Present Day
Kimiko's POV
Crap, I am going to be so late! I was currently hopping up and down attempting to pull on a neon yellow sock whilst slowly moving towards my apartment door and grabbing my bag from the counter. Let it never be said that Kimiko Kita cannot multitask!
Once the neon sock was in place and my bag was slung over my shoulder I managed to make it to the door where my worn out black sneakers lay in a mess by the floor. Today wasn't going as planned. It was the first day back after the summer break and I managed to sleep through my alarm. Oh the joys of living alone. My brown hair was pulled up into a messy pony tail, emphasis on messy. Having pulled on the first outfit I could find, I wore faded jeans, a white t-shirt and an oversized yellow cardigan. It may not be the most formal attire for work but having worked in the UA infirmary for the past 3 years, I've gotten used to dressing for comfort.
My rush to pull my sneakers on was met with the obnoxious squawk of Peanut (my somewhat aggressive childhood parrot) who had been staring at my morning rush in utter disapproval.
"I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets" Peanut screeched sadly.
"I seriously regret introducing you to social media, why can't you just stick with the traditional 'Polly want a cracker' thing?" I shook my head at my feathered friend.
Touya and I used to lie on my bed with vine compilations playing on repeat (usually as a means to block out ... other noises from my unaware parents down stairs). However now Peanut can only speak in vines, which can either be extremely entertaining or completely inappropriate depending on whose company we're in.
"I'm going to work now but you've had breakfast and mom will be dropping by in her break to make sure you're okay. Just dont destroy the house while I'm gone!" I huffed having finally managed to pull my shoes on without undoing the laces.
"Caw FREESHAVACADO!" could be heard as I closed the door behind me. This is going to be one long day.
Time skip ~ cause who cares about train rides
Having finally made it to the UA infirmary I was pleased to see that I was at least 30 seconds early! The perfect amount of time to try and slow my breathing and make it look like I hadn't just run here last minute.
I sucked in a deep breath and held it for 10 seconds to ease my heavy panting and no longer looking like the most unfit person in a school for heros I swung the door open and marched in smiling widely.
"Sleep through your alarm again dearie?" Recovery girl asked poking her head out from behind a supply cupboard.
"That obvious?" I laughed nervously scratching the back of my neck.
Recovery girl moved away from the cupboard to greet me with a warm smile and an even warmer hug.
"Oh I just know you dearie, how was your summer break? Have you been eating properly, you look like skin and bones! Have you been speaking to your mother?..."
Once Chiyo started ranting it was all together impossible to get her to stop. Don't get me wrong, I love her to pieces! She took me in as my mentor when I was just 17 and had no idea how to use my quirk properly. At that stage I had listened to Touya lecture me about the hypocrisy of heros for so long that my own childhood dreams to be a hero was called into question. But upon seeing Recovery girl save a group of civilians after a villain attack my mind was made up.
"I had a lovely break thanks, how was yours? Yes, I'm eating well, these love handles don't lie, and yes my mom's doing great, though she did say it's been too long since she had you over for dinner". I grinned as I threw my bag down in the corner of the room and glanced out the window at a group of third years making their way into the school. Today was set to be slow with only the third years present. First and second years were starting tomorrow so we still had a small break before the sea of first years come flooding in with the usual first week flare of injuries.
"So do we know who is looking after the first year hero courses this year?" I ask, secretly praying she wouldn't say Aizawa. It's not that I don't like Aizawa, even with his intimidating stare, he has always been polite to me, but he pushes his students so hard and it only makes our job as the school healers more difficult.
Recovery girl took a deep breath before looking up at me with humorous eyes.
"Aizawa and Vlad. But don't you worry I've already spoken with Aizawa and told him if too many of his students end up here, his head will be introduced to my cane!" She said holding her cane threateningly.
Before I could say anything the door slowly creaked open to reveal a shy blue haired boy who I had gotten to know well over the years.
"Amajiki!" I exclaimed bounding over to the shaking boy who looked about ready to pass out with nerves.
"H-hello Kimi, h-how was your summer?" He stuttered out, a bright blush spreading across his face.
"It was great! Is there anything I can help you with?" I smiled brightly trying to put him at ease.
"I- I just wanted to see you. I haven't seen you all summer" he mumbled out, his head sinking further down with every breath. Oh my God, he is such a sweet little cinnamon bun!
"Aww that's so sweet, I missed you too kiddo" I smile hugging him and watching his blush intensify.
"I-I have to go!" Amajiki loudly proclaimed stumbling back from me, his hands clenched in front of him.
"You - you look very nice today Kimi" he mumbled almost too quietly to hear before he speedily leaves the room. I swear Amajiki is the sweetest kid I've ever met. He sort of reminds me of how I was in elementary school, which just makes me want to protect him even more. I can tell he is going to be a great hero one day, even with an amazingly powerful quirk he never let's it go to his head.
"That poor boy has it bad" Recovery girl sighs shaking her head.
"Huh?" I ask confused.
"Never mind ... absolutely oblivious" she mumbles smiling.
Time skip to after work
The September air was crisp and cold against my face as I made my way home. I've always loved cold evenings. They bring back memories of Touya and I sneaking out to star gaze, the cold biting at our faces, but Touya would always cuddle up close to me and use his quirk to keep us warm.
It's been 3 years but he still haunts my memories. So much of who I am now was built from the past I shared with him.
It still stung to think about how he left me with nothing more than five words "I'm sorry. I love you."
I had been sad for so long that I had forgotten what it felt like to feel at ease, always thinking that any day now he would show up saying how sorry he was and how he wanted us to run away together. I know if he would have asked me then I would have left with him. But as time passed my sadness faded and was replaced with anger. How could he just leave without even telling me. Did I mean that little to him? I know he hated his father, and to be fair my opinion of Endeavor is still pretty darn low, but he was once my everything and he left me like I was nothing.
My eyes began to water just thinking about him. I won't let myself be broken because of something that happened 3 years ago. I won't. Clenching my fists I continued to walk, the air only growing colder as time creeps on. As I made my way out of the busy streets and crossed the park that resided just 5 minutes from my apartment the world grew quiet. The sound of my breathing filled my ears and came out in visible wisps in the cold air. But that all came to a stop when I heard a branch break behind me.
I stopped. I know I shouldn't have. It is a universal rule in horror movies that the girl who stops and asks "who is there?" when they hear a suspicious noise are signing their own deathnote *jazz hands from author-chan ~one of my favourite animes*
I glanced around the abandoned park feeling eyes upon me but not seeing another soul. Maybe it was just an animal? Though the panicked voice in the back of my mind told me otherwise. I stared across at the scattering of trees that lined the southern edge of the park. Whatever broke that branch came from that area. My eyes narrowed at a tall thick oak that lay 5 feet from me. It was definitely large enough to hide behind. I steady my breath and once again the cold world around me fell into silence. Hot breath hit my neck.
"What we looking at cutie?" came a voice from right beside my face.
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