Chapter 32 - No Winged Babies Please

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Kimi's POV

After the sports festival, things started to calm down, at least for the most part. The first years were off at their work placements meaning we didn't have to worry about providing medical treatment for the reckless little nuggets in 1A. But Touya still played on my mind. I felt less guilty about loving Keigo. The man I once knew in Touya no longer even existed. In a way I was grieving but the feelings of guilt that used to blanket me whenever Keigo and I got too close were gone. Though I still felt guilty about not telling Fuyumi about Touya. Shoto still idealises his brother and I dont want to ruin that but Fuyumi would be so upset if she knew I was keeping this from her.

As I was drowning in a sea of guilt I felt my phone vibrate loudly from my pocket. Before even looking at it I knew it was Keigo. He has been texting me all day with date ideas from 'let's go to an aquarium' to 'I can try and fly us to the moon ... see how far we get.' Needless to say my lazy ass just wants a nice cozy at home date curled up on the couch with popcorn, a movie, and with a significant amount of cuddles from my bird boy thrown in.

So if I bring popcorn over can we maybe have that date tonight?🧐

Before I could even respond however he text me again and made my heart hurt like the adorable little chicken nugget he is.

I miss you and don't want to wait until tomorrow to see you 🥺

Kimi-kickass 💜
If you bring popcorn AND icecream you can stay over 😘

You have a deal! I'll meet you at UA after work and fly us home so you don't have to walk home alone! See you soon Babybird! Xx

I smiled like an idiot at my phone, he said 'fly us home' so casually. As I gazed down at my phone in a happy haze, Recovery Girl walked in and just shook her head with a smile.

"Ah to be young and in love!" She chuckled watching me blush slightly at the comment.

"You know I heard a kid is interning with Grand Torino ... and he's single ... Grand Torino not the kid" I suggested wiggling my eyebrows up and down at her and watching her give me a deadpan look.

"It'll take more than that to get me flustered deary, unlike you ... and Mr. Hawks" she muttered causing the heat to rise to my cheeks. Damnit, you win this time Recovery Girl.

"So when are you next meeting up with this young man?" She asked thoughtfully as I started to put away our supplies.

"Tonight actually." I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"Well ... all I'm saying is you better use protection, I'm not prepared to have you go on maternity leave just yet!" She laughed watching me drop a stethoscope on the ground and choke on air.

"Uhhhhh ... I don't know how to respond to that." I mutter avoiding eye contact. It's not as though the thought hadn't crossed my mind. I mean that would be impossible given the amount of daily innuendos Keigo texts me. But am I ready for that? I mean I love him ... and I want to. But I haven't really been with anyone in that way since Touya.
And once again my thoughts were sucked back to 'Dabi'. I hated him. He poisoned my memories of my sweet Touya and now whenever I think of Touya, I see his face. The face of a cold blooded killer. Though his whispered 'Babydoll' still makes me shudder slightly. It was a pet name that I had only ever heard Touya use and hearing it be uttered by those scarred lips reminded me just how much he has changed.

"Everything okay dear? You know I was only joking right? Not about the protection of course you should definitely use that, but I'll support you whatever happens... has something happened dear?" Recover girl asks in a motherly voice placing her hand on my back.

"Huh? A-are you asking me if I'm pregnant?" I ask before bursting out into a fit of laughter watching her visibly relax at my reaction.

"Definitely not pregnant! No winged babies for me just yet!" I snort out wiping my eyes which had started to water from laughter.

"Let's keep it that way shall we!" She chuckles slipping a small foil square into my purse. Did she just give me a condom? Why the hell do we keep these?! What are we expecting these kids to be up to?!

"Okayyyyyy ... I'm going to leave before this gets any more awkward." I laugh putting on my jacket and giving her a mock salute with my purse.

"Have a good evening ... but not too good!" She called after me with a cackle watching my face turn red.

I made my way down to the front gates in a surprisingly happy mood. Date night, ice cream and a lovable bird brain. No husky sounding piromaniac ex boyfriends. Just a fun cosy date at home.
I spotted my favourite winged weirdo leaning against the front gates of the school, his wings ruffling slightly in the wind that blew down the narrow street.

I crept up on him preparing to jump on his back when all of a sudden I felt myself be lifted into the air by a cloud of red feathers and float over to Keigo's now open arms.
"Nice try Babybird but these feathers miss nothing!" He grinned hugging me tightly before taking off into the air and flying us back to my apartment. I had always flown on his back before but being clutched tightly to his chest as he hummed soothing in my ear and his stubble scratched lightly at my cheek, I couldn't feel any safer.

Our feet softly touched the ground and I felt myself groan softly as Keigo pulled away. I was enjoying myself a little too much. Flying with Keigo felt like taking a long drive as a kid, comforting and like being in a peaceful dream that went on forever.

"That cliche of you falling asleep on me is supposed to happen during the movie baby." Keigo chuckled placing me on my feet and pushing some of my windswept hair behind my ear.

"Oh! Did you bring the ice cream by the way?!" I asked examining him curiously before he grinned and pulled out a tub of Ben & Jerry's from his jacket.

"Of course, I couldn't disappoint my lovely lady like that! Though this was freezing my right nipple off so probably best to eat it soon whilst it's still cold!" I snorted loudly at this and opened my door to have Peanut go crazy when he saw Keigo.

"Look at all those chickens!" Peanut screeched, his wings beating up and down violently as Keigo rushed to him, opened his cage and proceeded to cuddle him close to his face.

"Aww look he recognised me! Daddy missed you so much!" Keigo cood as I just shook my head awkwardly. He is such a lovable weirdo.

"Aww come on Babybird no need to be jealous, daddy missed you too!" Keigo winked, watching me with amusement as my cheeks turned red. Damn him.

"Alright, enough stealing my child's love! I'll feed him, you pick something for us to watch on Netflix" I directed making my way to Peanuts food bowl.

"Mmm yes ma'am I love it when you go all authoritative on me!" He grinned before flopping down on my couch and scrolling through Netflix, finally deciding on a horror movie named 'It comes at night'.

Within an hour we were both completely lost by the plot and started trying to throw popcorn into each others mouths, though Keigo would cheat and use his feathers to guide the popcorn to his mouth in mid-air. Once the popcorn was gone, either in our mouths or on the floor, we tried to pay attention to the movie again only to have the credits play and us both look at each other confused before erupting into uncontrolled laughter.

"What the hell? 'It comes at night' ... nothing came, like at all!" Keigo weezed clutching his stomach.

"Maybe we missed it when we were throwing popcorn? Next time we stick to Marvel movies, okay?" I laughed leaning on his shoulder as he pulled me closer and rubbed up and down my arm softly.

"Sounds good to me" he whispered placing a kiss on my forehead and making me feel warm and fuzzy. Damn this lovable man. I looked up at him briefly and ran my fingertips along his stubble, feeling it scratch lightly at my skin. He smiled at me, not his usual cocky grin but a genuine loving smile that I knew so few people got the opportunity to witness.

With that I guided his lips to mine and felt him smile even more before he kissed back. Within minutes we had staggered from the couch, knocking over the empty bowl of popcorn onto the ground and Keigo had pushed me up against the wall, our lips remaining locked in a passionate dance. A low growl was emitted from Keigo's throat and he sharply broke the kiss only to trail his lips down my neck leaving a burning trail to the spot where my neck meets my shoulder.

"K-Keigo" I managed to mutter out, my voice sounding far more raspy than I thought it would. Upon hearing my voice he pulled back and his eyes burned into mine.

"Is this okay? We can stop if you want to Babybird?" He asked his hands coming up to brush my hair back lovingly before cupping my face.

"No I want this. But not in front of the baby!" I teased nodding to Peanut who was sleeping happily in his cage.

"Haha true gotta protect his innocent mind" he smiled before wrapping his arms around my thighs and picking me up effortlessly, resuming his light kisses on my neck.

"One second!" I exclaim indicating to my purse as Keigo complied walking us over, my hands resting on his shoulders and my legs securely wrapped around his waist. I pulled out the condom Recovery Girl had slipped into my bag earlier and grinned at him playfully.

"Peanut's innocence isn't the only thing that needs protection tonight!" I teased as Keigo carried us into my bedroom and deployed a few feathers to close the door behind us.

Author's note

Hi lovely readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter (I nearly died of awkwardness writing the last few paragraphs - rest assured there won't be any lemons here so I'll leave it up to your imagination!) 🤣

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