Chapter 26: Finding Her

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Antonio's POV 30 minutes ago
I'm next to Amado, sitting on the couch and watching tv. We just finished dinner and now we're watching some football. The rest of my brothers are in their rooms or wherever minding their business.

"Antonio," I hear Domenico say. I turn my head to look at the living room door to see him standing at it. "Go check on Mireya."

I turn my head back and look at the screen. The break just started. If I go now, I will be able to get back before it resumes. I turn my head back to Domenico. "Okay," I say as I stand up and walk upstairs.

When I arrive at the door of my little sister, I try to open it but it's locked. I knock on the door. No response. I knock again.

"Mireya?" I ask. "You there?" Again, no response. "Shit," I curse. "Mireya, open the door right now!" I yell. After again no response, I think about where she could be.

There are two options. One: she's in her room, not responding for whatever reason. She's not sleeping because if she was, I would've woken her up with my yelling. Two, she climbed out the window.

I decide to check security footage to see if she climbed out the window. I go to the second floor, the business floor. I turn on a computer and check the footage of the last 30 minutes. According to the security camera that has Mireya's window on it, she did not climb out the window.

So she's in her room.

I go back to her room. I knock and yell again without a response.

"Domenico!" I yell and he plus Amado and Luca arrive at the door of our sorellina. "The door is locked and she's not responding. I checked the security footage and she didn't climb out the window."

"Cazzo," he mumbles. "Mireya, open this fucking door right now or you'll get in trouble!" He yells.

"Chill," Amado says. "She's already been trough so much, you're not making it any easier for her."

"It's for her own good," Domenico replies. "She could be dangerous for herself."

"You don't mean.. she could be...hurting herself... right?" Luca says softly as his eyes turn red and slowly a few tears run down his face. Amado gives him a quick hug, not knowing what to say.

"What do we do?" I ask Domenico.

He looks at me and then back at the door. "Luca, go."


Domenico turns his head to Luca. "Luca, go now. You do not want to be here right now."

"I want to be useful."

"I'm not playing with you here. If you want to be useful, go get Dante and Giovanni."

Luca turns around and walks doen the hallway. When he's out of sight, Domenico kicks the door, hard. When it doesn't open, he does it again. This time, the door falls down to the ground with a loud bang.

I slowly take a look around her room, I don't see her. "The bathroom?" I suggest when I hear water running from there.

Domenico nods and we all give each other pained looks, scared of what we're going to find. But there's no time to mentally prepare ourselves. Domenico quickly kicks down the bathroom door, and what we see is horrifying.

She is the bath, blood running down from her wrists, unconscious.

Domenico picks her up, as he's crying just like Amado and I.

"No no no no no. Why would you do that? Why? Please be alive," I mumble. I put my hands on her head and keep her mouth at my ear. "She's breathing."

"We need to go. Call 911."

"Are you sure?" Amado asks.

"Damn it, Amado. There's no time to think what's the best option. Just call 911."

Amado dials it and he starts to answer questions on the phone. I hear gasps and I turn around to see Giovanni, Dante and Luca. Dante quickly grabs a first aid kit and wraps some bandages around Mireya's wrists.

Luca is crying and sobbing as I hug him, trying to comfort him. But then he starts to have a panic attack, he's hyperventilating. "Y'all take care of Mireya. We'll meet at the hospital. I'm going to take care of Luca." Domenico nods and my brothers go downstairs, to wait for the ambulance. Our house is far away from the closest hospital, so this can take a while.

I take Luca to his room. Mireya's room doesn't have calming vibes with all her blood. "Sit down," I tell him calmly, and he sits on his bed. His breathing doesn't slow down. I tell him calming words. At least, I try to. I'm not really good at... this sort of things.

Suddenly, he quickly stands up and runs to his bathroom. I hear him throw up. This is not good. But what am I supposed to do? I have literally no idea. Luckily, after a few minutes his panic attack is ending.

His first panic attack was when Dad died. After that, he had one at least once a week. Dante always helped him, and Luca went to a therapist, but they always came back. Except for when Mireya came back. The whole time she was there, he didn't have a panic attack. But when she went missing, they came back again, even more often.

When I try to help him with panic attacks because I'm the only one there at the moment, I fail to help him. My aura and energy is just not that calming.

When Luca feels 'better', we go to the hospital.

A/N: o m f g its been so long and i am so sorry yall

Ive been going to school every single day soooo stress📈📈📈📈

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