He needs this lesson!

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Me: This book should suit you.

More than just because you keep pestering me....

Like I own this place!

This is mine!

So stop bugging me because of it!

The book I pulled out was actually a book about reasons why not to ask people around and also the meaning of things. So it would be quite fitting for the hero to learn how to ask questions without the other to think they are interrogated like me. If I didn't know any better I would say that he was here for me but truth is... he for sure was not. 

Besides I knew this surrounding and it was not the best. There was a villain bar a couple of minutes away from here. Then there was this thief hideout right around the corner of the street. There are missing kids hiding in a nearby abandone building and there is also somewhat of a mystery around this parts as well. No one was normal here. Everyone had a secret and a backstory. It was rude to ask about it just as the hero was trying to do. 

In short, this book should be perfect for that man.

Me: You'll need this book. Trust me.

Of course I went back to my desk put it down and slit it over. By the heroes expression, I could tell that he was doubting my choice.

Hero: This book?

Me: Yes.

Hero: It seems.... quite....well it seems pretty dark.

Me: Dark?

What is he talking about?

I am trying to teach this man a lesson not to ask random questions and not to pray into peoples business.

He should be grateful and I also want him gone.


There goes some good story....

He really could have had such a great story to share and then he is just here because of the villains.


What a rough life heroes have to need to get out in this weather.

Hero: I appreciate it. I will read it.

Me: Glad you will give it a try.

Hero: In The Nights Stealth....

I didn't understood what he meant when he said that but I just smiled in a return. He might also have thought about something and that sounded more logic. It also took him a couple of seconds to pick this book up from the desk. When he did, I could see how much he was actually second guessing his decision. Tho that book was for sure nothing bad. It could help him but only if he gives it a shot.

Then again, he was a hero. I doubted that a hero would let me, a kid, tell him how to do things and how to change but oh well. I couldn't do much about that. My job was recommending books for the right timing and for the right situation. This was one of the situations where the hero definitelly needed it.

Hero: How much?

Me: 25$ but you can also stay and read here.

Hero: I indeed have some time to spare. If that wouldn't bother you.

Me: Nope. Not a bit. I welcome company any time.

Hero: Very well....

He stood up to get to that small area for reading and then I saw it, the flames where quite small but this hero light up the candles around a bit more so it was definitelly brighter but at the same time not dangerous for any books to catch fire.

Hero: How about turning the lights on?

Me: Sorry but there is no electricity.

Hero: No electricity huh...

Me: Unfortunately but I am alright with this.

Hero: You will ruin your eyes.

Me: Don't worry, I am only noting things down around now and read in daylight.

Hero: What's your name.

Me: Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you Mister Hero.

By now the hero was already there in the chair skipping through the pages and I could tell that he was not reading them throughly because otherwise he would stop asking me soo much questions. I didn't liked people snooping in my own private stuff.

Hero: I am Enji Todoroki. Feel free to call me Enji.

And that was actually the last thing he said before he started reading the book for real this time. He seemed so absorbed that I decided to leave him be and I also had this smile on my face. I never wanted to rip off people and liked them to have a read around to see if the book I chose for them would suit them. I never had someone retruing a book but to be fair... I only have one costumer and he was a mysterious man. 

Seems like he enjoys the book.


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