Take It Slow

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Jay pov

"what?" he tilted his head. I know we just kissed and I loved it but I loved his confused and flustered face even more, he's so adorable when he's confused. I slowly held the side of his face. "Jungwon, I'm pretty sure it was really obvious that I do  like you, for a really long time now" He kept his eyes on mine, making me a little nervous.

"I- i just didn't know how to talk to you, you always seem busy, you know being the president and all, I mean, how could I even come up to your level before taking to you, I'm literally nothing compa-"

"Jongseong" he whispered, he never calls me that,  i liked when he said it.

"never say something like that! Come up to my level?? Jay ill smack you! Never ever put yourself down like that! You are the sweetest, smartest and hottest person I've ever met!!! The last thing I wanna hear is that you aren't good enough when you're the best! If you're parents don't see that well-- then they'll have a problem with me! Because all of us see and know that you are an amazing person! And you are worth so much!" he started panting after but still kept his serious face, Aw I've never heard anyone tell me that.

I couldn't say a word but, I felt so, so relieved, so happy knowing that someone acknowledged my effort, knowing that he trusts my hard work." Thank you" I said softly, before pulling him into my arms. "thank you, thank you, thank you" I couldn't help but repeat myself. Yang Jungwon, the boy I thought I'd never be able to talk to, is slowly saving me.

I pulled away to look at him, holding his face in my hands. His cheeks had a pink hue over them, but still attempted to look serious. I chuckled, "you think I'm hot?" I smirked breaking his serious face which turned into an annoyed one.

"Jayyyyy I was being serious and that's all you remember!" he pushed me away, an angry look now on his face, "I'm sorrryyyyy, just wanted to get it out of you"  I turned his face to look at me.


"yes wonie?"

"we still kissed, and now what?"

"I'm... I'm not sure"

End of Jay pov


A few days passed since the pair had an emotional moment, the younger found himself constantly keeping in contact with the blonde. Always giggling or smiling,his discipline, serious and sophisticated manner, gone. Jungwon's best friend was growing tired of it. The pair decided to keep the events of them kissing to them selves, which really, annoyed the older as he knew something had changed.

"YANG JUNGWON" The youngers phone flew out of his hands at the shock.

"IF YOU DO NOT TELL ME WHO YOU'VE BEEN SMILING AND GIGGLING AT ON YOUR PHONE I WILL CONFISICATE IT." he may have only been his best friend but the older was capable of doing so.

"Yah! Sunoo-hyung I told you it's just funny videos I see!" the younger defended. "funny videos huh?" the male stood up and walked off leaving the younger confused. Suddenly Sunoo came back dragging an all too familiar blonde. "So Jay I didn't know you were a comedian"  the foxy male smiled dangerously before looking back at the younger.  "uhm?" Jungwon and Jay looked at each other before sighing with defeat.

"fineeeee sit down Sunoo-hyung" the older obliged, dragging the blonde down to sit aswell.

"wait! Let me call Riki"

"are you serious right now" the blonde protested but was quickly cut off when recieving a deathly glare from the other. Jungwon sat in silence patiently waiting for the younger to arrive.


"WHAT" The pair said in unison, looking baffled at the two infront of them.

"y-yeah.. And we haven't really decided what we wanna do yet so..."
The blonde finished., rubbing the back of his neck, when he felt a hand interlock with his. "we still feel like it's too soon, and we don't wanna rush things" Jungwon stated glancing at the blonde beside him.

"so you two, kissed? Like kissed kissed? Made out? Or did you do mo-"

"Niki!! Not the time" Sunoo flicked the youngers shoulder before turning back to the pair infornt of him. "well, it's understandable that you guys feel it's rushed, so how about spending more time together? Get to know each other more, and then if you feel like it's the right time, then make it official" Sunoo smiled at the two, unexpectedly as he was about to give them an earful earlier.

"thanks Sunoo-hyung!" the younger got up to hug his best friend.

"can I ask the spicy questions now??" Niki pouted.

"what do you even think we did!?" Jay poked the youngers head backwards.


"Riki no-"



Jungwon was currently in a meeting with the principal. Uhm Jung-Hwa. As the uni president, jungwon had the responsibility of planning all the events which took place, at the moment they were discussing the festival to raise money for the school gymnasium.

"Jungwon, I hope you can figure it out, but don't stress yourself alright, if you need any help ask. Try get the final plan to me by next Monday." She gave the younger a warm smile. "Ofcouse madam! I'll have it all done!" he bowed before exiting the office making his way to his.

He sat down at his desk pulling out his notebook brainstorming ideas for the festival, "hmm what would the students enjoy?" he asked him self, tapping his pen on the notepad. He perked his head up at the sound of the door opening, revealing his friends.

"hi guys" the president waved at his friends who returned the gesture before making  themselves comfortable around the office. "I heard we have to plan the upcoming festival" Jake began walking over to sit at the desk. "yup, I've already thought of food stalls photo booths and games but I feel like we need one more thing to make a big attraction.

"hmm what about a performance? Maybe a few performances?" Jake suggested. "that could work! But I would have to find people to put on a performance first" Jungwon wrote down the idea before, stopping again to think of people who would consider it.

"Heesung-hyung?" the older looked back at Jungwon "yes?"

"would you mind giving us a performance at the festival?"

"Ofcouse I don't mind, but I feel like just me won't be enough. I think a group performance would be more effective. And maybe a few other kinds of performances" Jungwon nodded his head at the idea, looking back down at his paper.

"oh! oh!" Sunoo stood up, holding a packet of chips stolen from Jungwon's snack drawer. "what if we performed? I mean we can all sing pretty well!"

Some nodded in agreement, while a few others were skeptical.

"sing? Infornt of people? No thanks" sunghoon rolled his eyes. "I don't know if I would be able to handle being on stage" the youngest mentioned.

"oh come on Riki! You always dance confidently at your competitions, I'm sure singing would be the same!" Sunoo held the tallers hands, an insisting look on his face, causing the taller to blush. "fineeeeeeeee" the older clapped in victory.

"Hoon come onnn pleaseeeee" Jake nudged Sunghoon, "I dont like to sing!" this made the older drag him down and whisper, "as if you dont sing for me every night, now if you wanna keep kissing me I'd suggest you agree" he pulled away smiling innocently at the taller. "I'll do it"

"Whipped" This caused Niki to get a bag thrown at him. "Hey hands off Riki!!!"

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