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Adore's P.O.V.
I got no sleep yesterday. All I could think about were the negative critiques I got. I know it shouldn't be affecting me this much, but it is. All of my self doubt and self hate is flooding back. The confidence that I worked so hard for is disappearing before my eyes. I don't want to get out of bed, but a knock at the door makes me. I open it, and it's Matthew (Detox).
"Hey. I know you weren't feeling like yourself, so I brought you this." Matthew holds out a coffee and hands it to me.
"Thanks." I say, the sadness in my voice apparent.
"Danny, talk to me. I know how you are. You HATE holding shit in like this. Come on, talk to me."
"It's nothing." I tell him.
"Dan, quit bullshitting me." Damnit. He knows me too well to know when I'm lying. "Just talk to me."
"Okay. I fucking hate it here. I just want to go home."
"It's just the energy here, and my fath-" I stop myself because I don't feel like crying AGAIN.
"Come on. Let it out. You can trust me." Matt assures me.
"M-My father passed away a month ago. And his funeral was a week before I got the call for this. And I know I shouldn't have said yes, but my dumbass did anyway. And now I can't go back. My fans will hate me if I drop out this early."
"This sounds awful to say, but fuck what other people think. Do what's best for you. I'll support you either way."
"I love you, Matt."
"Love you too, bitch."
We walk into the Werkroom, and that energy is back. It doesn't feel the same here like it did during season 6. It feels...off. I don't know how to explain it.
Ru walks into the Werkroom and tells us that we are going to do an All Stars version of snatch game, and normally I would be very excited, but I'm not excited whatsoever. I feel so much pressure to do good after last weeks disaster, that I just don't feel excited. While everyone else is getting ready, I'm just thinking about everything. Apparently it's noticeable, because while Alyssa is practicing her Joan Crawford impression, she sees that I'm not doing so hot.
"Adore, are you okay?"
"Uh-huh." I say, trying to sound convincing, but failing miserably. I can see that she doesn't believe me, but she doesn't pressure me any further.
While I'm working on my Jan Crouch wig, Ru comes back into the Werkroom. He visits me first.
"Adore Delano."
"Hi, Ru."
"Now last time, your Anna Nicole Smith was on point. It was iconic actually."
"Thank you."
"Who are you doing?"
"Um, Jan Crouch."
"I live for her!"
"Yeah." Ru obviously notices that I'm not myself, and asks me about it.
"Why are your eyes all red?"
"Um...I didn't expect—I just didn't expect it to be like this, I think. I'm thinking of going home."
Ru looks at me like I'm a crazy person.
"Of tapping out?"
"I think so."
At this point, all of the girls stopped what they are doing, and began listening in.
"Why?" Ru asks me.
"I think that, like, the critiques last night and just, like, the vibes."
"You felt they were extra harsh?"
"Yeah, I did. The Adore thing is the flannel and the fucking Riot girl and grunge-inspired nineties movement kind of thing, and it's such a sensitive subject for me."
Ru then asks if that's enough for me to quit and I just break down. Why doesn't anyone fucking understand that it hurts when you are doing what you love, and people judge you for it? It's like they are judging my personality. They are judging what makes me ME. It fucking hurts.
Ru then sees me out to talk to Michelle. She apologizes, tells me that she doesn't like seeing me like this, and asks me to stay. I appreciate her effort, but I think I NEED to leave for my own well being.
I come back into the Werkroom, and all of the girls come to me and ask what happened. I tell them that I made my desicion, and that I'm leaving.
"I love you, but I don't want you to leave, making the wrong decision." Alaska tells me. I ensure her that this is the right decision for me. They all hug me, and I begin crying for the 500th time in a row. The crew tells me to wait until the girls leave for the Snatch Game set, then I can pack up my things. Until then I can have back my phone and wait in my room until then. I take my phone, and turn it back on. Right when I turn it back on, I see a text message that Roy sent me the day we started filming.

Willow 💖

Hey baby! I know you're probably out there kicking everybody's asses, but I thought I should leave you this for whenever you see it. Even though I am not the biggest fan of your decision, I want you to know how fucking proud I am of you. You never fail to surprise me every damn day. Everyday feels like the day I began dating you: the best rollercoaster I've ever been on. I know it's going to be tough, being away from me for awhile, but just know that I'll be here waiting. I know you'll make it far in this competition. You're Adore Delano for fucks sake! Any who, just know that I love you with my whole frozen heart, and I can't wait until you come home. I love you, Chola! ❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋

P.S. PARTY! Sorry, I had to.

Reading that text made me cry AGAIN. I miss him so much.

Roy's P.O.V.
Danny's been gone for 3 weeks so far. It's good to know he's doing good on All Stars. It give me a peace of mind. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I get a text from Jacqueline Wilson.

Jacqueline 💋

Hey. You might want to come to the set. Danny just quit All Stars, and he needs you now more than ever.

What?! What do you mean quit?

The competition was beginning to be too much for him. He told me about all the stuff happening at home, and along with the critiques he was given, it just became overwhelming.

My poor baby. Okay, I'm on my way.

I'll let him know. See you in a bit.

I fucking knew this was a bad fucking idea!
I grab my keys, and run out to my car. I drive to the Wilson, and go to the front desk.
"Where's Danny Noriega's room? I'm his boyfriend."
"He's in room 148." The polite woman tells me.
"Thank you." I walk to the elevator and make it to the floor Danny's room is on. I knock on his door, and there's no response. I knock again, this time louder. I hear a very weak voice from inside the room. "Come in."
I open the door, and I see Danny in his bed, surrounded by weed and booze. I've never seen him this broken before.
He recognizes my voice, and immediately turns around. Once he sees my face, he immediately begins crying. I climb on his bed, and just pull him into my arms.
"I'm so sorry." I hear him say in between sobs.
"It's okay baby, I'm here."
"I'm such a fucking failure."
"Danny, no you're not. You're anything but a failure."
"You were right. I fucking regret even coming here. God, I'm so stupid!"
"Danny, stop."
"I don't understand why you love me sometimes. I mean, how could you? I'm a fucking depressed mess, I smoke way too fucking much, I'm-"
"Daniel! Stop! I love you because you're you. I love you because you make me happy. I love you because you're a fucking Chola. I love you because you're sexy as hell. I love you because you saved my life. I love you, Danny."
"I love you too, Roy."
"Come on, let's go home."

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