A Night In

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You lay in bed, bored out of your mind.

As thankful as you were to Usnavi that he was letting you stay with him, his room wasn't exactly the Mall of America or anything. All you were really doing was sitting around, tolerating your piercing headache.

You take out your phone and shoot a text to Usnavi.

After a few moments, he appears in your doorway. "You summoned me?", he asks with a smirk.

"Yeah. Do you have any cards or books or anything? I'm so bored."

"You're not enjoying casa de De La Vega?"

You begin to feel bad. "No, it's not that, your room is really nice, and you're so amazing for letting me stay here, I just-"

"I was just teasing you. It's fine." He gives you a reassuring smile. "I probably have some old board games. I'll be right back."

You hear some shuffling once he's downstairs, then a loud crash.

"Usnavi!" You slowly stand up, leaning against the wall. "Are you okay?!"

You don't hear anything, so you begin to quickly leave your room.

"Yeah! I'm good!", he yells.

Relieved, you lean against the railing.

His head suddenly pokes out from around the corner downstairs, and he sees you standing in the hall.

"Hey! You shouldn't be up!"

"I thought you passed out or something! I had to make sure that you were okay."

Usnavi smiles. "That's very sweet, Y/N."

You start slowly making your way down the stairs. "What fe-"

Usnavi rushes over to you. "Nope nope nope," he says, then gracefully sweeps you up in his arms.

"What're you doing?", you ask, laughing.

"You can't keep getting up! The doctor prescribed rest, and that's exactly what I intend that you have," he says, carrying you up the stairs. You guess that carrying gallons of milk everyday really paid off.

"The 'doctor'? You mean Camila?"

"Yes. Mom, doctor, same thing."


"You need to rest!", he exclaims.

Once you're in the room, Usnavi gently sets you on his bed.

"I will find you a perfect board game," he says, bowing.

You smile. "Thanks Usnavi."

He grins, then hurries out.

After a few minutes, Usnavi reappears in the room, an armful of board games stacked high, with a small deck of cards balanced on the top.

"Looks like you found more than one perfect board game," you chuckle as he sets them down on the bed.

"Well, I wasn't sure what games you liked, so I just brought... everything." Usnavi spreads his arms out. "What first?"

You quickly scan the games covering the bed.

"Umm... let's start with Sorry."

He smiles. "As m'lady wishes," he says in a British accent, carefully pulling the game out from underneath another one.

You and Usnavi spend the whole night just talking, laughing, playing board games, and singing songs loudly and off-key. At one point, you're both talking in Spanish loudly over the top of each other, and end up just absolutely cracking up. It was great.

Later, you're both just laying on the bed, talking, with all of the games stacked against the wall.


You're both lying on your sides, facing each other.


"How did your parents come up with your name?"

He doesn't say anything for a moment.

"Or... do you not know?"

"No, I know the story of my name," Usnavi says, then chuckles. "It was engraved on a passing ship the day my family came. My father said 'Usnavi! That's what we'll name the baby!'" He laughs again. "It really said 'U.S. Navy', but hey, I worked with what they gave me okay."

You laugh, then look into his eyes. You feel guilt when you see pain. He's lost so many people that he loves. "They'd be so proud of you today," you say.

He smiles.

You talk for hours and hours, and you're not sure when, but eventually drift off to sleep.

Sunlight streams in your face, and you slowly open your eyes.

Wait. Where were you?

Then you remember that you were in Usnavi's room, staying there until you got better.

But then you feel a weight on you. You see an arm slung over you.

You slowly glance over your shoulder and see Usnavi asleep next to you, his arm (accidentally?) spooning you.

You had fallen asleep with Usnavi.

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