3 Weeks

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Dream's P.O.V

No matter what, Nightmare refuses to talk to me. It hurts, it hurts so much. Especially since I still love him.

But it's not his fault, it's mine.

I've been losing sleep. No, I don't sleep. But nobody cares enough to notice.

I slid a note into Nightmare's room, if he won't talk to me. Maybe he will read the letter.

Nightmare's P.O.V

I was sitting in my room, reading a book. When someone knocked on my door. I lazily got up and went to answer.

When I opened the door no one was there. But there was a envelope on the floor. Did someone send me a letter?

The envelope was a light purple with a golden sticker closing it. I ripped the envelope open and picked up the paper.


'Dear Nightmare,

I know you won't talk to me. But please read this. I am so sorry about what happened to you. I know it's my fault.

And I I know you will probably never forgive me, but that's okay! I understand why! It's my fault you suffered so much.

I just wrote this to let you know how terribly sorry I am.




He's gotten smarter, writing a note to me. But that does mean I'll forgive him just yet. His negativity makes me a lot stronger. And he deserves this for at least a little longer.

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