Kimi's POV
I am so going to kill Shoto when he wakes up.
After rushing back to the first year stadium I found the inner arena in tatters. Smoke and dust filled the air, making my eyes water and my throat burn. In the hazy distance I could make out the figure of Recovery Girl ordering the other medics into one area of the arena which seemed to have sustained the most damage. Shoto was lying amongst the shattered remains of the stadium walls, his chest weakly rising and falling, clearly littered in cuts and bruises where his gym clothes had been ripped away.
In a blur we had Shoto and Bakugou on stretchers and brought to the medic station to be examined, both of them lying unconscious and caked in dust. In the chaotic crowd I managed to catch Keigo's eye, his expression radiating concern before he nodded at me reassuringly.
Bakugou didn't need much treatment, he just had to sleep off the effects of Midnight's quirk, but Shoto was in a pretty awful state, his earlier fight with Midoriya not helping any. I ran my hands over his bruised and battered body, a soft purple glow being emitted from my finger tips.
"Seriously Sho, I told you not to push yourself too hard." I mutter watching his cuts heal and hearing his heartbeat grow stronger.
"If getting hurt gets me a rub down from you, I might have to get hurt too." A cocky voice spoke behind me causing me to roll my eyes and let out a light chuckle, my hands continuing to heal Shoto.
"Shouldn't you be out looking for an intern Birdy?" I smiled feeling him sit down on the seat to my left.
"Think I've already found one. Check it out - he has the head of a bird!" Keigo spoke enthusiastically, adding jazz hands when he said the word bird. I stared at him blankly and raised an eyebrow, my hands halting momentarily.
"Imagine it! With my wings and his face, we're like a complete bird!" He explains back with the same level of enthusiasm. I can't help but shake my head and smile back.
"I mean, probably not the trait that most people prioritize when picking an intern but I'm glad you're happy!" I chuckle planting a peck on his cheek and watching him blush.
"Whose the kid?" He asks nodding to the still sleeping Shoto.
"Shoto Todoroki," I smile, brushing Shoto's hair to the side before leaving him to rest now that the majority of his wounds are healed.
"I got that Babybird, I meant who is he to you? It's clear you care about him." Keigo smiled, looping his arm through mine as we walked to the couch that sat on the far corner of the room.
"Yeah, he's my ex's little brother. I know that might sound a bit weird but he's always been like my own brother. He actually knows about us and he's totally cool with it!" I chuckle watching his eyes widen slightly when he hears the word 'ex'.
"That's good, at least I've got his approval! Wait ... you said his name was Todoroki right? Like Endeavour?" He asked wide eyed. I fumbled with the sleeve of my cardigan and tried to think of something to say that didn't sound bitter.
"Yeah. Endeavour's his dad. Umm, I should probably get back to work you know?" I say with a awkward shuffle, trying to avoid any conversation involving Endeavour or Touya.
"Hey, I-I'm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to!" Keigo stuttered one of his arms coming up to wrap around my waist. I shook my head with a slight laugh and lifted my pinky finger to boop his nose.
"Don't you worry Birdy! Everything's fine. I'll see you after the closing ceremony yeah?" I smile watching his blushing flustered face. Why is he so cute?!
"Actually Babybird, that's what I came here to tell you. I've got a call in from the agency. It's a new lead on a gang of villains tearing up downtown. I'm going to have to bounce now, will you be okay to get home by yourself? I can get one of my side kicks to walk you home if you'd feel safer?" Keigo spoke rapidly, concern evident in his voice. He knew how uneasy I had been over the past few weeks following the events of the fire quirk user outside my apartment, and as a result he had walked or flown me to and from work whenever he could.
"Don't worry Keigo, I'll be fine! Go be a hero and be careful okay?" I said kissing him lightly on the cheek and watching with satisfaction as his feathers puffed up at the contact.
"I will, though you'll give me a rub down if I'm hurt, right?" He smirked back placing his hands on my waist and rocking us side to side. I couldn't help but laugh back and pretend to think about it.
"Hmm alright Mr Takami. I'll heal you if your hurt. But if better not come to that!"
"Yeah, you healing me is definitely what I meant when I said rub down" he chuckled as I lightly hit his arm and hid my reddening face in embarrassment.
"Okay, okay I'll save the innuendos for tomorrow! Say hello to the baby for me yeah?" He smirked referring to Peanut who he had now claimed was his 'long-lost child'. Although watching him dramatically ask Peanut if he would accept him as his 'feathered father' was pretty hilarious. Peanut had never liked men apart from Shoto, though that was because they grew up together. However, whenever Keigo was around he would never leave him alone, constantly cooing and demanding head pats. I felt pretty rejected at times to be honest.
"I will. Maybe he'll show me affection again now that you're not here, I swear I used to be his favourite!"
"That's my boy! Well how about a kiss for good luck mama?" Keigo asks pukering up his lips dramatically.
I can't help but laugh before placing a light kiss on him lips only to be pulled into a longer lingering kiss as I went to pull away. His kisses were sweet and a low satisfied hum could be heard from the base of his throat causing me to giggle. I could feel him smile against my lips before we pull apart and rest our foreheads against one another's.
"I'll see you tomorrow Babybird. I love you." He whispered with a small smile.
"See you then. I love you too Birdy." I whispered back nuzzling my nose against his before we pull apart and he flashes me a flirty wink before he leaves the room.
I spent the next few minutes treating Shoto and a few other students who arrived with minor injuries. The day moved by quickly and before long I had watched Shoto win second place and was making my way back to the infirmary to leave back the supplies that went unused today.
Shoto has grown so much and I can't help but swell with pride when I think of him becoming the hero he always wanted to be. Before I could break out of my thoughts however I crashed head first into a tall stone like figure.
"Opps sorry I -" I begin to say before freezing and looking up to be met with fiery blue eyes ...
"I didn't expect to see you here." Endeavour spoke, his words dripping with venom.
"I don't see why. I do work here." I said with pride and equally as much bitterness. His eyes narrowed as he starred me down but I refused to back down. I felt so conflicted when looking in his eyes. They were the same beautiful electric blue as Touya's but they couldn't have been any more different. They held such rage, such resentment that they made me shudder.
"How is Shoto?" He asked all of a sudden. I was taken slightly aback. He knew my quirk and it was only natural he would guess I worked in the infirmary but his fast processing still irritates me in a way.
"He's fine. He should rest up for a few days. I should be on my way now Endevour. I said with an unsubtle glare before making my way around him and marching up the hallway, my good mood clearly gone. I avoided speaking about him earlier only to have to bump into him? Where is the justice in that?
"You were never good enough for him you know."
His words, although not loudly spoken cut me deeply and made me halt in my retreat. My hands shook but I found my voice just as cold and demanding as his as I found my nerve to respond.
"Neither were you."
Dabi's POV
I had been waiting in Kimi's apartment for the past 20 minutes, my knee nervously bouncing up and down as I sat on her couch and glared at Peanut who continued to screech vine references at me. Stupid bird, how is he still alive? Are parrots supposed to live that long?
"I swear if Kimi didn't love you so much, I'd have turned you into hot wings by now." I mutter before making my way to her bedroom to escape his annoying voice.
Breaking into her apartment may not seem like the most intelligent plan from the outset but it was the best that I had. The police had stopped surveillance of her apartment but hero patrols in the area, mainly from that feathered punks agency, were still increased. I had to speak to her and it would be safer here than on the streets.
Just as I was second guessing if this was a good idea I heard Kimi's door open and close. I held my breath hearing her sigh heavily and Peanut screech happily. Well ... this is it.
Kimi's POV
"Ugh!" I sigh loudly dropping my bag at the door and removing my shoes before throwing myself onto the couch in exasperation.
"Oh my f*cking God, she f*cking dead!" Peanut screeched before making happy cooing noises as I looked over at him.
"Trust me baby I feel like it. Papa said hi by the way." I smile before burying my head in a pillow and becoming still with fear. That familiar smell of smoke clung to the couch pillow. The same smell I remembered from the break in. My body was frozen as I heard the distinctive sound of footsteps coming from my bedroom into the living room and stopping at the base of the couch, directly in front of my head.
My body screamed at me to run but remained frozen, my eyes shut tightly waiting for either my own death or a miracle to occur in which the stranger would just leave me unharmed.
I could sense the stranger kneel down, his hot breath fanning across my head, my hair moving ever so slightly at the contact. A part of me was hoping this was all my imagination. One of those moments from childhood when you truly believe in the monster hiding in your closet, only to find out in the light of the morning that it was only a coat. But the movement of my hair and the rapid beating of my heart told me otherwise.
I forced my head to move and looked up slowly. If I have to die I'm going out looking death in the face. I thought of my parents, of Shoto, of Keigo, I even thought of that bastard Endevour. But the one face who haunted my final thoughts was Touya. My sweet Touya. Memories of our shared childhood flashed through my mind, the ghost of his laughter ringing in my ears. But as I looked but at the face of my soon to be killer, I felt the world stop spinning.
Electric blue eyes. His electric blue eyes, staring directly at me.
"Hey Babydoll."
Author's note
Soooooo it only took 29 chapters but we have contact (you know without Kimi being a witness to murder)! 😅 Just wanted to say a big thanks for all the support and comments on this story, it's so lovely to know people are enjoying it!
Lara xoxo
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