-Part 2- Which room..?

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Dr.Simon had walked into a another room in the hospital, there sat a young boy, no older then 10, the boy had blonde hair, he was very then and parts of his skin were rotting.. the room smelled horrible,

Dr.Simon sat down next to the boy "So, What's your name..? I'm Dr.Simo-"


"Your name's alone?"

"Help me.."

"What do you need help with..? What's wron-"



"He put the needle I-in me..."

Dr.Simon went quiet for a moment after he heard the boy say that.. he questioned where this "he" put that needle in.. did he Rape those poor children..? Or did he inject something into them, that caused their skin to start rotting- that might have been what happened..

He looked at a clipboard that was beside, it said the boys name was Henry... the poor boy didn't remember his own name, that was horribly sad,

"Can you tell me what happened?"



"He made us- follow.."

"Follow him where?"


"Which room..?"


Dr.Simon just sat there, he even knew that he wasn't going to get Henry to talk... he felt horrible, Shara was the other normal one that wasn't rotting away.. he then got up and walked out the door without even saying goodbye

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