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A week already passed since that unforgettable date I had so far, well aside from I got sick and I already forgot what I've saw though it hurts pa din but Gray have his on way of appologizing hehe.

'Ngayon ka lang naman nagka-date.'

"You know what minsan echosera ka!" I hissed and rolled my eyes I look back when someone poke me and pulled the hem of my skirt.

"Ate, may barya ka po? Pangkain lang." I squat down to level her. I pinched her cheeks.

"You're so cute, asan parents mo?" I asked her while getting some coins on the pocket of my blazer

"Ano po yung peyrents?" She said in slang with a confuse look.

"Magulang baby, asan ang magulang mo? Bakit ikaw ang nanlilimos?" I asked while smiling.

"May sakit po yung tatay ko habang si nanay naman po nagbabarker dun po sa may paradahan ng jeep." She even pointed somewhere with her small fingers.

"Here," I handed her with two thousand pesos. "Siguro naman enough na yan para umuwi ka diba? Delikado kasi dito madaming sasakyan baka masagasaan ka—"

"Hey Little mouse! Don't you know what you are doing are extortion!? Gusto mo pakul—Aray!" I hit Gray's forearm because he scared her.

"Ano ba! Ba't mo naman tinatakot yung bata!" I bend down and caress her cheeks, hindi naman siya yung mukang tipikal na pulubi, she's clean though except for her clothing her shirt is too large for her.

"Don't worry about him, go uwi kana bye ingat ano name mo baby?" I ask her and smile.

"Blue po ate ganda." She said and giggled I ruffled her hair.

"Sige ingat ka blue." I smile and wave my hands she smile and wave back and run away. I look at Gray who is scowling like a duck. "What?"

"You trust easily. What if modus operandi pala 'yon? Or isang sindikato ng child trafficking? Or kidnapping? You just putting yourself in danger because of your kindness." He spat and rolled his eyes.

"Tch! You're overacting Gray, Blue is too cute to be a syndicated duhh and don't you think baka mag kamag-anak kayo kasi look your names at both colors Gray and Blue, diba?" I said to annoyed him.

"Is that a joke? Do I need to laugh at it?" He ask sarcastically and walk away. Sumunod na lang ako and pag pasok namin is the usual ambiance and mood on the room, I greet Ash and Hailey kissed them on cheek I also greet Ace and Bryle.

"Cas, balita ko nakipagdate ka nung Thursday ah." Ash said and I can feel na mad kinikilig pa siya sakin.

"Tss after that she became bed rest for three days." Hailey spat and roll her eyes but Ash snuggle her.

"Eto naman, ang bitter mo sis. Nag away kayo ni Tristan no?" I don't know if it was me or what pero mukang masaya yung tono ni Ash nung tinanong niyang nag-away si Tris at Hailey.

"No, just tampuhan but maybe late on magkaka-ayos din kami." She said and gave a flat smile. I was about to talk when someone poke me.

"Cassey Cassey," I face Ace he's with a wide smile, I furrowed my eyebrows confuse why he's smiling. "Nag date kayo ni boss Riley nung Thursday??"

I smiled and slowly nod. "Confirmed!" Ace and Bryle said in unison and they apir their palms.

"Confirmed what?" I ask nagsisikuhan pa sila kung sinong sasagot.

"E-Eh kasi," He look at Ace then on me. "Nung gabing 'yon nag punta si Kaizer sa bahay na tinutuluyan namin, yung sa pinunthan mo...atsinapaksibossRiley." I blinked multiple times because he said it too fast.

"Sorry, I didn't catch it?" Ace rolled his eyes on him and look at me.

"Sinapak ni—" He's been cut off by Candice, SC secretary.

"Mr. Montemayor, Ms. Delavega and Mr. Grisham pinapatawag kayo sa SC office for the meeting." She then said and left, I stand up and look on Gray. I divert my eyes and walk away. because I saw Keira kiss him on his cheek.

'Masakit pa din pala, I thought I already forget the pain because of the medical drugs Dra. DeLeon gave me.'

I reached the it first, I greet the other officers and then Ms. Abadsila and Dean Art. I sat down beside Chloe, SC treasurer Gray went in and he greet everyone ad sat beside me. Candice and Chloe is drooling over him well siya lang naman ang presidnte ng council at sa room.

"This meeting will be short so you can still attend your classes, as for you know we call you all here to discuss what will be our plans for our upcoming festival." Ms. Abasila said I want to ask what is it but I'm a bit shy.

"It's kinda like a foundation day." Gray whispered like he knows that I'm in distress.

"This event is a week long, there will be no classes so everyone will enjoy and have a lil break from academic stress and open for the public so any suggestions for this event?" She ask so I raise my hand half way.

"Well, I propose to have a pageant but this pageant is kinda a charity work, by the funds that will be collected in the ticket we will sell for the coronation, the half of it will be our donation and the other half will be returned to our school funds. The charity will be chosen by us or by the winner." I proposed I crossing my fingers under the table while looking at them.

"It's...a good idea..right?" Candice said and everyone nodded.

"So it's settled we will have our pageant, how about booths what you think?" Chloe said it's approved immediately.

"What about the contest? Any suggestions? Well, aside from the pageant who usually done in this kind of event." Tamara said, she's one of the former officers and now SC's PIO.

"Like Battle of the bands?" Tyrone said she nodded. "I suggest that and also Dance troupe."

"President?" Dean Delavega ask and everyone look at Gray aside from me.

"Mural art, depends on them what they're want to express well except for things of images that might ruined and stained the school's image." He said borely.

"I like that, but how we will judge it if you don't have a theme to follow?" Dean Delavega ask again he look at him straight in the eye.

"Freedom." He simply said it's like they're having a starring contest.

"'s inn, since we have a dance contest what about singing? I mean individually?" Candice asks I nod as I agree.

"We already have a BOB." Tamara said and lowkey rolled her eyes on Candice so she look down to avoid the embarrassment.

"Well as you said it's Battle of the 'Band' not battle of singers in that contest it's not the only the singer who's being judge instead it's the WHOLE band. In singing contest, there is the time where ONLY the singer who's being judge." I said and empathize every important words so she can understand I heard low chuckles from everyone aside from her that is darting her eyes on me.

"So...what as you implying at?" She ask and raise her drawing eyebrow.

"That you're dense." I said bluntly she was about to go and pulled my hair when Dean Delavega and Gray shout.

"ENOUGH!" I just smirk at her and as she rolled her eyes.

"Let's continue, shall we?" Ms. Abasila ask while looking the two of us, I nod while she scoffs.

 "We had the plans, what about the personnel's in charge? Specially for the pageant, you've suggested Ms. Delavega?"

"Galileo will be in charge for the decorations since they're so artistic then I assign Euclid for the security within the vicinity." Sabi ni Chloe

"Einstein will be our media personal  and Newton will be assign for light and sound effects." Gray uttered

"I agree with your suggestions." I said when their eyes went on me like they are needing my approval

"It's settled, if you have another suggestions feel free to come to my office or ask our President and Vice para na rin ma-aprubahan ni Dean. That's all meeting adjourned." She smile on us we all stand and bow a bit as they left. Only us remained there aside from Tamaryn.

"Cassey, thanks for earlier." Candice hug me I pat her shoulder.

"It's fine, well I'll just call another meeting for the pageant or you want me to discuss now my plans?" I ask them.

"Umm...maybe just dm me on insta or text me, medyo hassle kasi if mag papatawag ka pa ulit ng meeting."

"Tch, your proposal doesn't that big to have another meeting just to discuss the plans just go for ordinary order of pageant, ang arte mo na nga ang dami mo pang alam." Tamara  suddenly said on the corner and rolled her eyes on us when we look at her and finally walk out.

"Yeah...she's right. I'll... just dm you 'bout the details and the flow I want and also if you can finish the schedules of this festival today, palagay na lang sa table ko." I smile at them and stand up then walk out there.

I went on the hill we used to hang out and blurts out the tears I'm holding on my way here. Well she's right naman masyado nga naman akong maarte dahil napaka common kasi nung suggestion ko, bakit nga ba kasi iyon yung naiisip ko? I can suggest anything unique...uncommon

"You're so pathetic Meigh Cassandra...plain...maarte...bida-bida...w-weak that's all you are. Minsan no—scratch that ngayon ka na nga lang nabigyan ng chance para mag suggest para mag share ng opinion yet you waste it? Pageant—"

"There you are." I wipe my tears away and paint a smile on my lips before looking at him.

"Hi! How can I help you?" I said with a cheerful voice like I'm not in the middle of drama a few moments ago.

He sigh and his usual gangster mode face then hands on his pockets. "Ar—Dean is looking for you."

I smile and nod he didn't say anything just turn around and walk. I exhale a deep breath and start walking to the dean office, I knock thrice before twisting the knob I stunned by hearing those voices.

"Omg Ayan na ata siya!!"

"Shut the hell up!"

"Can you sit down, papasok naman siya duhh"

As I twist the knob and push the door it confirms my assumption, Yana thrown her on me with a big and tight embrace.

 "Imissyouu!! You're so...big naa omoo!!"

"Lei bitaw na." Cassiopeia tried to pulled her but lumapit siya na parang koala sakin.

"Azlei." A stern voice make her stand still she walks towards me and gave me her softest expression and hug me tightly. "I miss you so much." Her British accent really suits on her.

"So what are you three doing here??" I ask them as I pulled out on the hug someone cleared it's throat so all of us look at it and I forget about Kuya Art! Damnit!

"They're transferring here the reason why is confidential so don't ask I'm not fond on someone who is dense and loud, go and tour them around." He dismissed us I rolled my eyes on him secretly and Yana pulled me out sumunod naman yung dalawa.

"Omygosh, I thought I won't catch you up. Is the Dean still there?" Ella ask I nodded.

"Ellaa!! I miss you!! How's your mission Germany?" Yana cheerfully ask after she hugged her.

"'s..fine. I didn't encounter difficulties but I managed it somehow." She smile on us and entered the room. I'm abit confuse on what Yana asked.

'Mission? I thought she...stop it Cas you're over thinking maybe it's just about their business. Stop your ass for butting in.'

"Cas! Yohoo?? Are you with us??" Yana wave in font of me

"Yes?" I ask

"We're asking where are we heading ba??" Cassiopeia asks

"Uhm let's go to my room first." We went on our room and everyone in the hall way is turning heads on us because it's already break time.

"Bes!" I called Hailey's attention and she wave her hand and went on us. "Goddess, this is my best friend here Hailey Kaye." I introduce her on them.

"Hi! We already meet last time, Yana and Cassiopeia right?" She said the two nod and smile on her. I'm abit confuse but I just let it be.I snuggle the lady beside me who's busy reading her book.

"Caroline Dwight." Hailey offer her hand and they shake hands.

"Hailey Kaye." She's still smiling

"I know, I heard it." And then after five seconds of handshaking she pulled out and go back reading.

"Erm–I just tour them out if someone is looking for me just say I'm out." I pulled the three out there and just like what I've said I tour them around the campus and they're really catching attentions. We were in the hallway after we went on the pool area nung makasalubong namin si Ella.

"Oh Hi!" She wave her hands on us.

After I tour them around the campus I look at my wrist watch I still have a 50 minutes to discuss the plans to my section. We're the higher ups so they expects more on us. Nag paalam muna ako sakanila at dumiretso sa room then nakasalubong ko si Candice.

"Buti naman naabutan kita, here." Inabot niya sakin yung bond paper.

"That's the complied schedule of our Festival. We already posted some posters on the bulletin board and also gave to each sections and also we told them their assigned task. I already send invitations to other schools as Miss Abadsila said." She explained so I nod and smile on her then tap her shoulder.

"Good job, we're really be in chaos if we didn't had you." I said

"No problem, anyways gotta go. Treat mo nalang ako ng drink bukas, bye!" I wave my hand and naglakad na papuntang room And as I step in all eyes are on me and it's like they're already having a meeting.  "Ah go continue." I said then they continue what they're discussing. 

"As I've said earlier,  we need to have a representative in every contest and as for you know everyone is expecting beyond their expectations on us, you know what I mean so take this seriously." Gray said sternly I smile a bit and look away when he look at me.

He's really look hot when he's on serious mode.

"Ms. Delavega kindly present the list of contest and events that will happen." I stand beside him and take out my phone.

"As for the council discussed we will had a Singing and Dance contest as usual battle of the bands, mural art and of course the pageant." I look at them they all seems excited.  "As for the events, we will have acquaintance ball."

Everyone screams as I've mention about the ball. "Silence please, registration on the said events and for booths please approach Chloe San Diego our SC treasurer. And for the schedules will be posted on our bulletin board thank you."

Gray cleared his throat to catch their attention,  "Any nomination or volunteer for singing contest?"

Sabay kaming nagtaas ni Keira ng kamay we even look or more likely glared at each other.

"Yes, Ms. Delavega?" I smile and glance on her with mocking smile.

"I nominate, you." I playfully smile at him he glared at me  but he still right his name.

"Other nomination?" no one is raising their hands and I was about to smile victorious when Keira raise her hand.

"I nominate, Crimson." She said so ths voting starts and in the end Riley won.

"For the dance it only requiers, 5-10 members kindly approach me after class if you want to participate." Tyrone said na ngayon ko lang napansin.

"Battle of the bands?" Gray asks again.

"Kayo nalang kaya tutal dati naman na kayong tumutugtog." Samantha suggested.

"I don't play anymore,  any suggestion?" Sam pouted on what he said so other of our classmate nominate their selves.

"For the pageant, I highly nominate Keira and Kaizer." Dhescere voluntarily said.

"Why does you have to include my name in every contest tsk!" I heard Gray whispered his rant.

"Again?? Why don't we have another contestants?"  Francine said

"Like who? Keira is the only suitable for that competition." Nichole said and roll her eyes.

"Oh come on, she's not the only one who has the charms and wits here, look at..." Her eyes roamed and landed on mine that make me flinched "Cassey, she's also have the standard of a model and pro in pageant has." She confidently said.

"Really huh? Let see then." Keira retorted mockingly.

"Si uhmm...Riley?"  She said or more like a question.

"Mr. Crimson is it okay with you? You already had a contest." Gray ask him in serious tone and serious face.

"Of course,  why not. I can do multitasking." He smirk annoyingly, I saw Gray's jaw clenched.

"For the mural art everyone iz free to express their talents, just bring your own painting materials, That's all." I dismissed them and the bell exactly rings everyone already pag labas ko ng pinto ay nabangga ako sa pinto? Kaya tinignan ko pero hindi naman pala nakasarado may nakaharang lang kaya umatras ako at lumakad sa kabilang side pero ganon din siya hanggang sa para kaming nag papatintero kaya hinawakan ko yung balikat niya at inusog siya sa kabilang side at dumaan ako sa kabilang side.

"You didn't attended the whole class, where have you been?" I lift up my face upon hearing him talk.

"Somewhere." I said and sinukbit ko na sa balikat ko yung knapsack bag ko and nilampasan siya but Gray held my bag and pulled me in font of him like a mouse caught by the cat's paw.

"Answer me." He's on her usual poker face na ang sarap sapakin but I won't sayang face ng crush ko.

"I already did. I said somewhere, is it something hard to understand?" I asked him, he glared at me and put his two fingers on the side of my neck and put a pressure in it. On a unknown reflex of my body, I elbowed his side and roughly grip his wrist from behind and I turn around to twist it and pinned him on the door frame but something snapped inside me and nabitawan ko siya. 

"I'm sorry.."

I run as fast as I could I can even heard him calling me I went on the parking and immediately ride on my car. My heart is beating fast and my mind is in chaos I can't think properly, I rum my fingers on my hair and trying to calm down. I startled when the door beside me opens.

"Cas what's happening?? Are you okay??" Carol held my shoulder using her both hands, her eyes is expressing mix emotions. "Answer me!" She shake me once but a bit violent and now her eyes is with tears

"I..." My tears starts to pool beside my eyes and my lips is tremblings.

"I h-hurt someone Carol...I hurt G-Gray physically. I didn't mean it.. I swear. It's just a unknown reflex force me to get v-voilent. I'm scared." It all stream down and I break down in front of her she pulled me and hug me.

"Shuushh I'm here.. I'm here love... No one's gonna touch you again." She caress my hair and whispered good things on me.

She take over my seat and then dinaanan namin yung tatlo, they had those worried eyes looking at me on the rear mirror but instead of answering I just smiled and tell Carol the direction and my unit number. Nauna akong bumaba at umakyat sa unit ko sumunod yung tatlo while Carol park my car.

"What do you want to have?" I ask them while their eyes are roaming around my unit.

"Anything you can serve with us." Pea said and seat on the couch while Yana went in the

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