Authors note
This picture has literally no relevance to the chapter but I had to include it! Look how cute Hawks looks! 😍
Hawks POV
Everything was silent. The wind that blew through the tree line had stopped, almost like the trees themselves were listening into us. Kimi hadn't said anything yet and her silence scared me most of all. She deserved someone better. Someone who wasn't this monster that killed his own parents. I'm not a hero. Not even close. If anything I'm the real villain. She was so scared of that piromaniac, was she scared of me now too? My head was spinning, God I can't lose her!
Suddenly I was pulled into a bone crushing hug, my feathers puffing up slightly at the contact. Her head was buried in my chest and it surprised me just how strong she was. She started saying something but her words were muffled in my chest.
"Huh?" I managed to ask, my throat still feeling raw from earlier. She looked up at me, her big beautiful purple eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
"You are still a good man Keigo! I'm so sorry for everything they put you through. But you're wrong. You have nothing to make up for and you are nothing like them! Those people are the real monsters! You're a hero because you are a good person, in spite of everything they did to you. I don't care about the things they made you do, still love you!" She cried out before burying her head back into my chest.
I felt myself freeze. Did she just say she loved me? Oh God please say I'm not just hearing things. She doesn't hate me? How can she not hate me? She knows everything I've done. She knows the kind of man I was. Yet, she still said she loves me? I don't deserve this. I've done such terrible things and yet, here she is This wonderful woman, in my arms, telling me she loves me despite everything.
"I - I love you too Babybird" I manage to stutter out. My heart was beating out of my chest, which to my embarrassment I'm sure she could hear. I clutched her to my chest, one of my hands getting lost in her hair cradling her head, whilst the other rested firmly on her waist. We stayed like that for a few moments. Just holding each other close in the place where we first met. It had been almost four months exactly since the evening we first met, and only a few steps from where we currently stood.
"Well, aren't we a mess!" I joke pulling away and wiping at her tears as she goes to wipe at mine. We both laugh lightly before I pull her in for a kiss. It was sweet and gentle yet made my mind fly away. Our salty tears still stained our face and once we pulled away I littered her face with playful pecks kissing away her tears whilst her laughter resounded in the silent secluded park. Her giggles sounded like music to my ears and I once again felt my feathers puff up making them look bigger and fluffy.
"Soooooo does this mean we're official? I mean I love you, you love me?" I ask light heartedly whilst still holding her closely in my arms, my wings coming around to envelope her in close to my body.
"Hmmm I'm going to have to think about it." She chuckles nuzzling my nose. I felt my feathers ruffle slightly at this and a happy squeak was released from the back of my throat which I quickly coughed away. I could feel her shake with laughter as she ran a finger over my puffed up feathers.
"What you say Babybird, will you be my girl?" I grinned feeling lighter than air. A few minutes ago I was re-living the worst years of my life and here I am with my dream girl happier than I could ever imagine. Life is seriously strange.
"I'd love to Keigo" she smiled placing a light peck on my nose and making me blush.
"C-cool, so where do you want to go now?" I asked not wanting to let her go.
"Well, you've shared so much with me today. So I think it's only right I share something with you!" She smirked and I tilted my head in confusion. I have no idea what she means but whatever it is I like it!
"We going to start using the Kama Sutra book?" I asked with a smug grin as she lightly hits my arm but chuckles along with me. We began walking towards her apartment, our arms linked and the world feeling light.
"We've known each other long enough and if we are official now, then it's time you met my baby." She smiled up at me whilst I felt my mouth go dry. She has a kid? I mean, I'm not opposed to it. But it's strange that she never mentioned them before. I wish I had known earlier that I was meeting her kid, I would have dressed up more. First impressions matter, but I look like a mess! Oh jeez what if they don't like me? Will she even want to still see me?!
I was so consumed in my panicked thoughts that I didn't notice us arriving at Kimi's apartment, nor her opening the door. What did grab my attention however was the loud screech of "Hi welcome to Chili's."
I tilt me head in utter confusion as a green and red parot flies up to Kimi and starts nuzzling his beak into the crook of her neck.
"Hi baby!" She coos in a baby voice, lifting her hand to scratch lightly on his neck which made him kick and shake his right leg out like a dog.
"This is Keigo, you want to say hello? Keigo this is my baby, Peanut." She turned to me as the parot stopped nuzzling her and instead looked at me with a steely gaze. It felt like meeting the parents mixed with staring into the face of your creator and I was scared. Why do I feel the need to impress this bird and that he's looking into my soul right now?
Within a second he had flown from Kimi's shoulder onto mine and was nuzzling my chin, scratching his head against the small amount of stubble left there.
"Daddy? Do I look like-?" The little bird spoke. I'll be honest it kind of freaked me out when his voice changed for each part of the vine but this little baby is adorable!
"I think he likes me!" I laughed with a cocky grin, reaching out to stroke his feathered head. Upon petting him he let out an adorable cooing noise and I had to stop myself from gushing over it. Kimi joined me in petting Peanut and for a moment it was like we were a tiny family. A strange and oddly feathered one, but a family none the less.
"Quick question though, did he just quote a vine?" I asked looking up at Kimi who just laughed before nodding her head yes.
"Yep, he can only speak in vines. The perks of growing up with a teenage Kimi" she smiles.
"It's weird he usually has a thing against men, but I think he likes your wings, birds of a feather flock together and all that!" She chuckles stroking one of my wings with her other hand and making them puff up even further. So cute!
***Time skip***
The minutes turned into hours and suddenly we found ourselves sprawled out on Kimi's couch, the outside world plunged into darkness with the occasional street lamp creating a strange but comforting orange glow. Peanut had long since fallen asleep after playing with Kimi and I for about an hour. Kimi had lifted him back into his cage, placing him in his hammock and giving him a small kiss on the head. She really is perfect.
"So you really are a bird kind of gal?" I smiled running my fingers through her hair. She hummed in contentment, her head coming to rest on my shoulder, her arms locking around my torso.
"Oh yeah big feather fetish" she joked causing me to snort. We were quiet for a while. Just listening to the faint hum of the television and our breathing.
"You know, I meant what I said earlier ... about Hawks mating for life. And ... I know you're my one Babybird so don't ever doubt that." I said kissing her head. I could feel her smile beside me and her heart beat race at my words, mine doing the same.
"Healers don't mate for life but I wouldn't mind spending the rest of mine with you. Even if you're an annoying birdbrain." She replied making me chuckle and hold her just a little closer.
"It's pretty dark out there Keigo, you can always stay here tonight." She offered causing me to smirk.
"Don't get any funny ideas BirdBoi! We can share the bed but nothing beyond cuddling is happening tonight!" She reprimanded lightly as I gave her a mock salute.
"Yes ma'am! Cuddling sounds pretty damn good to me." I smiled kissing her again and the night drew to a close.
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