Don't Touch Me. Chpt 14

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Brooke's pov

Empaths absorb the impact of stressful or painful emotions felt by someone they are close too and mirror them, when signs first begin episodes are usually caused by touch but as there power grows they are able to control it from far distances, it can trigger panic attacks and depression as well as food, sex and drug binges, and a plethora of physical symptoms that defy traditional medical diagnosis from fatigue to agorophobia as well as physical and emotional pain caused by the other person.

I thought over what Stiles ha said to me again. It sounded pretty spot on.

As I turns the corner of the hallway headed for my locker I saw Jackson yelling at Derek.

Why the hell was Derek here?

He grabbed Jackson by the neck shoving him into the locker.

"Derek stop, Derek let him go!" I yelled down the empty hallway urging him to stop hurting my sisters egotistical boyfriend.

"Brooke?" Both boys questioned at the same time.

I looked at Derek sternly.
"Why are you here?... What is wrong with you, you look so... Sick." I said grabbing for his arm to get him away from Jackson who was desperately grabbing his neck.

Grabbing onto his arm I yanked on him before letting out a small yelp, as a shot of pain went through my left arm.

Jackson grabbed my wrist looking at the purple bruise that had appeared on the upper bicep of my left arm.

"Brooke... What happened?" Jackson pulled me close.
"Are you ok... Did someone hurt you?"

"No Jackson, I'm fine for now. Ok? Go back to class I'll see you later."
I whispered before he gave me one last quizzical look and turned around to leave.

"What's wrong with you Derek?"
I asked being sure to keep my distance and keep from touching him.

"Nothing you can help me with Brooke."
He looked at me judgingly.

"Listen here mister, I know there is something wrong with your arm, now tell me what it is."

"How do you know that." He said turning to look at me.

"Well other than the fact that there is blood dripping down your arm how about the fact that I have a bruise that appeared out of nowhere and I'm guessing it's in the same exact place your injury whatever it may be is." I ranted to Derek who stood there eyes open mouth wide as I continued to walk for the front door.

The bell rung and Derek grabbed my arm pulling me to the side of the hallway.

"Dammit Derke don't touch me." I growled as red lines began to apear over the purplish bruise.

"Be quiet I'm listening."

He closed his eyes before looking up at me.

"Scott and that other girl are planning on having sex tonight?" He laughed

Even in Derek's lowest form he could still save energy to pick on Scott.
Wait... He just said Scott was having sex tonight.

"Wait what?!?"
I questioned as Deeek burst through the front doors of the school running into the middle of the parking lot with me in tow.

As he reached about the center of the parking lot I saw Stiles' blue jeep come to a hault inches in front of us.

"This dude is litteraly everywhere" I heard Stiles say throught the open window.

As soon as he finished his sentence Derek fell onto me crushing me underneath him as I let out shrieks and cries of pain.

My arm burned and my head was spinning as I saw Scott lift the older man off of my body and scoop me up in his arms.

Climbing into the back of the car and placing me on his lap while Stiles got out and grabbed onto Derek who was pushed into the passenger seat.

"It was wolfs bane." Stiles yelled back to us.

"He wont be able to heal."

"But what does that mean for Brooke?" Scott questioned.

"Her pain didn't stop until after we fixed my problem. Is she going to feel everything Derek does until... Until he-"

"Until I die?" Derek said.

"No we won't let that happen." Scott said shaking his head.

"Well than help me-" Derke started looking back at Scott and I.

"Help us." He finished referring to me.

Scott looked at my face and I weakly smiled at him.

"Find out what it was, she's one of them" Derek said referring to Allison.

Scott nodded "ok I will." He wripped off the grey hoddie he was wearing and balled it up lifting my head gently
And placing it under so I could rest in the back seat comfortably.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, he turned around and fave a sad smile before running out of the car.

"Scott I'm gunna kill you for this!"

Stiles screamed as he sped out of the lot leaving the screamin and honking impatient kids behind.


"Come on." Stiles said mumbling to his phone.

"Not good news?" I whispered weakly from the backseat.

"No it's not Bro-bee but don't worry I'm sure Scott's doing his best."

He then looked at Derek.
"Can you please try not to bleed out in my car we are almost there."

"Almost where?" Derek questioned.

"Your house..." Stiles answered.

"NO. You can't take n there that's the first place they'll look." Derek yelled.

"I can't take you to your own house?" Stiles insulted.

"Not when I can't protect myself." Derek retorted.

Stiles than julted the car and pulled over to the curb.

"What happens if Scott can't find you little magic bullet thingy? Are you going to die?"

"No... I have a last resort." Derek said pulling up his sleeve to show the bullet wound to Stiles who freaked out.

"Is that contagious... Omigod eww."
He said covering his eyes.
"You know what you should probably just get out."

"No Stiles, that's not funny." I said laying down.

"Start the car. Now."
Derek demanded and after a couple more remarks back and forth we were on the road again.

Stiles pov

"What am I supposed to do with him?"
I yelled into the phone.

"I don't know take him somewhere anywhere!"
Scott whispered back to me

"And by the way he's starting to smell like death... and Brooke, is pale and she looks sick... Not as bad as Derek but getting there... I'm not sure if she can take much more of this Scott." I whispered while looking back to see Brooke asleep on the seats.
"I'm worried about her man."

"Ok... Take them to the animal clinic."

"What about your boss?"

"He's gone by now there is a spare key in te box behind the dumpseter." Scott said reassuringly.

I pulled the phone away from my ear looking at Derek.
"Your not gunna believe where he wants me to take you."

Derek grabbed the phone from my hand and got into a heayed conversation about bullets with Scott. While they were talking I looked back at Brooke who seemed to be asleep her lips were purple and she was shivering and snuggled up to Scott's jacket. I peeled mine off of my Body and covered her up. She emediatley reacted to the warmth of my hand that ran against her bare shoulder turning closer to it. I took her face in my hand and rubbed circles on her cheek which seemed to regain some color as I did so.

Turning back around I looked at Derek who was still talking.

"If you don't then I'm dead, and from the looks of it, Brooke your little girl toy will be too, and I do not want that for her."

He hung up the phone and gave it to me.


Soooo I hope you guys love the new update! Message me with any questions or confusion about what Brooke is slowly becoming and is love to answer! As well as
Vote, comment, and read!!!
Thank you guys!!!
-Hailey xoxoxo

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