Chapter 14: My Mate.

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At Rengoku's house Tanjiro was sitting on Rengoku's couch taking a good look around the living room. The apartment was decorated in a simple way, but for some reason it felt unlived in. Something about the room was cold and decorations felt like they were only there because they had to be. Tanjiro moved his eyes to his mate who was making some tea for the two of them. Tanjiro however was a ball of nerves, he wanted this conversation over before it even started. Rengoku finally made his way to the couch and sat down next to his clearly nervous mate.

"So..." Tanjiro said, trying his best to keep his voice even. Rengoku took a long and deep breath before facing his mate.

"Before I tell you, I need you to promise me again that you will keep an open mind." Rengoku said with a serious look on his face.

"I promise." Tanjiro answered with a small nod.

""I'm sorry that keeping this secret has been hurting you. That was never my intention. I also need you to know that my love for you is very real and I never once was lying about my feelings for you. But the truth is..." Rengoku took another deep breath. "I work for Uzui not only at Flashy Sound but in his other line of work as well."

"Other work?" Tanjiro's question hung in the air for a few seconds before Rengoku continued.

"Uzui runs the Tengen group and I work as his right hand man." Rengoku kept his eye locked on Tanjiro waiting for a reaction.

"The Tengen group...the Yakuza." The last part of Tanjiro's statement was barely above a whisper. The realization hit Tanjiro like a freight train. "Have you ever hurt people?"

"Yes but no one who didn't deserve it." Rengoku answered honestly. "Ever since Uzui has been in charge he has clean up the group and tried to make it as legit as possible."
. Their new head won't leave us alone and basically making it impossible to go legit." Rengoku said with a stern expression that made Tanjiro feel his hatred and anger.

"Oh..." Tanjiro couldn't find words to say at this moment. He looked at his mate, he tried to find something that changed his mind about him. But all he could think about was how kind and loving he has been. With his mind made up he gave his mate a small smile. He moved closer to Rengoku and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

"Tanjiro..." Rengoku placed his hand on his cheek and looked at his young mate.

"Yes?" The smile on Tanjiro's face grew.

"Why? Don't you have anything to say to me?" Rengoku asked.

"Well I won't lie and say I am thrilled by your line of work. But I know that I love you and I trust you. If that make me an idiot then I guess I am an idiot." Tanjiro barely finished his sentence before Rengoku had him in a crushing hug. "Oof, You're crushing me Rengoku."

"Sorry...I'm just relieved." Rengoku didn't even realize how nervous he was until he felt the wave of relief wash over him. "I love you, Tanjiro so much."

"I love you too my mate." Tanjiro said with a big smile. "Just promise me that you'll be safe and you won't get hurt.

"I can't promise that but I can promise that I will always protect you." Rengoku said kissing his mate multiple times.

"Then I will protect you." Tanjiro said.

"Actually there is something you could do for me. Zenitsu is Uzui's mate and I imagine he will have a harder time accepting it. I need to do your best to help him, as my mate your job within the family will be to help him." Rengoku looked at his mate with a serious smile.

"I'll do my best. But I won't pressure him, he is my best friend and I will support his ultimate decision." Tanjiro replied with a serious voice that told his mate that he meant what he said.

"That's all I can ask for." Rengoku said with a smile. "So it is pretty late, why don't you sleep here tonight."

"Alright but I got to steal your hoodie." Tanjiro said with a small smile.

"No, not my hoodie again." Rengoku said with a anything but serious voice. They went to the bedroom and got into bed without saying anything else. They fell asleep in each other's arms. A few hours later while they were both in a deep sleep, a loud ringing sound woke Rengoku. He looked at the source of the noise which was his phone. Realizing it was Uzui, he answered the call.

"Yes boss?" Rengokus said rather groggy.

"He's gone." Uzui said with tone that sounded murderous.

"What?" Rengoku said with confusion. "Who's gone?"

"My mate" Looking down at a note in his hand, Uzui continued. "My mate is gone. Muzan has him."

"Where?" Was all Rengoku had to say.

"The house." Uzui said in cold voice. "And bring your mate just in case."

"Alright." Rengoku knew that was an order rather than the suggestion it came out as. He knew his long time friend was concerned for the safety of Rengoku's mate but he knew that the order was more for his mate. Tanjiro was someone Zenitsu trusted unconditionally. And depending on the condition they find him in he may need a friend. "Be there in twenty."

The call ended with an uneasiness. Rengoku quickly woke up his mate and gave him a fast debrief of what was going on. The pure concern for his friend was all over his face. They both quickly dressed and left the apartment.

At the same time in front of Zenitsu and Tanjiro's apartment...

Uzui looked at the note he found on the front door when he arrived a few minutes ago. He had rushed over once he got Rengoku's and Zenitsu's texts. He knew that he was going to have to do some explaining but he hoped his mate was going to listen to him. Ha hadn't been explecting to find a note that read:

Tengen Uzui,

We have your mate. You want him back unharmed meet us at XXXX warehouse alone tomorrow at 8pm. Come alone or your mate won't make it out alive.


Uzui crumpled the letter and quickly called Rengoku, after their call Uzui rushed back to his car. He drove the short distance to his home like a mad man. He was thankful it was late so there wasn't a lot of traffic.

"Don't worry, I am coming for you my mate." 

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