Kimi's POV
The days spent in the hospital started off relaxing but quickly turned to boredom. They insisted I stay in so they could run proper tests into how the experiments may have impacted my body or if there were any lasting effects, apart from the obvious scars that now littered my body from head to toe. However, the daily visits from Keigo and my parents definitely helped, especially when my mom snuck Peanut in to be 'reunited with his momma'.
Just as Keigo had arrived to give me my 'daily dose of love and affection' also known as breakfast, there was a knock at my room door. I shared a confused glance at Keigo before calling "come in" at my unknown visitors.
"Morning Kita, Hawks. I thought I'd swing by and see how you were. Someone else also really wanted to see you." Aizawa said lightly, stepping aside to reveal Eri who had been clutching his hand tightly. I hadn't seen anyone from UA apart from Recovery Girl since entering the hospital but seeing Aizawa was wonderful. We weren't by any means close but seeing another familiar face was calming. Seeing Eri on the other hand was shocking. She looked so different! The scared little girl with bandaged arms and legs was wearing a puffy red and gold dress, her long pale blue hair brushed and tied into two, albeit messy, pigtails. She no longer looked like the traumatized child I had grown to know, but your average everyday child.
"Kimi!" She exclaimed once our eyes met, letting go of Aizawa's hand she ran towards my bed and I helped lift her up, placing her on my lap as I had done so many times before in the Hassaikai HQ.
"I missed you!" She called as I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug before pulling back to smile at her.
"I missed you too sweetie! I heard your staying with Eraserhead!" I said looking over at Aizawa with a knowing smile, who just rolled his eyes.
"Yes! Mr Eraser gave me my own room and he even showed me Hikaru and Kaoru, they're real Kimi!" She said quickly nodding her head with every word.
"That's awesome, told you he was a cat mom!" I smirked as Aizawa sighed loudly at my words but didn't deny them.
"I know you!" She suddenly said breaking away to look at Keigo in wonder.
"Really, well I've heard all about you too! I'm-" Keigo began before Eri cut him off.
"You're 'funny bird man'!" She exclaimed causing Keigo's mouth to fall open whilst Aizawa and I snorted at the name.
"I may have told her a few stories, and some of the characters may have been inspired by real people and events." I explained.
"That's right! But most people call me Hawks, it's nice to finally meet you Eri!" Keigo smiled offering her a strawberry from the bowl he had brought with him.
Aizawa and Eri stayed for a few hours, helping us finish off breakfast, with Eri discovering she had an incredibly sweet tooth. But by mid-morning they had to return home, with the promise that Keigo and I would babysit at any time.
"You really are great with kids you know that?" Keigo smiled at me whilst we both laid down in my bed, a bit of a tight squeeze but comfortable none the less.
"Yeah but she's such a sweet girl it would be impossible not to love her. You aren't too bad yourself Mr Funny Birdman." I joked pinching his cheek.
"Ha thanks for that by the way. You couldn't have went with something more realistic like ... Mr Handsome Birdman, Mr Amazing Birdman ... Mr Sexy Birdman?" He mused giving me a soft peck on the lips.
"Not sure those are the words I would use when describing you to a six year old Birdy." I laugh back coming up to run my hands through his golden locks.
"You're right. Let's save those pet names for tonight." He mused pulling me in to another more heated kiss, his hands slowly moving up my leg to cup my hip as my fingers began to move through his feathers. I could feel him tense up as I brushed against one of the more sensitive spots at the base of his wings, a low moan falling from his lips causing me to smirk against them before once again a loud knock sounded from the door.
"Urgh go away..." Keigo mumbled as I pulled away with a laugh, both of us sitting up before I shouted "come in".
"Heyo stranger!" Togata called out happily, marching in with a large 'Get well soon' balloon, Tamaki and Nejire following closely behind.
"Hey guys what are you doing here?" I smiled moving my feet to allow Nejire to sit at the bottom of my bed whilst Tamaki and Togata occupied the two chairs sitting beside it.
"We were playing hide and seek around the hospital but they kept finding us in the ICU!" Togata joked as we all looked at him awkwardly, I love puns but that wasn't his greatest.
"Sheesh tough crowd! We came to see how you were, I've got the balloon, Nejire's got the chocolates and Amajiki brought the bear. Give it to her man!" Togata exclaimed slapping Tamaki roughly on the back.
"Ow! He-here you go Kimi!" He stuttered handing me the violet bear with the words 'feel better beary soon' written on it's tummy.
"Aww thank you guys, this is so sweet!" I smiled hugging the bear to my chest.
"Hey it's good to see you again!" Togata declared at Keigo who grinned back.
"You too kid! From the breakdown Fatgum gave me you three were awesome out there!" He replied giving the three of them a thumbs up which resulted in Nejire giving a detailed run through of everything that happened at lightening pace. Judging by Keigo's confused expression he could barely make out half of what she was saying.
"Hey umm I'll grab some coffee and give you four some space to catch up. Let me know if you'd like anything!" He smiled as he stood up from the bed, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead before he left the room.
As soon as he had closed the door, Togata had jumped up onto the bed and pulled me into a bone breaking hug.
"To-Togata ... can't breathe." I manage to mumble out as he quickly releases me and sits in the space Keigo left behind.
"Sorry Kimi it's just ... you did so much for me back there and I don't think I can ever repay you." He smiled sincerely, as the others nodded in confirmation at his words.
"It's nothing Togata!" I dismiss with a wave of my hand.
"No it isn't! Kimi I could have lost my quirk, my dream of being a hero ... everything. Thank you Kimi." He finished grasping my hand, his eyes no longer holding their playful glow but staring back seriously.
"Any time Togata. Though in saying that I'd still try to avoid getting shot okay?" I smile pushing his shoulder lightly.
"No promises but I'll try!" He laughed brightly.
"Actually Nejire and I have to pop out for a second to ... I can't think of an excuse but you and Amajiki need to talk!" He laughed causing Tamaki's face to explode in a scarlett blush.
"So that wasn't awkward at all!" I laughed watching Tamaki fidget in his chair.
"Kimi ... there's something I need to tell you." He began, his pale hands shaking with nerves.
"I ... I've always lo-" the poor guy looked like he was about to pass out at this point.
"Tamaki, it's okay I know." I admitted trying to make this easier but only to see his eyes grow wide at my words.
"You do but I ... no I have to say it. K-Kimiko Kita I love you and I-I don't know if I can ever stop loving you and if you don't love me like that it's okay! You don't owe me anything but back at the Hassaikai HQ I ... I wasn't sure if either of us were going to make it out and I don't think I could handle anything happening and you never knowing. I'm sorry if I've made this awkward. Can we ... can we still be friends?"
Tamaki's words hit me harder than I thought they would. Togata had told me of his feeling but hearing him admit them was heart stopping. His hands shook nervously but for once his eyes were not on the floor, instead he met my gaze albeit awkwardly.
"Of course we can Tamaki! Thank you ... for telling me. You're an amazing person and you'll be an amazing hero and one day you are going to find someone who is madly in love with you and if they don't treat you like the amazing person you are I'll kick their ass!" I declared pulling him into a tight hug which he gently returned with a quiet laugh.
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