12. Study

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Two weeks later, Thursday, lunch. Bad and Skeppy are seated at the table and are barely talking. Bad reading his book, and Skeppy is on his phone. Skeppy says, "So Bad...wanna play clash?" 

Bad shrugs, "Sure." 

They both play against each other and Skeppy beats Bad. He says, "I fucking got you!" 

"Language." Bad responds. 

"What is that?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad says, "What?" 

Skeppy says, "Language. Why do you say that so often?" 

Bad shrugs, "I just say it whenever theres cursing or something inappropriate. Im not a fan of stuff like that." 

Skeppy laughs, "Thats funny!" 

Bad says, "I don't know. Its something I do, alright." 

Theres some silence between them before Skeppy asks, "So do you have an Instagram?" 

"Why?" Bad asks. 

Skeppy shrugs, "I don't know...we could follow each other?" 

Bad goes to his insta, "This is it." 

Skeppy goes to his own insta and adds Bad. Skeppy says, "Why don't you post anything?" 

Bad shrugs, "I don't really need to." 

Skeppy says, "Well I think-" He gets cut off when Alex comes to the table and sits next to Bad. He says, "Hey guys!" 

Bad says, "Hey Alex. What are you doing here?" 

Alex shrugs, "You know my friend Fundy? He was kinda pissing me off so I left him." 

"Why?" Bad asks. 

Alex shrugs, "He kept getting cocky while we were playing a game and I just basically rage quit to put it simply." 

Bad says, "Yep, that sounds like you." 

Skeppy says, "Hey Alex, i'm Skeppy." 

Alex says, "Hey, yeah dude I know you...So, what are you guys doing here?" 

They shrug and Bad says, "Just playing Clash." 

Alex says, "Nice, nice, thats nice." 

So they spend lunch in awkward conversation between the three of them. 

But the next day, their alone together again. Alex usually sits with Fundy at lunch, his one other friend in the school. Skeppy says, "So, got anything fun this weekend?" 

Bad shakes his head, "Nope." 

Skeppy says, "Oh well, I was gonna ask, since your not busy...would you mind helping me with Biology? My lab parter and I are absolutely clueless, and you know our teacher sucks, so..." 

Bad shrugs, "Um, sure. Works for me. We could also work on literature as well." 

Skeppy smiles, "Cool. So whats your phone number?" 

They exchange numbers and Bad says, "Alright, so when and where should we study?" 

Skeppy shrugs, "You can come over to my place tomorrow if that's alright. I have my sister to take care of, but she wont bother us or anything." 

Bad nods, "Alright." 

Next day, Saturday. Skeppy had texted Bad his address earlier on. So the time is 1pm, Bad changes into jeans and a t-shirt, then grabs his book bag before heading out. The drive to Skeppy's house wasn't that far. 

He parks in the driveway and goes up to the door to knock. Samira opens the door, "Who are you?" 

Bad says, "Oh hello. My names Bad, nice to meet you. Is Skeppy home?" 

She shrugs, "Yeah, he's in his room. Are you his friend?" 

"Kinda. Is it alright if I come in?" Bad asks. 

She nods her head and lets Bad in. Bad asks, "So which way is Skeppy?" She leads Bad to Skeppy's room and opens the door. 

She says, "Skeppy, your friend is here." 

Skeppy looks up from his homework to see Bad waving. Skeppy says, "Thanks Samira. Alright so me and Bad are gonna study for a little bit. So try to be a little quiet please." 

She says, "Alright, ill be in my room anyway." Samira goes to her own room as Bad enters Skeppy's. 

Skeppy says, "Sorry I didn't get the door. I didn't hear anything, guess I was focused." 

Bad says, "Its alright. Your sister is nice for a 10 year old." 

Skeppy shakes his head, "She's just acting like a little angel because a guest is over now. But usually she's yelling with her Monster High's and calling me names like dumby or whatever." 

Bad laughs, "So, got anything to start us with?" 

Skeppy nods and starts showing Bad different assignments. He says, "Maybe we should go to the living room cause my room isn't that big." 

Bad nods and follows Skeppy. They sit next to each other and Bad looks over some sheets of work Skeppy had done. And he corrects him when he can. 

Bad says, "You basically have the ideas of the topics down, but some things are wrong. And our teacher definitely isn't a good teacher honestly. I go online and just watch some videos about stuff when I don't get it because school isn't always the best teaching option. But you did pretty good for having our confusing teacher." 

"Thanks." Skeppy responds. 

Bad smiles, "Yeah, theres not much to do really. Your pretty good at it yourself. B's are better than C's after all." 

Skeppy asks, "Yeah, but how do you get A's?" Bad shrugs, "Um, I guess if you study more. Thats just what I do and it works for me. Not everything works for everyone, but I think it definitely helps." 

Skeppy says, "Got it. So want to go over our lit assignment?" 

Bad nods, "Yeah, sure." 

Skeppy says, "The prompt was a little confusing honestly, but I just wrote with what I think we had to?" 

Bad says, "Yeah I was confused too. But it is a creative essay, so I just wrote a story." 

"Me too." Skeppy adds. 

Bad asks, "Whats yours about?" 

Skeppy hands him the essay, "Here, lets switch and read them so we can give feedback." 

Bad says, "Good idea!" 

The read each others stories, and Skeppy says, "Wow Bad. I really like yours." 

Bad says, "Thank you. I like yours as well." 

Skeppy asks, "I like how you wrote everything because it sounds detailed but not too wordy." 

Bad smiles, "Thank you. I didn't want to make it too long, but it is a story. So I just used one of my memories and kinda went from there." 

Skeppy says, "Oh, whats it about? If you wanna tell me." 

Bad says, "Sure. So my story is just about this one time that I went to a summer camp. It was the year I came out and my parents thought I needed time off my phone. So I went to the camp, and it was a summer camp with no electronics. Not a conversion camp, but still. 

So I got bullied a bit because some of the kids there were from town or whatever. But there was this one friend I made and her name was Puffy. She stood up for me while someone was saying bad stuff to me. And afterwards she just became my friend and we hung out whenever we could. 

Even though I was gay and she wasn't interested in me anyway, girls and boys weren't allowed to hang out often. But for my story I just turned that time into a fictional thing with Puffy as the knight, bullies as the big bad dragon, and me as the village I suppose." 

Skeppy says, "Wow Bad. Its a really good story. And Puffy sounds nice." 

Bad nods, "Yeah she was. But after camp, I lost contact with her. She was from New York and we had no electronics at the camp anyway. So..." 

Skeppy says, "Maybe you'll find her online sometime." 

Bad shrugs, "Maybe. So was there any meaning or anything behind your story?" 

"Kinda." Skeppy replies. 

Bad asks, "Well what is it? If you want to say." 

Skeppy says, "Its kinda literal I guess. Its about me and soccer, sort of. So its just two best friends and their team that win a soccer game together even though the opposing team is like best in state." 

Bad says, "Yours is a good story. Made me feel happy for the team when they won." 

"Thank you." Skeppy replies. 

Bad asks, "Got any critiques for me?" 

Skeppy shakes his head, "No, its really good. Got any for me?" 

Bad shakes his head, "I think its pretty good. Its better than your biology work." 

Skeppy smiles, "Yeah I guess so." 

Bad gets up from his seat, "I better get home soon. Don't wanna bother you for too long." 

Skeppy gets up as well, "Oh alright. Its no bother if you wanna stay." 

Bad says, "Its alright, I have a project to do for my programming class anyway. But i'll see you Monday." 

Skeppy smiles, "Alright, well guess its goodbye." 

Bad says, "Bye Skeppy." 

Skeppy opens the door for hi and Bad leaves to his car. He waves goodbye while reversing back and so does Skeppy. Bad drives home and gets started on his programming project.

Word Count: 1457

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