Chapter 5

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Hai Guys!! I know, I know. I live!! Im so sorry for the wait, I've just been hella busy lately. But anyway, I will try my hardest to update more often!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!//

Rapunzel held her frying pan up in protection as she looked at the girl she had knocked out, gently moving her hair out her face, noticing how she didn't have sharp pointy teeth like her mother had said, only at that moment for Camryn to wake up. The fright of her opening her eyes making Rapunzel smack her with the frying pan again.

Rapunzel thought on what to do with the girl in-front of her, finally deciding that she would just need to shove her in the closet. And after many attempts and fails, she finally managed to get her inside, holding the door shut with a chair. "Okay, okay- I have a person... in my closet... I've got a person... in- my- closet... I have a person in my closet! Hahah!" She said as she held her frying pan close, looking in the mirror she chuckled and spun the frying pan around on her finger. "Too weak to handle myself out there huh mother? Well, tell that to my frying pan... Ow!" She said as she smacked the side of her head with the cooking utensil, something shimmery from the persons satchel catching her eye. She picked it up and found a crown, unsure of what it actually done, or how to wear it. So, she decided to try a few things, first, putting it on her arm, showing Pascal who shook his head in disapproval. Then trying something else, Pascal shaking his head in disapproval again, then finally, she put the metal object on her head, looking in the mirror, after a few moments, Pascals face changed from awe to another shake of disapproval.

"Rapunzel!" A voice called from the bottom of the tower, making Rapunzel gasp and put the crown back in the satchel, then put them in a flowerpot in the corner of the tower, rushing to the window and doing the same routine she does every day to lift Gothel up to the window of the tower.

"Coming mother!" She yelled back as she lowered her hair.

"I have a very big surprise!" Gothel said cheerily, making Rapunzel chuckle.

"I do too!" Rapunzel replied, Gothel shouting back; "I bet my surprise is bigger!"

Rapunzel laughed nervously as she muttered; "I seriously doubt it..." as she lifted Gothel into the tower, the old lady removing her hood and smiling widely. 

"I brought back parsnips. I'm going to make hazelnut soup for dinner! Your favourite! Surprise!" She said happily. 

"Well mother, there's something I want to tell you..." She began before being cut off, as usualt, by Gothel.

"Oh Rapunzel, you know I hate leaving you after a fight, especially when I've done absolutely nothing wrong." She sighed, making Rapunzel think for a moment before shaking it off.

"Okay, I've been thinking a lot about what you said earlier..."

"I hope you're not still talking about the stars..." Gothel warned.

"Floating lights, and yes, I'm leading up to that." Rapunzel corrected.

"Because I really thought we dropped the issue, sweetheart." Gothel added, not paying much attention to what Rapunzel was saying.

"No mother, I'm just saying you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there..." 

"Oh darling, I know you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there." Gothel said as she sorted out the apples in the basket.

"But if you just..."

"Rapunzel... we're done talking about this." Gothel said, losing her temper.

"Trust me..." She tried


"I know what I'm..." She tried again


"Oh, come on!" Rapunzel said before Gothel snapped.

"Enough with the lights Rapunzel!! You are not leaving this tower! Ever!" Gothel yelled, making the smile on Rapunzel's face fade into a frown. Gothel sighed as she sat down. "Oh great. Now I'm the bad guy..." She said as she sunk her face into her hands.

Rapunzel looked at the closet before looking down and letting go of the chair. "All I was going to say, mother, was... I know what I want for my birthday now..." She said, giving in.

"And what might that be?" Gothel asked with a sigh.

"New paint, the paint made from the white shells you once brought me..." She said with a shy smile.

Gothel looked up slightly. "Well, that is a very long trip Rapunzel. Almost three days' time." Gothel explained.

"I just thought it would be a better idea than... the stars..." She replied, making Gothel smile slightly and stand up.

"You're sure you'll be alright on your own?" She asked.

"I know I'll be fine as long as I'm here." Rapunzel replied, making Gothel smile and kiss her forehead, Rapunzel going off to make a travel basket full of foods and blankets. 

"I'll be back in three days' time. I love you very much dear." She said to Rapunzel as she got ready to leave.

"I love you more." Rapunzel replied.

"I love you most." Gothel finished as she was lowered down to the ground, walking to the cave and waving goodbye.

Rapunzel waved back and smiled, waiting until Gothel had gone before rushing back into the tower.

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