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"Crap! I'm late!" Emma jumps out of bed, in the process falls to the ground with a grunt. "Of course," she sighs and lays there for a second before actually standing up. She was in an over-sized T-shirt with no pants on and her hair up in a bun. It was 10 minutes before she was supposed to leave for her audition and she hadn't gotten to practice. She runs around her room grabbing clothes to put on while putting others on at the same time. 

"You're really talented," Ruby giggles from the doorway watching as her best friend flees around the room.

"Ruby! why didn't you wake me? You knew I have this audition!" Emma paused from running around her room, fully dressed and putting her hair up as she spoke to the brunette.

"Whoa," she said putting her hands up in surrender. "I didn't wake up until I heard a giant thump in here, which I'm guessing was your body flying out of your bed." She tries not to laugh but it comes out anyways. 

"It's not funny, Rubes! I really want this job." She walks towards Ruby to leave the room, "I can't even believe I got a callback. They won't even think of canning me before I get the job if I'm late." Walking into the bathroom Ruby follows her so she can still talk. Emma is putting toothpaste on her toothbrush and then starts brushing her teeth, looking to Ruby nervously.

Ruby notices her friends apprehensiveness and smiles at her. "Em, you totally got this in the bag. You are amazing at this part and the character meshes so well with you."

"You think?" She says with a mouthful of toothpaste causing Ruby to chuckle. 

"No, I know. You are amazing and totally going to get this part." She walks more into the bathroom and looks into the mirror at herself, fixing her hair. 

Emma spits out the toothpaste and rinses her mouth before looking at Ruby and then leaning in to hug her. "Thank you, I really needed that," She steps out of the hug and runs towards the door, grabbing the script, her keys and phone. "You're the best Rubes! Wish me luck!" Then Emma runs out of the door and into her yellow bug to go to her audition.

"Good-" Ruby started but then Emma was already out of the house. "-luck." she smiles and then goes back into her room where she left her 'friend' she met last night at the bar when she was out with Emma and their friend group. 

On the way to the audition, Emma read the lines as much as she could as she drove. Whenever she hit stop sign she would sit for five seconds and speed read a line. At lights, she would get through a page of reading and then when she finally made it to the office where she will be auditioning she scrambled out of her bug and to the line of blondes who were waiting for their callbacks as well. She sighs and deflates slightly at the sight of all the other woman there. There is no way they will pick her to play Emily out of all these people. she leans against the wall and folds her arms, feeling sorry for herself for just a moment before she starts reading the lines again. 

The woman that had gotten in line behind her got shoved into Emma, causing her to drop her papers and almost fall to the ground. 

"I'm so sorry!" the blonde with the braid said as she helped Emma pick up her papers. "There is a fight happening behind me about who got to the line first and apparently violence came into play." she talks nervously and very softly, "I'm Elsa and again I'm really sorry."

"It's okay really, it was only my papers and they are stapled in order so no big deal." She smiles small to her, Emma was always very slow with trusting people. She went through a lot in her life making her very cautious with details of herself and with making friends. Ruby was a different story, they had instantly clicked. She had been fostered by a woman who insisted they all call her granny, Ruby was also in that home. After a while, granny chose to adopt Ruby as her own but Emma had already been taken to a new home, she and Ruby never lost contact. Now they never have to be separated again, living together and all. "I'm Emma."

Elsa smiles, "Nice to meet you- well I guess it wasn't the nicest way to meet you." She laughs at her own joke and looks at the ground. 

Emma smiles at her joke, "yeah." she was never good at carrying on a conversation. 

"So you're here for the role as Emily?" Emma nods. "Me too, I guess this whole line is."

"Seems that way, I thought the callback was me being closer to getting it, but it doesn't look that way." She smiles tightly.

"Maybe you still will?" Elsa says encouragingly. 

She shrugs and the line starts moving more, Elsa turned to talk to some new people behind her since the other woman ended up getting kicked out for fighting. 

~1 hour 30 minutes later~

Emma was finally at the front of the line, she had gone over her lines enough to know them by heart and was over her nerves. She heard a few rumors that Regina Mills would be reading with them on the callback throughout the line, but all that was was a rumor. No way would she, the famous actress, come read a script with a whole bunch of new actresses. 

"Next!" Emma heard which she assumed meant she should come in. She was looking down at her paper, all of a sudden her nerves were back and she couldn't look up. She replayed what Ruby told her this morning when she was getting ready and took a deep breath. When she looked up she saw a long table with 5 chairs and 4 people at it, she smiled politely at them. The side door opened and she looked to the right, seeing the 5th person joining back up with the rest, from what she assumes was a bathroom or walking break. It was Regina Mills. 

"Shit," she whispers to herself hoping no one heard.

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