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I ship it

Chapter two

Mia's p.o.v

When I got to our front door I paused, shit Eliza is gonna be soo mad!

I start to get my key out if my wallet but I decide to knock instead.

I hold Elizas drink in front of my face with the message facing her.

I knock on the door and only three seconds later she opens it with a, well I don't really know what expression that is.

She then reached out her arms and pulled me in for a hug.

''the fuck girl!''

''im so sorry Eliza, but I have an explanation''

"You better after that!"

''ok so I met this guy an" She interrupted me


"Woah calm down Eliza"

I gave her the drink, and continued with what I was saying

"well Im pretty sure he's a good guy... And Im going to the beach with him tomorrow"

Eliza turned around and sat on the couch, then she patted the spot next to her.

This is weird. I went and say down anyway.

"ok Mia, I think we need to talk"

What the fuck. Talk about what. Oh wait, I know.

"Mia, I know that this is the first time that this has happened in a while."

She paused. Yup I know where this is going. See the only guy that I was 'seeing' before this was when I was 15. He was a douche.

Eliza is definatly the more experienced one with this kind of thing.

She continued "I just want to tell you that you shouldn't expect this boy to be"

I interrupted her this time "and I said id bring you along if he brought his friend!!"

her expression changed immediately, "omg really!!!"


"omg thank you Mia, I can't wait!!!"

"well just call me" I flicked my hair dramatically "the love doctor"

"Haha sure" Eliza said.

We started jumping and screaming, acting like complete maniacs. Suddenly Eliza stopped jumping,

"wait who is he?"

"well, you'll just have to wait and see"

"ugh fine"

"What were you going to say?"

"I don't even know where I was going with that!"

"Haha. so, you want to go surfing, the waves look good" I said looking out the window

"yea sure, I'll go get ready" she said, running upstairs.

"K" I followed her upstairs and went into my room.

I went into my bikini draw and picked out on that is suitable for surfing, meaning I won't flash anyone after a wipeout.

I decide on a purple one is cute with a caged back but doesn't show too much.

I put my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head and grab a beach bag and put in my sunglasses, sunscreen, a book, a towel and my headphones. I decided not to take my wallet as I could just run back if I needed it.

I quickly put on the same tank top and shorts as before and also put on some black flip flops.

I pick up my phone and run downstairs into the kitchen. I get my water bottle and fill it up with water. Then I grab a bag of Cheetos and put then in my bag.

I go into our back room and pick out what surf board I'm gonna use. I decide on a long board because I don't really feel like doing serious surfing today.

I take it out and put it by the front door then jumped onto the couch and pull out my phone.

I click on the vine app and watch some while waiting for Eliza.

I came across jack and jacks new vine and when I watched it I started giggling. I can't believe I just met jack j!

While I was giggling Eliza came down the stairs "what?" she asked

"Doesn't matter, just found a funny vine that's all"

"Ok let's go, I'll just get my surfboard."

We both walked out the door with our surfboards under out arms and crossed the road.

When we got on the sand I immediately took my flip flops off. I love the feeling of sand in between my toes.

We found a nice spot to put our stuff.

Once I had taken off my clothes and put them in my bag I grabbed my surfboard and waited a couple of seconds for Eliza

We both walked down to the sea and once we had gotten into knee depth we lay down on our boards and starting paddling

I have known how to surf for a little bit longer than Eliza, but she is just as good as me.

I taught her how to surf a couple of years ago back in New Zealand.

Once we had paddled up to the lineup we both sat up on our boards.

We talked for about a minute the double date but I saw a good wave coming.

I turned around my board so I faced the beach. once the wave was a little bit behind me I started paddling fast.

Once the wave was underneath me I popped up and just cruised to the beach, no serious moves.

Once the wave died down I jumped off.

I paddled around the area and watched Eliza catch her wave.

She popped up nicely and did a nice cutback (she was on a short board)

She dived off her board and paddled up beside me.

We started paddling out again and caught some more waves.

After about an hour we both decided to stop.

We went back to the shore and went on to the sand.

When we got up to our stuff I stood my board up on the sand and laid my towel out.

I sat down on it and grab my bag. I get out the sunscreen and put some on my body an drink some water. I put on my sunglasses shove my headphones into my phone and put then in my ears.

I lie down in the towel, close my eyes and feel the sun warming up my body.

Flights starts to play and I can't help my grin.

Tomorrow is going to be great!


Hey guys! hope u enjoyed that chapter, sorry it was kind of boring but it was just a filler. next chapter should be more interesting!

Thanks for reading!

Mia xx

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