Chapter 17

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I had fallen asleep in Garnet's arms that night, my head on her lap as she stroked my hair. I felt a tugging at my hair and I felt no Garnet underneath me anymore. "Go back to sleep Steven" I yawned, squinting my eyes. The hands started pulling me and I giggled and tried to hug whoever was pulling me. I felt something like a nose and I held onto it. The person removed my hand and made a weird nose as they covered my mouth. I pulled this person and slammed the person on the floor, annoyed at them. There was a groan and a shuffle and the hands picked me up and dragged me. I felt another person join us, squirming. I had no idea who it was, but it was probably Amethyst. I laughed but the other person didn't, they kept squirming. I felt a warp pad activate and we warped somewhere else. The person flung me and the other person on the ground and I opened my eyes. "Peridot?!" I gasped, seeing Peridot in front of me and Steven. "What do you want from us?!" Steven asked. "I want to get off this lousy gem forsaken planet! One of you needs to fix this!" Peridot yelled. I looked around, seeing we were at the Homeworld Warp. "Wait what?!" Steven gasped. "You're my last chance, I've got no foot, I've got no response from Yellow Diamond! You, the Steven fixed Lazuli's gem, and the Rhodonite, all of your kind have healing powers! You've got to do it to the Homeworld warp! Or else-" Peridot loaded up her gun. "Okay okay! Just-just give me a second! My mouth gets really dry when I'm scared" Steven loaded up his healing powers but I pounced on him just as he was about to. But the spit still went down, but nothing happened. "You! Rhodonite! Try it!" Peridot ordered. "What's the magic word?" I asked smirking. "Please" Peridot groaned. "Please what?" I asked, smirking even more. "Please can you heal the Homeworld Warp?" Peridot asked. "No thanks, don't feel like it" I closed my eyes knowingly as Peridot raged. "Do it now!" Peridot loaded up his gun. "What's that in the sky?" I asked. "Huh?" Peridot looked up and I kicked her gun and fired upwards. The bullets slowly unloaded and Peridot once again raged. "Earth isn't that bad!" I said. "It doesn't matter what Earth is like cause there's not gonna be an Earth soon!" Peridot yelled. The gems suddenly warped to where we were and they all ran to us. "There you are!" Pearl hugged Steven and me. "You're okay!" Amethyst hugged my waist. "Peridot" Garnet said through gritted teeth. "Why can't you just leave me alone?!" Peridot asked. The gems sprung into action and Garnet saved Amethyst. Garnet then came over to me and Steven and hugged both of us. "I'm glad you're both okay" Garnets aid as I snuggled into her chest. "Wait you need me, I'm the only one who knows about the-" Peridot poofed and her limb enhancers flew everywhere. "What the-" Pearl looked shocked. "Ugh, sick. There's bit of her all over!" Amethyst grimaced. "Nope, she's right here" Garnet smiled at the bubbled gem. Pearl picked up the limb enhancers and inspected them. "So these weren't actually part of her body?" Pearl asked. "They are limb enhancers, the Diamonds, I mean me and the other Diamonds, used to give them out to Gems who were, smaller " I explained. "Oops" Amethyst dropped the limb enhancers into the water below. "Garnet, she was trying to tell us something" Steven said. "Those are just the desperate lies of a gem that's been caught" Garnet ruffled my hair as my cheeks went red. We warped back and I laid on the sofa, catching up on the sleep I had missed. I felt poking on my face and I reached out and tickled the person. Amethyst giggled as I tickled her silly. A while later, I heard Steven going into Rose's room. "Steven, be careful!" I yelled. He gave me a thumbs up as I went back to sleep. A while later, I felt another familiar poking in my ribs as I giggled. "I'm up!" I opened my eyes and Amethyst, Pearl and Garnet were there, holding pizza. "Wow! Pizza!" I said, grabbing a slice as the others laughed. Peridot ran out from the temple, surprisingly small. "Freedom is mine!' Peridot cheered but stopped to look at us. I started laughing  and Steven ran in front of Peridot. "Wait!" Steven yelled. "Look! Over there! Another planet to betray!" Peridot said as she started running as we summoned our weapons. Pearl and Garnet ran in front of Peridot. "Oh no you don't!" Pearl said as Peridot ran up the stairs where Amethyst was waiting on the bed. "Hey~" Amethyst, holding her whip. Peridot panicked and fell on the sofa and I went in front of her. Peridot grabbed me and brung me into the bathroom. She dropped me by the hair and I rubbed my head which was heading. "Do you mind Peri?" I asked. "Peri?" Peridot said confused. There was muffled voices outside of the room and Peridot started examining my hair. "Is this a silk of some kind?" Peridot asked. "Uh no, it's hair. Like yours and the others" I said. "Hair?" Peridot said confused. "Peridot open the door!" Garnet banged on the door. "It's okay, we're fine! Everything's a okay!" I called back. There was more muffled talking and Peridot looked in the mirror. "What's this reflect?" Peridot said. "That's a mirror. You look into it and you see whatever you see" I shrugged. "Peridot, alright, no more fighting. Let's just have a civil conversation" Garnet called to us. "As if I'd talk with you filthy war machine!" Peridot scoffed. There was more muffled talking and I started to fall asleep. "Night Peri" I yawned and fell asleep.

I felt Peridot tugging my hair and I felt cold as I realised the shirt from Garnet I had put on was gone. My form could be seen as my usual one and I got up. Peridot was wearing the shirt and jumped when I looked up. "Morning Peri, can I have that back?" I asked. "Do you have more?" Peridot asked. "Uh yeah but that one's kinda special" I said as Peridot took it off and gave it to me. "Can I have one of yours?" Peridot asked. "Sure, I'll ask Steven to get me one" I said as I got up. "Wait! Don't go!" Peridot grabbed my hand and blushed. "Yeah?" I smiled. "I want you to stay" Peridot said as I sat down. "Peridot, can I come in, I need to get ready for the day" Steven called. "No, I mean yes" Peridot said as I gave her a look. Steven came in and I waved at him. "Here, I have something for both of you" Steven threw me an alien shirt and Peridot a limb enhancer foot. "What a great souvenir  of that other time you assaulted me" Peridot said, sitting in the corner. "Oh sorry, I can take it back-" Steven started. "No! It's too late! You wouldn't happen to have the rest?" Peridot asked. "Nah, we lost them. Well actually, we threw them away" I said as I handed Peridot the shirt. "Woah! What a great thingy!" Peridot put it on her. I passed Steven the toothbrush and he started brushing. Steven went out again and there was muffled voices. I decided to go out and waved bye to Peridot. "Hey guys" I smiled as Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet hugged me. "Are you okay to stay here with Steven?" Pearl asked. "Sure" I smiled. "Oh Steven! Der! There's one more thing I had to mention!" Garnet said. "What?" I asked. "I love you. Bye" Garnet made a heart with her hands as I blushed. "See ya later!" Amethyst said  they warped away. Steven blushed too and giggled. I sat down on the sofa as Steven started cooking. "They left ya know, you can come out now!" Steven called to Peridot. "No! I like it in here!" Peridot yelled back. "Okay!" Steven called back. The thunder started and I looked out of the window in admiration. Peridot rushed out of the room and rushed into the wall. "It's happening!" Peridot yelled. "What?!" Steven and I yelled back. I went back to sleep as I'm too lazy right now to care.

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