Y/n's POV
Nathaniel nudged me. We were working on some math problems, and we were allowed to work with the person beside us. We just used this as an excuse to talk.
"Are you okay? I wanted to go after you, but I also didn't want to be late. Sorry." He apologized.
"It's okay, I'm okay. I ran into Adrien, and he told me he doesn't think I'm a freak. He also invited me to hang out with him and his friends after school. I told him I'll only go if you're coming with me." He rolled his eyes.
"Why did you have to drag me into this?" He whined.
"Because your mom says we both need to socialize more, and I'll die without you." I answered professionally.
"Fair enough."
Time Skip
Adrien's POV
Y/n and I were waiting in front of the school for my other friends. We were here first because we had our last class of the day together, and it was closest to the entrance. I was a bit nervous, because it was just me and the cutest girl in the word. I saw her tail swishing around anxiously. It was utterly adorable. I broke the silence.
"Are you ready?" I asked her.
"Ready as I'll ever be. Nathaniel agreed to come. Isn't that awesome." Gah! He's coming. Whyyyy? I can't let her know about all this jealousy. I put on my fabulous fake smile, and used my best fake cheery tone.
"That's awesome. In case you didn't know we're going out for ice cream." She licked her lips. Great. Now I can only imagine my lips pressed against hers.
"Yum, I love ice cream." She commented. Gosh. She is too cute for her own good. I'm surprised I've kept myself from blurting these things out. Love is a powerful thing.
Finally my friends got here. I thought I was going to end up spilling everything out to her. I needed to introduce her, since they have never talked to y/n. Oh, did I mention Nathaniel was here with them.
"Hi Adrien. Who's with you? What's with the cat accessories?" Alya asked. I hope that comment didn't make y/n feel too bad.
"Hey, is she the Neko girl everyone talks about. That's so cool."
"P-people talk about me?" She asked.
"Of course. You have cat ears and a tail. That's super cool. Duh, people will talk about that Dudette."
"Oh. Um, it's nothing much." Y/n said, a bit embarrresed. Marinette seemed to be glaring a bit. I didn't know why though.
"Yeah, guys, this is y/n. She's and Nathaniel are coming with us. And yes, she's a Neko." I stated.
"OMG. You're really a Neko? I'm sorry for calling them accessories." Alya apologised.
"It's okay. Somtimes I wish they were." She mumbled.
"Is it because of Chloé? You shouldn't let her get to you. That meow you let out was awesome. It sounded painful though."
"It did hurt," she commented.
"Okay, let's go." I ordered everyone. It took all the convincing it took to make them let us not to go to Andre's Ice Cream. I didn't want to have my crush revealed. I also couldn't bare to see it if she got and ice cream that didn't resemble me. Or worse. It resembled Nathaniel. A/n: That was a Glaciator reference. If you hadn't seen that episode, you might not understand. So we were going to this small ice cream shop.
When we got there I opened and held the door for everyone, like the gentleman I am. We sat down at a table, and I made sure to sit beside y/n. A waiter came to take our order.
"What would you all like." Y/n's eyes sparkled.
"Vanilla!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Sorry," she mumbled, when she realized how loud she was. I chuckled inwardly. She was adorable. I made a mental note that vanilla is her favourite ice cream flavour. Out of all the info I got while stalking, I mean, observing her, her favourite ice cream flavour wasn't one of them. How good is a future boyfriend, if he doesn't know his future girlfriend's favourite flavour of ice cream? Is this how my fan girls feel? No. They're creepy stalkers, and I'm just have a little crush. Big difference. A/n: 😑😑😑 Sure. Why not. Let's pretend that's true, Adrien.
"I'll have a vanilla also," Nathaniel added. Great. Now I can't pick vanilla or that will look suspicious, since I never order vanilla.
"I'll have mint chocolate chip," I just ordered my usual.
"I also want mint chocolate chip." Marinette ordered frantically. That seemed to be her usual too. A bit weird, but probably a coincidence. Alya and Nino ordered Chocolate.
"I'll be right back with your orders," the waiter told us before leaving.
I came up with a plan while we were waiting. I stretched my hand out above Y/n's head, then I brought it straight down and began scratching her head. I knew exactly what would happen because of my 'observations.' Because I've seen Nathaniel do it, and I'm a part time Neko, I knew exactly where to scratch to get the result I wanted. I positioned my hand behind her cat ear, and continued scratching. Then it happened. I heard the angelic noise I longed to be cause of. A low rumble came from her chest. Her purr. After seeing Nathaniel doing it for so long, I thought I was ready. Boy was I wrong. I nearly died from cuteness overload. I stroked her hair a bit before I stopped. Her face was bright red. Marinette, Nino, and Alya were staring with there mouths hanging open. Marinette looked a bit jealous. I couldn't pinpoint why. Nathaniel seemed to be holding in laughter. Finally Alya broke the silence.
"You can purr?" She asked Y/n. I felt a little bad causing her this unwanted attention, but I could resist petting her and stroking her extremly soft hair. Just seeing it didn't do in justice. You had to feel it to truly know how it feels. She probably feels the same. I've had enough pets to know how good it feels. Plus a purr is a sound of enjoyment, meaning she liked it.
"Umm, yes. I never told anyone though. How did you know Adrien?" Now it was my turn to turn red. How do you answer this question without telling her the truth. You know, the whole: I've been watching you for a long time and saw you do it and I wanted to try. Yeah, I cannot tell her the truth.
"I umm, assumed since you act like a cat somtimes, that maybe you could purr. Sorry for assuming, and petting you without asking." Phew! Great save Adrien.
"It's okay, it felt nice," she smiled, probably because she was trying to relieve the moment.
"Can I try!? Alya exclaimed excitedly." Y/n nodded. She leaned over so Alya could reach. Alya scratched her head, but didn't get the secret spot. Y/n still purred happily. Her tail landed in my lap, so I stroked it. It felt so soft, just like her ears.
Soon our Ice cream came.
"Hey Y/n, say 'ahhh'" I ordered her while taking a spoonful of her ice cream. She looked confused, but still did what I asked. When her mouth was open I fed her the ice cream. She took it happily. She really didn't mind the fact I was feeding her, probably because she was getting ice cream and she didn't have to lift a finger. That or she fantasizes that we are dating too, and forgot that those fantasies aren't real, so she thought we are dating and this was a normal thing we did. I felt like Nino just read my thoughts, after what he said.
"So, did you guys just meet today, or are you secretly dating, and we didn't know, or both." A/n: Really Nino. Those are the only possible situations you could think of.😑
"We just met today. I ran into him after Chloé humiliated me," she answered. She seemed complete oblivious to the fact that Nino asked if we were dating. Me, on the other hand, was blushing as red as Nathaniel's hair.
"Really, because you guys were acting otherwise." Nino agrued, and Nathaniel agreed. Gosh, I hate that boy.
"I ship it." Nathaniel commented, and Nino nodded.
It's nothing really," I assured, "And I'm not hearing anything else about it." I continued feeding Y/n her ice cream and she happily accepted. She asked if she should return the favour, but I told her she didn't have to. She didn't listen and still fed me a spoonful. I blushed hardcore and she giggled. I could hear Marinette growling, but I ingnored it since I wanted to hear Y/n's Heavenly giggle. Our first date was a success. Even if other people were with us, and I didn't tell her it was a date. It still counts.
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