I woke up in the morning and being the annoying friend that I am, I started to call them one by one to see the degree of their hangovers.
"Who is that crazy person" she said when she picked up the phone.
"It's me Fannie and I just wanted to see how you were doing" I said.
"I hate you!! You know I have a sick hangover and I feel like my head is being hit by a metal continuously!" She screamed and ended the phone call.
I would rate that a 71%.
"Hi there hun" I said after she answered the phone.
"You are not nice you think that I don't know that you are calling me to see how bad my hangover is. Well if you want to know, it is so bad that I'm never gonna touch a cup of alcohol again." She said almost shouting at me.
Everybody says that when they have a hangover but at the next party the first thing they help themselves to is an alcoholic drink. I would rate that a 63%.
"How ya doing?" I asked Ava when she answered the phone call.
"Not bad I just finished taking aspirin and it calmed my head down" she stated.
"Oh that's nice. Well I just wanted to see how you were doing" I was about to end the call when she said,
"Um Fannie I'm sorry for Yesterday in the car, I shouldn't have done that I guess I was pretty drunk." She said apologetic.
"Its Ok trust me" I said and ended the phone call. I give her 22%
She didn't even answer the phone call. I guess it is pretty bad. I rate her 85% so, I guess Bette wins.
And I'm here deciding if I should call Owen to see how he's doing but I don't know.
So after debating whether I should or not to call him, I decided to call him because he has officially entered my friendship list right?
"Awwn,you already miss me?" Owen asked after answering the phone call.
"Nope it's just something I do after a party, I call all my friends to see how bad their hangovers are" I said. I'm not with him at the moment but I know for sure that he is smirking right now.
"Well sweetie I didn't even get a single drop of alcohol"
"And why is that? You look like the party type." I asked confused.
"Well I have an early morning shift at the sport store" He said.
"Oh, well Ok and hey I didn't get the shoes I wanted to buy that yesterday morning" I said trying my best to sound angry.
"Ok so how about you come over on the afternoon and get those shoes and after we could go and get lunch together." He said.
"So you are literally asking me on a date?" I asked.
"Yah think of it how you like but don't bring your friends"
"Why?" I asked curious.
"Because I feel weird around them".
He replied.
"Awwn, because their pretty and you are not?" I asked and he laughed.
"Well, admit it you know I'm beautiful" he said in a sing song voice.
"No, but I admit it you sound gay" I said and we both laughed.
After the phone call I felt really happy and I don't why,but meh just because I'm going out with a friend.
I rushed downstairs for breakfast and met my Mom already seated.
"Not fair you didn't call me" I said and gave her one of cute pouts.
"Sorry I was starving and you wouldn't come down early" she said apologizing.
"So when I was coming down I heard you talking to somebody, so is it a guy?" My Mom asked.
So, my Mom is actually someone I can confine in but she has trouble keeping it to herself when the guy comes around. Like the time when my elder sister Falana, (I have an elder sister but she is spending the holidays with my Aunt and I decided not to go) brought her boyfriend home for dinner, my Mom could not stop crying and the guy thought Mom was a weirdo.
"Yah it is, his name is Owen and he is just my friend" I said and shrugged.
"So you guys hang out" Mom said winking weirdly.
"Yah we do as friends plus we are hanging out Today." I said and took a bite out of her bacon.
"Oh so you guys are just hanging out it's not a date or anything" Mom said twitching her eye weirdly again.
"No it's not, and Mom is there something wrong with your eye it looks out of place today" I said going closer to her to inspect.
"Oh come on I'm just practicing my winking skills and I still got it" she said and winked weirdly again.
"No you don't got it" I said sitting opposite her and stealing out of her food.
"Yeah Fannie, Falana is coming back next week" Mom said.
So who wouldn't be so happy to hear their sister is coming back. Me. I'm happy but that means we are back to sharing my things and living together.
"Oh that's great" I said taking another bite from Mom's plate of food.
"Hmm she said she really enjoyed her holiday" Mom said.
"Yeah as Aunty Molly's servant" I said sarcastic.
"Yh but only if you went you would've had more fun" Mom said pouting.
"Working on a farm? Mom do even know me?" I said questioning her.
"Yh I do you are Fannie Millicent Lambert." She said using my middle name that I don't like.
"Yah please stop and thanks for the food" I said standing up.
Mom looked at her plate and noticed it was empty.
Well what can I say except sometimes I do wonders.
Another brilliant chapter gone and I hope this one was really good.
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