Chapter 4 - Commons and Dorms

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"Come on, just let me win!" Khloe said, directing it at james. They had played 4 games of Wizard chess and he has won them all. "No." James said bluntly. "Fuck you." The girl replied. "You would," He said with a small smirk onhis face. Khloe just rolled her eyes, stood up and walked over to the couches and sat by Lily.

"I think he likes you back," Lily whispered so only Khloe could hear. "I have told you! I. Don't. Like. Him!" The blonde girl said quiet enough so the marauders wouldn't hear. "You promise?" "I promise."

Y'know I can hear you two talking about Prongs," Sirius said, looking in our direction. "Shut up before I hex you," Khloe said. "I'm going to bed now, before Alice comes back, looking like frank just railed her." the blonde said, breaking the silence while Sirius and James continued playing wizard chess. "Right behind you there," Lily said.

When the two girls got back to their dorm, Lily started ranting as soon as the doors closed. "Did you see the way Potter was looking at you!" She seamed so excited about this, even though Khloe wouldn't admit to the feelings everyone thought she had. "He kept on staring at you like he stares at food, and thats an accomplishment." Lily said, being honest.

Khloe just rolled her eyes and grabbed some shorts and a baggy t-shirt, then stepped into the bathroom, closing the door. She brushed through her hair and took off her makeup, before taking her clothes off and stepping into the hot shower. It lasted about and hour, because she was thinking about what Lily said to her.

Once she got out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her and then brushed her hair again. K used a spell to dry her hair, then did skin care after changing into the clothes she got earlier. She walked out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth where lily was waiting to talk to her again. Lily stood up, "Nope." Said Khloe and The red haired girl immediately sat down on her bed again.

Alice had still not been back and Marlene had been in her room after the feast, so she was already asleep. Khloe got into her blankets and Thought for a little while, while Lily was taking her turn in the bathroom. Khloe thought about what she had been seeing in James recently, all the letters he sent over the summer gave her butterflies and she smiled when he asked how she had been doing, like he had actually cared about her.

Yeah, maybe Marlene was right, she did, infact, like James Potter. But she of course wasn't going to tell her friends that.
I promise I will stop saying how sorry I am for the short chapters, but not now. I know that it is going kind of fast, but this is my first time writing a fanfiction, or stories in general, so please do not judge the terrible writing.

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