Chapter 5 - Authentic Carnivores

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Vega worked on 'The Black Cat' the name of the squad and canoe her and Enid came up with. "Come on people, get busy working! I will not lose to those lizards again!" Vega shouted to her squad, the next person would say she was emotionally organized, but when it came to the Poe Cup that when that next person was incorrect.

"I will scratch my eyes out if that happens!" Enid then said, and Vega patted her on the shoulder.

"I swear if we lose to those siren heads again, I will pluck every piece of hair out of my scalp." Enid chuckled with Vega when she said that but then they both jumped a little when a familiar voice crept up behind that.

"I would pay money to see that."

"Oh, hey, Wednesday, you scared me there. This is Enid, my partner in claw." Enid waved when she was introduced. Wednesday then glared at Enid, Vega raised her eyes at this. Her glare wasn't normal, it didn't feel right but Vega couldn't put her finger on it so she ignored it.

"Howdy.." Enid smiled awkwardly before stepping away slowly and going back to work on the canoe.

"I don't like her hanging out with you, she fits you too well." Wednesday stated, her hands folded together and Vega shook her head.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't need another you, one is enough." Wednesday then stated, staring at Vega.

"Aww, you're finally used to me." Vega smiled sweetly and poked a Wednesday in the arm teasing her. Wednesday looked at where she touched her and then looked back up Vega. "Sorry."

"I'm glad you're staying, I missed you for those couple hours you weren't glaring at me and threatening me." Vega then said when Wednesday stood there.

"I thought you would like your room back."

"Not really, I just agreed because I didn't want to be in the way of your life and Thing is a good person to gossip with so thats also a winner." Vega smiled with her teeth at Wednesday.

"Why'd you stay?" Vega then asked.

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game." Wednesday stated.


"I witnessed his murder, Vega." Wednesday then retorted.

"I seen you run to the woods, I'm not saying you're lying but a lot of people do. And we seen him earlier today, alive and well."

"I know. Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind." Wednesday said, after she looked disappointed. "It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated."

Vega smiled and then Wednesday looked up. "Your friends with Nevermore's gossip queen. Whats Rowan's story?" Wednesday then asked.

"Besides being bad at fencing and a loner. No offense." Then Vega said, grinning at the dark girl.

"None taken."

"Xavier Thrope was his roommate, if you want questions just ask him. Thats why you need a phone." Vega complained, and so she snap Wednesday funny photos of her and Thing flicking her off.

"I don't want to talk to him when I can just ask you." Wednesday stated and then looked at the canoe when Vega turned around.

"Enid help Yoko with those whiskers, more flare more scare! We have to win the Poe Cup." She shouted to Enid and smiled when she looked back to Wednesday

"What is the Poe Cup anyway?" Wednesday queried.

"My only form of incompetent validation right now." Vega worded it in a way Wednesday could understand. "Its a canoe race but it also has a foot race. And no rules. Like at all."

"Each dorm has to pick and Edgar Allan Poe short story for inspiration. You could help, Thornhill got pizza. Let's take a stab at being social." Vega said excitedly, the Wednesday girl just stood there and listened to her blabbering.

"I do like stabbing. Not the social part. Besides, it'll cut into my writing time." Wednesday explained. Vega liked that she was at least telling her why she couldn't and not just decline. That was progress.

"Its fine, just as long as you cheer us on, on our way to victory when the Poe Cup starts." Vega said in a cheerful manner and Wednesday just eyed her. "Or you know, keep your motivation glare for me. What ever is best for you." Vega then teased a push onto Wednesdays shoulder and then bit at her in friendly manner.

Wednesday just stared at her, it was better from the reaction before, a lot better.

Then Wednesday had left and Vega continued working on the canoe. "Come on, girls. Not times a wasting we need this canoe to be perfect!" Vega shouted at her girls with a big smile. Wednesday tended to leave that effect on her, though Wednesday might have not been the same she didn't care. Vega knew Wednesday had some liking for her, if she didn't she wouldn't keep her around.


"Yeah, like I honestly think we can win this. Theres just something we're missing." Vega replied to Yoko's question about the confidence on winning the Poe Cup.

"I've seen you finally made a friend. Even if it is a plant." Vega looked up at Bianca looking behind her and Vega looked to where her face was headed and noticed Wednesday.

Wednesday looked at Vegas eye for quick second before looking back a Bianca. "I go for quality over quantity." Vega scoffed and looked back at Enid.

"She got her, she whispered to Yoko and Enid." And they both smiled and shook their heads.

Class began to start and Yoko, Enid, and Vega took their seats next to each other, Vega noticed Wednesday didn't have a seat, being the new girl that would make sense.

Vega would've offered if she didn't already have two people sitting with her. Vega just frowned as she looked at Wednesday.

Wednesday stood there for a moment before Xavier looked at her. But then Wednesday went to sit next to him, Vega knew that was bad, not for Xavier, but for Wednesday. Vega could smell Biancas anger, literally.

She sat at the seat and Xavier started doing some movement with his over his picture of what Vega could see a spider. It then started to come to life from the paper, walking away from its spot.

"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Ms. Thornhill state, referring to paper spider.

Xavier looked to Wednesday and said, "Admit your a little impressed." And the spider began crawling to her.

Out of nowhere she smashed the little spider and it faded away by her slam. The class began to laugh and Vega just smiled. Wednesday was such a weirdo.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants. Who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Vega heard Ms. Thronhill say but she wasn't listening, she was too staring at Wednesday's exposed side profile. Though Vega didn't know why she was doing this, she didn't stop, she was too focused on the beauty of the dark girls face to care.

"Dendrophylax lindenii." Wednesday answered and Vega sat up at that. This girl was always full of surprises.

"Also known as the ghost orchid." Bianca said, her face filled with defeat.

"First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." Wednesday replied again.

"Very good, Wednesday. Looks like you may have competition for first chair, Bianca." Ms. Thornhill said looking at the two girls stated in respective order.

Biancas smile left as soon as it came in seconds, and the students just 'ooed' and snickered.

"Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities." Ms. Thornhill stated to Wednesday.

"Resilience and adaptability. It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments." Wednesday replied.

"But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plans to reject it." Bianca said, eyes staring into Wednesdays, there was some hostility in her response.

"Usually because the native species allowed to thrive unchecked." Wednesday replied, Vega just looked at the two as the talked, looking at each others faces. Though Wednesdays stayed neutral as its usual, Bianca looked intimidated and like she had lost at a competition that never even started. "Nothing a Weedwacker couldn't fix."

Vega snickered at this, and Bianca, Enid, Yoko, and Wednesday looked at her for a quick second. Bianca looked mad Vega for laughing, Enid and Yoko looking scared for Vega, and Wednesday looked at Vega with some amusement, but it wasn't tellable because as soon as Vega caught it she looked back at Bianca.

"You can most certainly try." Bianca replied, and Vega squinted her eyes at her.

"Are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier then asked, and Vega nodded her head at this as the students chuckled.

"Thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights. Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." Bianca was fully looked away but Wednesday kept her stare, if she was going to be intimidating it had to last, Vega guessed.

Wednesday was honestly thr most bravest and authentic person Vegas ever met.

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