Chuuya's mind, he just wanted to know how much Dazai would lie to him.The redhead decided to play along
"Since I have forgotten my memories, I will have to rely on everything you to tell me". Chuuya announced.
The brunet crept closer toward the redhead, like a predator checking out its prey, he crawled onto Chuuya's legs, spreading them across the back of the chair. Creating a yoga pose on the redhead's legs. Dazai's expression had changed dramatically from joking around to annoyed in seconds.
He leant down to the redhead's neck, trailing his finger along the side of his neck.Breathing increased as the finger trailed closer to his sweet spot. Pushing him closer to a sigh of pleasure.
Hands felt there way into the flame hair, twisting it around his finger. A vibration passed through Chuuya as Dazai tugged at it with force to bring the redhead closer. Perfume radiated from the redhead, the same one that would be all over him after a night with the ginger. That alluring scent was enough to drive Dazai insane.Their foreheads hit causing a low thud, which echoed through the living room.
" Chuuya, I have missed you so much ". Chuuya knew that something was wrong, he felt a passive-aggressive tone in Dazai's words.
" Then why did you leave me in the first place ". he spits angrily.Dazai didn't know what to say; he laid his head on Chuuya's shoulder, resting on it like a pillow.
The brunet tighten his legs around the chair, making their chests touch." It's because I didn't want to be the bad guy anymore ". Dazai said while snuggling back into the redhead's neck, stroking the red locks that shaped the petite mafia's face.
" Dazai, you will always be the bad guy no matter, do you not see what you are doing right now this is classed as bad.Just when I started to trust you again, you went along and did this". Chuuya declared.
" I didn't want to do this, but you left me with no choice ".
Chuuya's stomach churned, this passive-aggressive behaviour made the redhead feeling sick." But Dazai your paranoia is gonna get me killed if you don't stop, please Dazai let me go". Forehead's touched as the redhead leant forward, trying to knock some sense into the bandaged man.
" I can't Chuuya, I saw you die, It will happen if I don't keep you safe".
The Ginger sighed." But what if I don't then you have locked me up for nothing".Eyes shine with determination in this mind fuck of a situation.
" What are you getting out of locking me up, is it guilt ? to clear your conscious for leaving me".
The brunet paused........." I am sorry Chuuya, but I don't have the answer". The redhead stamped his foot" Dazai, you're making it really hard for me to trust you right now, you don't fucking tell me anything".
The air became thick with vexation, the brunets eye were emotionless glaring toward the chibi." " Murder, rape, robbery forget about those crimes, but treason .. is a totally different story, in their eyes, you have committed a capital crime, and you know exactly what the punishment is ". Dazai said.
"No, don't you dare turn this the other way, you did this
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