○°Chapter Seven°○

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Sabito thought about it for a moment before jumping down where Yoriichi was.
He looks back up at Makomo and nods his head. This cause Makomo to sigh. She jumps down beside Sabito, pulling out her sword.

Sabito did the same. " Alright, you seem confident. But I won't go easy on you, " Sabito stated. Yoriichi didn't say anything, Makomo made the first move. She went ran fast, ending up behind Yoriichi in seconds. Sabito smiles . Makomo is known for he speed and lightweight steps that sound like nothing.* Sabito thought.

Yoriichi blocks her attacks without looking. This caught both Sabito and Makomo by surprise. Makomo jumps back, keeping her guard up, Sabito laughs. " Well, I guess we have to take you seriously." He said.
Sabito then rushed at Yoriichi. Top speed, letting his sword combine together with Yoriichi's.

After some time,Makomo went in the fight to help out Sabito, who was struggling.
Yoriichi didn't didn't know what was going on. It's not that he was controlling his body. It's like his body doing this itself while he was still conscious.

When Makomo is about to hit Yoriichi with her sword, Yoriichi dodges by back, flipping back, kicking her sword out her hand.
Then, he grabs her sword to use it against Sabito as he puts away her knife.

Makomo was shocked and then looked at Sabito, who was also surprised. You can't see it because he has a mask on, but she knew he was.
" I guess I have to go all out," Sabito said.
Urokodaki went out to get more firewood, while Michikatsu was forced by the old man to try to make dinner.
This left the uppermoon eye to twick. " When did suddenly I became a maid for the old man?!* Michikatsu complained.

The demon sighed and tried to figure out what he should make and how to start.
Michikatsu closed his eyes to feel his brother present that was very faint by he was still nearby.

Then the door open walking in was nothing but the old retired man. Urokodaki buts the wood down and went to Michikatsu. " I see you haven't started yet." He teased. This left Michikatsu skulking, and Urokodaki laughed, patting the demon back.

" How I tell you what to cook as you make it?" Urokodaki suggested. Michikatsu just nodded then that when they started.
30 minutes went by, and Urokodaki was telling the poor demon what to put and not what to put in the food. This made Michikatsu a little frustrated, and Urokodaki laughed.

* I'm happy the boys opened up to me more. When I first met them, they seemed lifeless, cold, emotionless, and no facial expression at all. But now they show a little more emotion than they did when I first met them* Urokodaki thought.

Tomioka was walking to where his next mission was with Sanemi. This was the first time he ever had a mission with the wind hashira.

It's was quiet as they walked, and Tomioka was looking down wondering if he should visit the Tsugikuni twins.
" Where the fuck is the damn village!?" Sanemi yells out of frustration. Tomioka was a bit startled. He looked around and saw nothing but a big opening in the middle of the woods.

That's when tomoika realized, " Shinazugawa, I think the demon destroyed the village," Tomioka said. Sanemi looks at Tomioka as if he lost his mind. " What stupid shit did you come up wit-?" Before he could finish, Tomioka points at Wooden House, which was durned and taken down. He didn't notice because it was buried in the snow.

Sanemi eyes widen as he looks around, scanning the place the village used to be at was now destroyed. Some houses and shops were still standing but barely.
" We have to report this to master.." Tomioka said. Sanemi didn't say anything. He just walked back in the direction they came from, and Tomioka followed.
As Yoriichi and Sabito were sword fights. Sabito felt that Yoriichi wasn't using his full potential, not even half of it.
That's when Sabito felt Yoriichi behind him when he turned around. There wasn't anyone there. That's when he felt a cold metal against his neck. Sabito didn't need to turn around to know who that was.

Sabito drops his sword, meaning he surrenders. Yoriichi moves the sword away as Sabito turns to him, taking off his mask.
That's when Yoriichi 6 Sabito, for the first time, and the ghost smiled at him.
Then a flash happened in Yoriichi's mind, a little boy with a checkered bored partner scarf with a mole by his eye. The boy smiled brightly at him, and Yoriichi stumbled back, holding his head.
* Who was that?* Yoriichi asked.

That was when Yoriichi felt wind blow when he looked up and saw both Sabito and Makomo gone.
That's when he saw the boulder was cut in half, and Yoriichi was confused.
He didn't hit the rock or even touched it. Yoriichi sat down on the ground, thinking about what had just happened.
841 words :)

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