Chapter 48 - Not Everything Has Changed

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Kimi's POV

The sun beamed down on my skin casting a translucent glow around my arms and legs. High school was reaching it's close and I found myself walking along the overgrown shrubbery that surrounded the gym building. It was almost too warm, even for June and the air felt overbearing as it entered my lungs. This might be the last time I get to do this. The last time I get to walk along this untreade path. It would be a little strange if I came back here to reminisce, alumni or not.

"Thought I'd find you here." I heard a familiar voice call before Touya's arm encircled my waist and a light kiss was planted on my temple.

"Am I that predictable?"

"Yep. My tortured poet. If you aren't in the music room or the library, odds are you're trying to blend in with the flowers ... though I'd pick you over them any day." He smiled before slumping down onto the mossy ground and pulling me into his lap.

"So cheesy Touya but I love it!" I chuckled nestling up to his chest.

"Do you think we'll stay like this?" He asked in a small voice, almost inaudible over the chirping of birds and rustling of the treeline.

"I hope not. I don't think the school will appreciate two people who don't even go here anymore hanging around the grounds." I say into the crook of his neck and feeling his chest rise and shake with laughter.

"You know what I mean doll. You and me. You never know what happens in the future. What if you go to college and meet some fancy poet who sweeps you off your feet?" I felt myself stop at this almost unimaginable thought.

"Listen here." I said cupping his smooth face and pulling back to look into his deep ocean eyes.

"No matter what happens. No matter who I meet in the future. No matter how soft their touch or loving their eyes, they will never be you. And I hope that goes both ways. I love you Touya Todoroki. You aren't getting rid of me that quickly ... besides why would I want a poet when I have my favourite fireman?" I smile watching his cheeks flame up and a lazy grin spread across his face.

"I love you too doll." He whispered leaning in to press a delicate kiss to my lips, his hands getting lost in my hair.


I don't know what made me remember that day but I was brought back to reality all too quickly, my mind still groggy from sleep. There were no windows in the room the League kept me in. Dimly lit orange lamps but no natural sunlight. Of all the things I thought I'd miss within the space of a day, I didn't think sunlight would be one of them. Then again I didn't exactly think I'd be abducted by the League of Villians either. I lay in the small but comfortable bed Kurogiri laid out for me and thought over the past 24 hours in exasperated silence. My mom and Keigo were probably on a manhunt as we speak and my dad was probably on the first flight back to Japan. But despite all that my mind continued to drift back to Touya. He had tried to save me. He had tried to stop Shigaraki even though he knew he could be killed for it. And that kiss. As quick and and subtle as it was conveyed so much more than just that of an old flame.

As my mind raced with visions of the old Touya, the present Touya entered the room looking extremely tired. I felt myself jump slightly at his presence when he sat down on the bed just inches away from me.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered, his voice sounding scratchy and sore.

"Peachy given the circumstances." I said sarcastically and watching him flinch slightly at my tone.

"So much for us staying away from each other right?" I smile sadly trying to ease the obvious tension.

"Yeah, I've never been that good at staying away from you doll and I don't mean for that to sound as creepy as it does I swear!" He said quickly making my genuinely laugh despite the situation. He may not look or sound like the Touya I once new but in that instant it was clear his easily flustered state hadn't changed at all.

"I know. So what happens now?" I ask trying to gauge his reaction.

"I don't know. I don't think Shigaraki is going to kill you anytime soon, even if he could. Nice work back there by the way. I never knew you could channel your forcefields like that ... nearly gave me a heart attack though." He mumbled before lying back on the bed and gazing up towards the yellow stained ceiling. I couldn't help but stare at him. It felt oddly natural to be this close to him. Our legs touching, are hands just inches away from one another. His scars looked better under this light, as though the dim yellow glow masked them and made them appear as only shadows. His dyed black hair shone out against the crisp white sheets like the final remains of night against the approaching dawn and his eyes seemed to beam a brighter blue than before. In that second he had never looked more beautiful to me.

"I don't know how I did it. It was natural instinct I guess. Though they still don't know about my forcefields." I sigh before lying down next to him on the bed and looking up at the same moldy ceiling.

"Good we should keep it that way for now. Although ..." he trailed off diverting his eyes from the ceiling to me and back to the ceiling again.

"What?" I asked hesitantly.

"You could stay. Join the League. I can look after you, we could ... we could be together again doll."

His words hit me like a brick wall and I felt myself stop breathing momentarily. We could be together again. I had long given up on that idea. Being with Touya was like being home. Comforting and natural. But that was the Touya I grew up with. Not Dabi. Not the man who kidnaps children or joins an illicit villain league. As familiar as being with him feels, things can never be as they were. Not anymore.

"We can't Touya. Too much has changed." I say still looking up at the ceiling avoiding his piercing blue gaze which I knew was now looking straight at me.

"Not everything has changed doll. I still ... I still love you." He whispered in a small voice, his hands coming up to clutch mine in an all too familiar embrace.

"Touya I can't do this." I said pulling away from him and beginning to sit up. But within seconds Touya had rolled over, his long body pinning me to the bed and before I could even register what was happening his lips were once again pressed against my own. This wasn't like the first kiss we shared in his 'Dabi state'. The first time it had been rushed and flustered but now it was anything but. His lips moved in a painfully slow pace, conveying nothing but love and longing and for a moment I lost myself to the familiar touch that made me feel at home. In that moment I wasn't in the League of Villians base. I wasn't with Dabi. I was with Touya. My Touya. His arms slowly circled my waist before coming to a halt at my hips, gripping them tightly, his chest flush against mine.

"Please doll. Just say yes. Say you'll stay with me." He whispered against my lips and I was suddenly brought back to reality. Keigo. Keigo was probably going out of his mind with worry and here I was lying in bed kissing my ex boyfriend. I felt sick with guilt and pushed against Touya's chest. Immediately he pulled back searching my face for some sort of understanding as to why I stopped.

"I can't do this Touya. We can't do this." I said sternly, sitting up right on the bed and watching Touya do the same.

"It's him isn't it? That ... bird hero." He muttered darkly.

"I can't do that to K-Hawks. I love him. But equally, things can't go back to what they were Touya. We aren't the same people we were back then. The Touya I knew wasn't a villain" I said watching him sigh dramatically.

"You say I'm a villain. That I'm some selfish bastard that doesn't care about anyone but himself. But I'm not. I gave up the one person I care about more than anything in the world. I gave up you because I didn't want to drag you into this mess. But I'm done. I'm done being selfless doll. I love you Kimiko Kita and I'm through running from that."

I sat frozen. I had dreamt of hearing those words for so long and yet hearing them now felt hollow. Touya was here and yet he wasn't. Keigo wasn't here and yet it felt like he was.

"I'll give you some time to think it over. Sweet dreams doll." He whispered placing a light kiss on my forehead and leaving as silently as he came in. What the hell have I gotten myself into?!

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