Why him?

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Chapter 23

Mia's P.O.V

I woke up and could already feel the massive headache coming along

The light through the curtains was blinding me

Fucking hangover

I can already tell, today is going to be a great day...

Jack is still fast asleep and I decide to go get some aspirin for my headache

I get up without waking Jack up and slowly hobble towards the door

Every move I make, makes my head feel ten times worse


I get to the door an open it slowly

Then I make my way down to the kitchen

Once I get to the living room I see people basically dead everywhere

People are spread across the couches, floor, tables. but there are still more people scattered somewhere around the house

I get to the kitchen and see Gilinsky


Just the guy I wanted to see

I get up to the kitchen counter and Taylor is lying on it with a puddle of drool by his mouth


"Hey Mia" jack says quietly

He is drinking a glass of water, I'm guessing he has a headache too

We probably all will

"Hey Jack" I said and went to where he was standing

He gave me an aspirin tablet and a got a glass an filled it with water from the tap and then took the tablet

There was an awkward silence

"Mia, I really want to apologies about last night, I am so sorry and I just don't want this to ruin our friendship. we were both piss drunk and even though I can't remember a lot, I do remember the feeling I had after it. once I had walked away I felt so guilty. it may not have looked like it but I really did. Can we please just forget about it and move on?" He said

"Same, I feel really bad for kissing back. but I would feel even worse if we didn't tell Eliza and Jack."

"yea, I think we should tell them when we get back to yours. I just want to get it over and done with."

"yea, same. We still good though right, just a drunk mistake?" I ask him

"yea, of course" he says and smiles at me

I smile back "ok cool, so your still like an older brother?"

"duh" he says and pulls my body closer to his and scrunches my hair with his hand

"ouch, headache" I say and pull away from him

"of sorry I forgot"

"all good" I smile at him and get another glass of water and some of the asprin for Jack and walk back to the room we slept in

Everyone eventually woke up and we left once our headaches had gone down a little bit

The four of us got a taxi back and me and Gilinsky decided we would tell Eliza and Jack about the kiss as soon as possible

We got home and once we were in the door I walked over to the couch and fell on it

Jack came and say beside me and I put my legs over his lap

Eliza and Gilinsky went and had a shower and I decided I would take one after.

When they came back down they sat on the floor facing us

"what's up?" Eliza asked

"yea what's wrong guys?" Jack asked

Me and Gilinsky looked at each other quickly and then glanced down at the floor

"Mia" jack said with a form voice

I coughed to clear my throat "so um last night, when I left to go to the toilet at one point, Jack was coming out. We were both kind of drunk, well actually really drunk. And we may have madeout?"

I looked down then at jack then at Eliza and down again

They both looked confused

"wait for real?" Jack said

"yea, but both Mia and I completely regret it" gilinsky said

Eliza looked at me and I quickly looked up at her

She was just glaring at me

We had always had a promise that we don't touch the other's jack, and I just broke that promise like it was nothing last night

"my best friend" she said "my two best friends" she got up and stormed away, whipping the tears from her face

Jack turned his body towards mine, I looked at him

"out of all the people. You chose Jack. Mia how could you! You know how much both of you guys mean to me! I can't believe you chose Jack, out of all the people in this world, you go behind my back and kiss my best friend! Why him? This is bullshit"

he pushed my legs off his lap and got up off the couch

He walked over to where Eliza was heading. The front door

Eliza opened it and stepped outside, no shoes, nothing

Jack followed her

Once they were both outside they walked in the opposite direction to each other

I ran after them

Once I was outside I looked at Jack

Then at Eliza

Then at Jack

Who do I go after?

Two of the most important people of my life and I have to choose one to go after

I look at Jack one last time and hear car screech behind me

I look around and see Eliza in the middle of the road, lying on the ground


not again.



So I know I haven't updated in like forever but I just have not had the time

I'm sorry this chapter is short but I just wanted to get something up

The next one should be a lot better

Love you

Mia Xx

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