Miss Uhm Jung-Hwa

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The following weeks consisted of Jungwon running around the Uni, carrying out plans for the carnival and making sure the rest of the team has their work done, he can feel the stress up to his throat.

Jungwon found himself constantly in his office, going over what still has to be done, and finalizing what they already have. "aish there still so much to do, I still need to go for practice too" There was only three weeks left to get evrything done and ready. Soon he closed his notepad, about to get up when,

"wonie?" Jungwon looked up at the door before a smile grew on his face. "Hyungg" He walked around his desk to hug the blonde, who swiftly wrapped both arms around him, holing a bad in one hand.

"Hi my love" The blonde kissed the top of his head before lifting up the youngers chin. "Did you eat? You've been in here for a while" Jungwon glanced to the side giving the older his answer. "Good thing i brought food then" He smiled pulling the younger to the desk before placing down the food he brought.

Jay pulled out the box, which was still hot and opened it carefully. "Curryy!!" Jungwon grinned at the food infront of him, He loved curry and rice, and he loved Jays cooking.

The blonde chuckled handing him a spoon, when a knock was heard.

A little head peaked through the door, "uh pres?"

"Ah wonyoung, come in!" He said polietly, when the little head suddenly revealed herself, Wonyoung, their juniour, who was also part of the Student council. "Thanks pres, I wanted to talk to you about, the performances and how i should announce them? Ah hello! You're Park Jay right?" The girl smiled warmly at the blonde he returned the gesture and nodded.

"Sure, i hope you don't mind if i eat as well?" Jungwon gestured towards the food.

"Aish of course not, enjoy your meal pres" she simply stated, before opening up her notebook.

"Alright, so there's the dance performance, the singing performance, the- wait pres you're performing?" she looked up at Jungwon who had a mouthful of rice, who simply nodded.

"Ohh im excited to see then! Anyways, theres two dance performances? One with Niki and his group, and then one with you?" She questioned earning a nod from the older.

"Alright! And then Heesung hyung and his band will perform for the rest if the time?"

"Yeah thats pretty much it" The older put his hands together.

"great but i still have to work on the announcement, if it's okay?"

"of course I'll help" Jungwon was also opening his notebook the two thinking of how to go about it. As Jungwon's hands remained occupied, Jay took the initiative to feed Jungwon as he worked.

Wonyoung, observed the two slowly, How Jay fed the other so casually, she felt like she was interrupting something.

"Uhm pres?" She stopped writing.

"Yes wonyoung?" Jungwon looked up at her, who had a questioning look on her face.

"Uhm are you two dating?" She tilted her head at the pair in front of her as they simply exchanged glances. "Uhm yes" Jungwon stated simply, Wonyoung's eyes widened.

"No wonder he looks at you like that! Aww that's so cute, good for you two! But uhm i think i'll get going now before i become more of a third wheel" She laughed, now collecting her things.

"Oh uhm sorry-" The girl cut Jay off.

"Aish don't apologize! It's actually cute but im really single so" She chuckled again, now waving to the pair before stepping out of the office.

"Thank god she's a sweetheart" Jungwon chuckled. "Lets get to practice now"


"YAH KIM SUNOO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS PROPERLY!" As the pair entered the studio, Niki was already lecturing Sunoo about dancing with more enthusiasm.

"RIKI IM TOO TIRED FOR THIS" He laid on the floor, practice hadn't even started.

"Come onn let's do practice properly okay evryone? Also Madam Uhm jung hwa will be joining us!!" Jungwon announced as he placed his bag on the ground.

"Exactly so practice has to be perfect!" Heesung now dragged everyone to their positions, before playing the music.

The boys seemed to be natural talents, as they all seemed to know the moves completely, and seem well prepared, some would say they looked like performers.

"keep it up guys!" Heesung announced before replaying the music, as they were about to begin again, the studio door opened.

"Hello! Pardon my lateness I needed to change" The boys turned to see the principal entering the studio wearing sweats and a big tee.

She was immediately greeted by Jungwon. "Madam!"

"Ah Jungwon! Nice to see you darling, Now lets get to learning this dance shall we? And ah of course i know all of you boys" She smiled at the 6 who still stood at their places. They all nodded.

"Aish no need to act to formal! Its only a practice"

Soon they all practiced as one, the principle quickly adjusting to the moves as her parts were little. They practice for 2 and a half hours, now tired.

"You kids really do this every day?" She chuckled as she sat on the floor. "Have to put in the work" Heesung rubbed his neck.

"How about i treat you kids to some rameyon? You deserve it"

"whatt? Madam its fine!"

"There's no need for the trouble"

This was followed by no thnak yous and no worries, which were quickly interrupted.

"Nonsense! Come let's go"

Soon they all found themselves sitting in a circle, slurping on their noodles in silence.

"Thank you madam!" The seven said in unison, which made the woman smile. "I have to treat my kids!" They all laughed, they did look like a mim and seven kids when they went and bought the noodles.


Jungwon smiled at the sight, the decorations were put up properly, all the games were prepared and the stage was set properly. Today they would do technical checks, mostly sound and lights.

"Perfect! Looks like we are all set! Thanks everyone for your hardwork!" Jungwon clapped his hands smiling at the team. He felt his phone vibrate

"Yes hyung?"

Jungwonie im picking you up, we are dying our hair!"

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