Kimi's POV
I have been unable to stop thinking about my Halloween with Hawks. It's been so long since I've felt so giddy and yet so comfortable with someone. I feel like a love struck teenager again, especially with the constant texts and calls from Hawks, or Keigo as I have started calling him.
As much as I love talking to him, I found myself locking my phone away in my bag whilst at work in a weak attempt to stay focused and not day dream about the flirty winged hero.
Recovery Girl however was far too sharp minded for her own good and started asking about my previous date with who she had deemed my "mystery man". I told her about his personality, purposefully leaving out his name, and she seemed over joyed at how happy I was. I don't know why I'm not telling her his name. I didn't even tell my own mother! I don't want to make things awkward if we do end things, given that he is a top hero and I work alongside pros everyday it might make things awkward. But a small part of me still feels guilty. He isn't Touya, and moving on with someone new has left me feeling elated and guilty all at the same time. I know I have nothing to feel guilty about but memories of my Touya swam through my mind and the idea of betraying him made my heart hurt.
"How are things at the hospital?" Recovery Girl asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Oh we actually had a bit of a break through. Kenji found a way to use my plasma to neutralise traces of HIV in blood. Though he's still running tests so we don't know how it'll work on an actual person." I smile thinking back to the exciting moment. Kenji has been in touch asking for more blood samples which I have happily provided. The thought of my quirk being able to make a real difference filled me with hope. It would be like being a real hero in a way.
"That's-that's amazing Kimi! I never liked that Kenji, but you can't deny he is a genius." Recover Girl said with unsettled admiration. Kenji always had a way of putting people on edge. Whether it was the unintentional insults or the eclectic collection of My Little Pony pins, he was not exactly what you would call a well liked guy.
Just as I was about to reply a polite knock was heard from the infirmary doors. "Excuse me, could I speak to Miss Kita please?" Asked Shoto with a slight bow. Damn why does he sound so formal?
"Ah young Todoroki, of course." Recovery Girl smiled whispering to me about how well mannered the young boy was. I happily skipped out of the room closing the door beside me before turning to Shoto with a lopsided smile.
"Alright, you can drop the 'Miss Kita' act kiddo. What's up?" I say ruffling his hair which he soon corrects.
"It's lunch and I was hoping I could spend it with you. I don't exactly have companions to share it with." He muttered out shuffling his feet awkwardly.
"Of course I will! How could I resist spending time with my little brother?" I say before popping back to the infirmary to grab my purse and tell Recovery Girl where I was going.
"Do want to tell me why you haven't made any friends yet?" I ask as we walk down the corridor towards the cafeteria.
"I'm not here to make friends." He said in a hushed voice only to let out a small "oof" as I gave him a light hit on the back of his head.
"That's your dad talking Sho. You're just a kid, you should be allowed to act like one when your still at school. Trust me it only gets worse once you leave." I say in my 'grown up' voice.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a tiny smirk on his face.
"Just sharing my pearls of wisdom young Shoto" I smile back a slight bow for added flair.
"You keep getting weirder in your old age." He mocked with a slight grin as we enter the cafeteria and make a beeline for the cold soba. Over the years I have started to adopt some Todoroki habits, primarily a love of cold soba and traditional Japanese tea.
"Where do you want to sit?" I ask Shoto once I had paid for our food (despite Shoto's attempts to stop me).
"Over here" he muttered walking towards the quieter area of the cafeteria. I glanced over towards the crowded centre of the room and could make out the curly green hair of Midoriya sitting next to a cute girl with rosy cheeks and a boy who looked to be doing the robot dance with his hands. Upon catching his eye I smiled and gave a small wave before sitting down with Shoto at an empty table.
"You know there are some nice kids in your class, you should try speaking to them. You might even make friends?" I smile watching the quiet teen stuff his face with soba. He just threw me some side eye causing me to let out a loud snort of laughter.
"What about that green haired kid? Midoriya? He seems nice!" I say back trying and failing to convince him that making friends would be in his best interest.
"There is something about him..." he muttered.
"Aww does someone have a crush?" I tease watching him glare at me.
"Why are you like this?" He asks slurping up more soba.
"Probably a result of spending too much time on the internet." I laugh, though to be fair, it was probably true.
"Anyway shouldn't I be the one asking you about your crushes? Fuyomi told me you went on a date with Hawks." He said casually whilst I gasped dramatically, looking around to see if anyone overheard his statement.
"I told her to leave his name out of it ... but yeah. We went on a date. He's nice." I say avoiding eye contact. Something about telling Shoto about my dates with Keigo make the feeling of betrayal rise up again and suddenly I was no longer hungry. Maybe it was because he was in so many of my memories of Touya. Maybe it was because he had often told us he wanted to be the ring barer at our wedding. Or it could have been that looking into his left eye was like looking straight into Touya's. But once again I felt that I was betraying Touya, and if not him, perhaps his memory.
"It's okay for you to date other people you know." Shoto said breaking me out of my internal monologue.
"It's been what? Three years? No one will judge you for moving on. It was his decision to leave anyway..." he mumbled looking down and clutching his chopsticks tightly.
"Sho-" I started, going to comfort him.
"Besides you aren't getting any younger, and if you keep moving at this pace you'll be retired by the time you get another boyfriend." He laughed softly. I scoffed and nudged his shoulder with mine. Though I know he was just trying to make light of the situation and I really appreciated it.
"Well you better head back to class soon before Aizawa strangles you with his scarf." I smile as we clear our plates and make our way out of the cafeteria.
"Yeah, I'll come see you later okay?" He said giving me a small wave as we parted ways. I really hope he makes some friends this year, that man may have ruined his home life but he shouldn't be allowed to ruin his school life as well.
As I made my way back to the infirmary I noticed my favourite little ball of worry perched awkwardly on a medical bed as Recovery Girl bandaged up his fingers.
"You are a member of the big 3 Amajiki. You should know better than to use tentacle fingers during the lunch rush." Recovery Girl scolded, as Amajiki looked about ready to pass out.
"I'm s-sorry. I didn't think he would t-try and eat my f-finger..." he muttered bashfully.
"Well what do you expect when his quirk is 'devour'?" She asks with a roll of her eyes as she packs away the bandages.
"So we have a case of cannibalism do we?" I ask with a chuckle watching Amajiki tense up and go ridged in his seat.
"I-I umm hi K-kimi... I didn't see you there." He stuttered looking down at his bandaged fingers.
"Yeah just back from the cafeteria. How're you feeling Tamaki?" I ask remembering he told me to call him by his first name. Upon hearing this however his face burst into a scarlett blush and his stuttering grew worse.
He looked about ready to implode when Togata burst through the doors.
"I see everything here is under wraps!" He jokes pointing at Takami's poor bandaged fingers. Recovery Girl made a gagging noise at the pun before shuffling out of the room.
"Just a question but are third years ever in class?" I asked causing Tamaki to blush and Togata to laugh loudly.
"Of course we are but with our work studies we tend to spend more time learning on the job and less in the classroom!" Togata said joyfully sticking a pose.
"That's right you guys are on work studies this year! Whose agency are you working with?" I ask genuinely interested. I might have to google the heroes though, if they aren't very well known.
"I'm with Sir Nighteye!" Togata says, his smile growing as I stare blankly and tilt my head in confusion. Night-eye? I don't think I've ever heard if him before.
"He was All Might's side kick!" Togata chuckles. Wow, impressive.
"That's amazing Togata! What about you Tamaki?" I smile listening closely as Tamaki mumbles out "F-Fatgum".
"Oh my God Tamaki! Did you say Fatgum?! I love Fatgum, he's my favourite hero!" I gush watching Tamaki's eyes widen in surprise.
"R-really? I'll make sure to tell him. I'm surprised you heard about him but not Nighteye." He said smiling meekly.
"Owww when did you two get on a first name basis huh?" Togata laughed wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively. Poor Tamaki then crouched in the corner mumbling how he wanted to go home whilst a black mist of depression formed around him.
I gave a mock glare at Togata before he walked over to the depressed cinnamon bun, picking him up and walking towards the door.
"Well we should probably head back to class now, we still have to spend some time there!" Togata said with his usual jolly voice.
"Okay, see you both later!" I smile giving them a wave.
Just then my phone began to vibrate and the Attack on Titan theme song blasted from it.
"Hello?" I answer not even bothering to look at the caller ID.
"Ah, you answered rather quickly, I suppose your work isn't very daunting so that is to be expected." Came a squeaky voice from the other end of the phone and I resisted the urge to sigh.
"Hi Kenji, how can I help?" I ask miming 'kill me' to Recovery Girl who walked back in and tried to contain her laughter.
"I will need you to come to the hospital this evening. The samples you provided last week were knocked over by that intern." He said clearly preoccupied with other work as the sound of shuffling and glass could be heard from a distance.
"Sure, but you know her name is Umi right? She has been interning with you for over a year now." I say in defence of my friend.
"Her name does not concern me. Please come as soon as possible ... Shinso turn Debussy back up I cannot hear his splendid symphonic genius!" He shouts before hanging up on me. Yeah, he's just as lovely as ever.
"Looks like I've got a hot date with Kenji after work!" I sigh as Recovery Girl just laughs.
"Don't tell Hawks or he might get jealous!" He smirks.
"Please he - wait did you say Hawks?" I ask my mouth becoming dry.
"Yes dear, these ears might be old but they still heard young Todoroki. Just be careful with that one. He may look all feathers and charm but no one knows much about him. He's one of the few heros in Japan that didn't attend UA or Shiketsu High." She says with motherly warning.
"I will," I smile but it did get me thinking.
Our conversations thus far have always been light hearted. Keigo never really spoke about his family or where he grew up. In fact, I don't really know anything about him apart from the surface level stuff. Well, I know what I am going to be asking on our next date.
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