Chapter 9

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Y/n POV: UGH I AM SO PISSED! I don't know why but I am. I shoved Matteo he looked shocked. Then I went up to my room. After a rew minutes I felt really bad. I almost wanted to cry. How I treated Matteo after he made my dream come true. I went downstairs. Then I ran and jumped into Matteo's arms on the couch. Once again he was surprised. "I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" I asked.

"Hmmm" he said acting like he was thinking. "Does this help you decide?" I said kissing him. "Mmmm yep 100%. I forgive you." He said. "Y/n?" He asked. "Yeah?" I said. He's making me nervous.

"Will you uh.. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Hmmmmmm" I said mocking him. "Sure." I said.

I kissed his cheek. "But the potion, you have to find a guy to be the father or the baby doesn't get both genes and.." He explained. I know he's hoping it's him I'll choose but maybe I can mess with him a bit... "Okay! I know just the guy. Hey Harry?" I said.

Matteo stood up and was pissed off. He cracked his knuckles. Harry looked worried. I held back a laugh. "Harry? Do you think Matteo would be a good father?" I asked. Matteo slowly put his hands down and slowly sat doen embarassed obviously. I bursted out laughing.

He looked at me with a playful look. I got up and ran around the castle.

A few months later.
"Let's name him...." I said thinking of names for our baby boy. "Ashton?" Matteo suggested. "Yes." I said. He nodded. He is perfect, just perfect. My angel.

Dumbledore called Matteo and me up to his office. "Welcome students. Give your boy this potion. He'll become 3 years old immediately. I need him to become older because of Hogwarts rules." Dumbledore said.

We understood and gave our son the potion and he grew older. He is 3 years old now. Apparently news had spread through the school quick that we had a 3 year old.

Me and Matteo went on our first few 'dates' while Draco and Harry watched Ash. We put him in the common room and told them to stay in there.

We needed to help everyone prepare for Voldemort war. "NO Y/N MATTEO GO GET YOUR KID NOW!" Harry yelled. "IT'S TOO DANGEROUS HE'S HIDING IN THE COMMON ROOM!" Matteo yelled. "HE'S LOOKING FOR HIM!" Draco yelled.

All 5 of us (Harry, Hermione, Draco, Me and Matteo) ran inside to the common room. "ASHTON! ASH!" everyone ran inside the common room screaming. I looked around frantically. My heart racing.

"I'LL CHECK THE ASTRONOMY TOWER!" I yelled. Draco said he was gonna che k the dorms and Hermione said she'll look in other classrooms while Harry checks the great hall and Ron looks in other dorms helping Draco. Matteo gave us all a walkie talkie that's always (on/)listening. We all ran in our seperated directions to our locations.

I saw my baby in Voldemort's arms. "ASH! I FOUND HIM# PUT MY BABY DOWN NOW!" I yelled. "MOMMY!" Ashton yelled trying to get free.

"Stop squirming you Roach" Voldemort growled. "NEVER. CALL MY NEPHEW SUCH A NAME!" Draco said walking in. Then a bunch of death eaters including Luscious Malfoy walked in surrounding the room.

Everyone was in one big circle while Me, and all my friends and Voldemort with Ashton were in the middle. "PUT MY SON DOWN NOW!" Matteo yelled.

I started crying. "LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "My own follower. Betraying me." Voldemort said. "Come along now Draco. Fix all of this and just come. You too my son. And all this," Voldemort said gesturing to the circle. "Will all go away and your son will be happy. You couldn't possibly of thought that you would be a good father." Voldemort started laughing.

"Well taking that I know what NOT to do thanks to you I will. And at least my son still likes me. When I was his age I hated you. How much worse can I be compared to you?" Matteo snapped back. "You can't be a father without a child, can you son?" voldemort said walking with my son in his arms.

"CRUCIO MAXIMUS!" Harry yelled. It hit Some death eaters and Voldemort.

Voldemort dropped Ash and dropped to the ground. All the death eaters were disappearing in a black smoke and Voldemort disappeared last. Ashton ran into my arms and I hugged him so tight.

"We are never letting anything happen to you." I said. "EVER" matteo added joining the hug. My 3 year old has only been alive for a short ti.e and already is going through so much.

OOOOH WHAT DO U GUYS THINK SO FAR!? I don't wanna lose readers so please comment ur rating 1-10 here and tell me why that rating and what I did wrong and what I can improve on. Thx stay venomous my snakes

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