#Chapter 4

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Im here with another chapter so just enjoy.


The doorbell rang and I beat my Mom to the door cause I don't want the party to take place in my house.

"Hi there" I said to all of them and entered the jeep that belongs to Jacinda.
Irene: wore a red short sleeved top on a black pencil skirt that had a slit at the side and that was barely touching her knee. Adorable.

Jacinda: wore a yellow slim fitted dress that barely reached her knee and had a slit. Plus it totally matched her hair.

Ava: Ava being Ava, wore a red oversized top (faded) on black shorts that barely showed.

Bette: Bette wore all black. She wore a black hoodie, black reaped jeans and a black beanie. She looked like to came to steal. Well typical Bette.

On the way there all of them except Bette and I were all blabbing about something that I think is not important.
Then Jacinda asked out of nowhere,
"So girls, who is out getaway driver?"
"Irene" we all screamed in unison well except from Irene herself. Irene has always been the getaway driver because she rarely takes alcohol and even when she does she is still the most sane person.
"No not fair! I want to have a drink or two". Irene whined
"Uh ok, what about you Ava?" Jacinda asked pleading.
"You know me, and when a hot guy hands me a drink I can't say no". Now it was Ava's turn to whine.
I'm always worried about Ava. Like how can a guy you barely know come to you and give you a drink and you know that the drink is spiked. She has always been the one that guys adore the most because of her cute looks but she always chases the guys away cause she can't commit to a relationship.

"And don't even say my name cause you know how I get drunk easily" Bette added.
Bette has always been the party monster like really don't get close to Bette when she is partying hard.

"What about you Jacinda why don't you be the getaway driver?" I asked getting tired of all the questions.

And Jacinda just replied with;
"I'm a girl with a mission". Now when Jacinda says that, that means that  she would do anything just to get the guy she is interested in to notice her (I mean anything).

"But Fannie, you are free right?" Jacinda asked.
Now no matter how much I want to say no, I know that they would always have my back so maybe it's my turn to have there backs for a while plus I'll be the one to drive that's good right?.

"Fine, Fannie's the getaway driver" I said and all the girls clapped and cheered. The things you do for friendship.

We got to the party and we were welcomed by people making out by the front door.
And unfortunately one of the couples making out were Jacinda's latest ex and his side chic and let's just say she saw it.
"Jacinda please don't make a scene" I said trying to hold her down.
"I don't make scenes, I react negatively to stupid actions" she said and walked over to the couple and took a picture.
The couple turned and the guy looked at Jacinda with scared expression on his face.
"Um don't worry I would make sure to show this to Mirelda, that's the name of your new girlfriend right?" Jacinda asked.
Now this makes me afraid of Jacinda. With that picture she can destroy a relationship, destroy a guy's reputation and also ruin his night.

"No please, wait you are not Mirelda" He said turning to the chic.
Wait were have I heard that before.

"Anyways bye and oh, enjoy your party". Jacinda said and went away from the couple.

"Now that was funny" Bette said and we all laughed.

We entered the party and it was exactly like normal. Time Froze.


Another Chapter gone and I hope I was able to Wow you guys. Well don't be a silent reader.

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