Mr and Mrs Stilinski. Chpt 23

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"Hey Mr. Stilinski!!" I said entering Stiles' house hugging him.

"Oh hello Brooke Stiles is upstairs. He's acting a little strange today." Mr Stilinski said releasing me from his hug.

"I still can't believe the two of you are dating. You're perfect and he, he just doesn't seem your type." Mr Stilinski said laughing.

I smiled at him "I love your son in more ways than I could describe to you." I said reassuring his father who smiled at me again before turning and exiting the house.

Heading up the stairs I heard a loud bang coming from Stiles' room.

"Stiles?!?" I screamed pushing through his door seeing Derek hovering over Stiles whose back was pinned against the wall.

"Hey! Derek play nice." I said as He rolled his eyes at me releasing his grip on Stiles.

"Thank god!" Stiles said running to sit in his chair.

"So what are you doing here anyways?" I questioned Derek who looked to Stiles.

"He's uh helping me with something and I completley forgot we were supposed to hang out today." Stiles said cringing as I walked and sat on his lap.

"It's fine! I'm jut gunna head out then I'll leave you guys to it. But here's the necklace!" I smiled giving Stiles a peck on the lips and handing Derek the charm.

He smiled at me before I exited the room.


Sitting down on Lydia's bed she basically threw piles of things at me.

"Thank you so much for helping me today sis, I know you were supposed to hang out with your bf but instead you're hanging with your bff!" She said handing me another pile of various items.

"Ya it's no problem he cancled anyways, Lyd if you don't mind me asking what is all this stuff." I said lifting up key chains and blouses.

"Um it's just stuff that reminds me of Jackson. The shirt in your hand is the shirt from the first time we uh-" she trailed off.

"The first time you what? Hung out?." I questioned looking at it.

It was cute it had a floral blue and navy pattern on it and danty little straps.

"From the first time we had sex." She said all hints of modesty leaving her voice.

"Oh." I put the shirt back in the pile as she came over with a plastic crate.

Sliding all of the items off the bed and into the box Lydia smiled whipped her hands together brushing off whatever was lingering andthen covered it.

She looked up at me beaming.

"I needed a new boyfriend anyways she said smiling as her and I both layed back onto her bed looking up at her ceiling.

"So speaking of boyfriends. How's your little dork?" Lydia said rolling to face me.

I sat up facing her as well.

"He's alright, he's been a little stressed lately I guess."

"Oh well you know how to fix that? Right?" She questioned me raising an eyebrow.

"Yup Lyd I have that all taken care of." I said laughing.

"So um how is the other one?" She said looking at me getting a bit more serious.

"We are good friends now." I say as she rolls her eyes.

"And does he feel the same as you?"

"Um I'm not really sure... I think so and I mean I thought so when he had Allison and stuff but now. I'm not so sure." I said as she watched intently.

"Just don't hurt anyone in the process babe, because this stuff gets messy. But I think you already knew that didn't you?" She asked.

"Ya kinda." I said trailing off stairing at the bucket of Jackson's items.

"So what is everyone hiding?" Lydia questioned me nonchalantly.

"Excuse me?" I said not quiet sure what she was referring to.

"Every one is always so shady, you Jackson, I've even noticed it in Stiles a little recently." She said shaking her head.

"Oh nothing I think the whole night at the school thing still has everyone freaked out." I said as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Why do I get the feeling everyone knows something I don't then?" She asked.

"It wasn't Derek in the school." I said without thinking.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned me her eyes wide.

"I'm saying that he wasn't who was in there with us."

Lydia's mouth dropped the shock apparent on her face.

"Well than who was it?" Lydia said calmer than I expected.

"We don't know." I said telling her half of the truth.

"Why didn't you tell me, why does everyone else know?"

"We didn't want you to worry especially after what happened last time at the movie store." I said as hurt washed over her face.

"I don't need to be protected." She said strictly.

"I know you don't need to be, but I wanted to. I didn't want you hurt or upset. You're my sister I'm trying to keep you safe." I said pleadingly.

"Safe from what?" She questioned her tone easing up a bit.

"Not from what. From who." I said as her eyes grew wide and her head fell into her hands.

My hand began rubbing her back as she rose her head from the crock in her arms.

"What time is it?" She questioned looking for her clock.

"It's almost 6." I said looking at the clock on her night stand.

"Brooke!!!" She screamed.

"What?!?" I asked shocked.

"We have to get ready your boyfriend hes playing first line and I have to look hot and make Jackson jealous as I flirt with his team mates." I smiled at her statement and hopped of her bed reaching my had out to help her up.

"Let's go make ourselves look hot!"


"Scott where is he?" I asked as I pulled on his arm yanking him away from the bench.

"I-I don't know where he is exactly I know he's with Derek but I'm not too sure on the where." He said struggling to get away from my grip.

"Well what about the when? Like when is he going to be here?" I asked sarcastically as Scott just shrugged his shoulders.

"McCall come here." Jackson said looking at him murderousley.

"One sec Jackson." He called back turning to look at him.

"Brooke we have a problem." Scott said as he began to get anxious.

"Jackson wants the bite, like really badly." Scott said

"Well tell him no." I said stating the obvious way out of this problem.

"I can't just tell him no. He threatened to tell you about me being a werewolf." Scott said upset.

"Scott I already know that you're a werewolf." I said raising my hand to my temple in aggravation.

"Ya but if he was going to tell you then he could tell somebody else. Like Allison! And she could go and tell her dad and then there isn't going to be a Scott McCall left in this world." He began to heavy breath and his eyes flashed gold once.

"Scott look at me it's gunna be ok. Just breath. We'll figure this out." I placed my hands on his shoulders as I pulled him into a hug.

"Play well." I said releasing him noticing his breathing was settled.


"I can't believe he never showed. Plus he's not answering his cell." Sheriff Stilinski said to me as we exited the game stands.

Lydia had left the game with a couple of her friends from school and a few of the upperclassmen that were on the team.

"Would you want to come home with me and wait for him?" Sheriff Stilinski asked nervously. I could tell Stiles missing the game was upsetting him more than he'd like to admit.

"Id love to come wait with you sheriff." I said walking to his car.

Getting into the passengers side of the police veichale I sat down and closed my eyes. Today has been a long day.

"So how are you and Stiles?" Sheriff Stilinski asked me pulling out of the schools lot attempting to make small talk.

"We've been great. It's kind of weird how great we have been actually. I just never thought that Stiles would have this much of an effect on me." I smiled looking up to see that sheriff was smiling back at me.

"I never thought you and Stiles would have ended up together either. He hadn't even told Scott that he liked you. But I remember him liking you from before- before his mom died, they used to talk about you together. Do you remember her at all?" He asked looking at the road.

I couldn't tell if he was upset or not I couldn't quiet put my finger on the emotion I was getting off of him.

"I remember certain things, a lot less than I probably should. I remember she used to braid my hair when I would come over because she didn't have a little girl at home who's hair she could braid. I remember her telling me that I was the daughter that she never had. I remember the pink tea cookies she used to make when id force Stiles and Scott to play tea party." I said reminiscing in all the old memories.

Sheriff began to smile at me again as a tear rolled down my face.

"I worry about Stiles sometimes. I know he misses her. And he knows he can talk to me about anything but he doesn't talk about that." Sheriff said as we pulled into the drive way.

Getting out of the car and walking to the door I grabbed sheriff Stilinskis arm.

"If he ever needs you, like really needs you, I'll let you know." I said and sheriff just nodded in reply.


Ok soooo I know it's not one of my best but I'm probably posting another update later tonight or tomorrow! So don't get too upset.

Let me know how you guys like it still!!


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