Chapter 1||you||

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The classes ended early so you packed your things quickly, you need to leave early because your father called you to do some paperwork. Your father owns a company, he's a well respected business man, many admires his works, he's always busy that's why you tend to help him in his paper works and because of that you had some knowledge on how to handle a company. You were quite famous on your school because of your skills, also a beauty.

You finished packing and ran hurriedly to your secret path, you call that your secret path because that's the fastest way to the company. While running, you encountered a scene that never fails to piss you off.

"Stop it~ look at him, he's now crying~" The girl said it sarcastically making you more irritated.

You've had enough seeing them bullying someone so you decided to approach them.

"Oyy. What. Are. You. Doing?" You said while cracking your knuckles.

The bullies flinched at your presence giving off a dark aura at your surroundings.

"You're interrupting our fun." Said the boy composing himself to not flinch at your dark aura.

"Fun? Hahaha!" You said while you let out a bitter laugh.

"Here I'll show you what's fun."
You dashed towards the boy and perfectly landed a punch in his face, it made a crack sound making you satisfied.

"Your face can't even handle a light punch ya' weakshit, get yourself treated I think I broke your nose" You said making the four of them cower in fear.

The boy cursed under his breath and ran, you looked at the other three with a smirk on your face.

"What? Do you want to get your noses broken too? Get lost!"

They ran following the boy you punched, you felt great venting your anger through that punch and sighed in relief,

"hah! serves them right!"

You were about to walk but you heard a rustling sound beside you, you turned and saw a boy who was pretty roughed up, his body was full of bruises, his uniform was teared.

"Shit. I almost forgot about him."  You thought as you walked towards the boy.

"Uhm..hey, can you stand up?"
He looked up, you gasped as you saw his face full of bruises, he was crying.

"H-here let me help you, I'll bring you to the infirmary ok?"
You got no response, he was hesitant at first but he accepted your help, you helped him up, putting his arm over your shoulder, and your other arm on his waist, you had no problem carrying him like that since you were a little inch apart from his height. You reached the infirmary in no time you called the nurse but there was no response, you cursed under your breath.

"Tch! Those teachers don't even do their work properly."

You put him down gently to the bed and start rummaging through the drawers for the icepacks, lucky for you, you found a complete tools in a kit. You ran towards him holding the things you found, before you started treating him, you phone called your father saying you can't go to his company, and after that you returned your attention to the boy in front of you.

"Hey, I'm Y/n L/n, what's your name?" You asked catching the attention of the boy.

"A-ah! Y-yoshino Junpei."

"I see! So Junpei! Can you remove your shirt?" You said giving the said boy the wrong idea.



"No, no, no, don't misinterpret it, I'm treating you ok?" You reassured him, making him less tense.

"O-okay." He replied meekly.

He started to unbutton his teared uniform revealing his skinny body full of bruises, you immediately prepared the basin with water and a towel, and started to wipe the dirt out of his body. You noticed how the dirt on his body stick onto his skin.

"This is gonna hurt a little so bare with me for now." You said and started to wipe a little roughly to remove the dirt. You could tell that it hurts because of how he twitch everytime you wipe. When you started to feel awkward about this situation you decided to start a conversation with him.

"Say, Junpei" Hearing you say his name made him flinch.


"Why are they picking on you?" You asks but all you've got was a minute of silence, you realize your question was sensitive on him, you jumped on realization causing you to bump his arm making him wince.

"Sorry! Sorry for asking you that! Sorry for bumping your arm!" You apologize again and again but you heard a small laugh making you look at him with a confused look.

"No, It's alright it was just a little bump, compared to what happened awhile ago." He said as he look down, you shot him an apologetic look but you refrained yourself from pitying the boy since you knew everyone doesn't want others to pity them. You looked at his face and saw a hesitant expression, you could tell he was battling whether he should tell you or not.

"You don't have to tell me, you know, so stop making a troubled face."

"No, I- uh don't mind if it's a person like you."

"Ah I see, then I'm glad that you trust me" You gave him a sweet smile making his cheeks turn into light pink. You continued on treating him while he answered your question making it into a long conversation between you two.

It was almost done since all you have to do was bandage his arms with some cuts, when you finish bandaging his arm you quickly run to your bag finding something, your eyes sparkled as you found the thing you wanted to find. Junpei was watching you, tilting his head, curious on what you're doing. You run to him and gave him a hoodie, this surprised him. The hoodie is half blue and half gray.

"It's for you!" You said happily.

"Why" He asked confused

"Why you say? Do you want to walk home shirtless?" Junpei flinched at your question and quickly shook his head.

"Then put it on, I have mine too!" You happily showed him as your hoodie was half pink and half gray.

You put it on, under the hoodie was your uniform. Junpei watched you as you put it on he blushed on how small you look in the big hoodie.

"Now look! We're matching!" You pointed at your hoodie and his hoodie.
"How do I look?" You asked him making him flinch since he didn't know what to say.

"Y-you look c-" he mumbled but you didn't hear.

"Hm? What was that?"

"C-cute" he said covering his face since it was bright red but that didn't go unnoticed by you because his ears was also red.

You let out a small giggle and said:
"Aww thank you Junpei, I just bought this awhile ago and didn't thought that this is a matching hoodie, I thought it was cute so I bought it!" You said as you stand with your two hands on your hips feeling confident that the hoodies you bought just for fun came in to use.

"Let's do this some time Junpei, since no one would do this kind of things with me" You expression became a bit gloomy when you recalled that you don't really have some real friend because they'll only get closer to you for their own sake. Junpei noticed the gloomy aura surrounding you and started to panic since he don't usually comfort someone.

"But!" You said in a loud voice making Junpei flinch at your sudden change of mood and felt a little relieved that he don't need to waste his energy comforting someone.

"I have now someone!"

"W-who" he said making you grin widely at him.


A/n: i just finished my modules, i mean not all of it since yesterday was the deadline and i forgot to pass 4 video project and 3 activities, life sucks man i'll just pray for my grades

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