Your POV
You feel a slight breeze on your face.
You open your eyes slowly and sit up.
Your on a bench..? You look around and see a person standing on the edge of the building.
"Excuse me..? How'd I get here?" You stand and walk towards them slowly.
"Really yn.. You don't remember?" You stop realizing who they are.
"Y-you.." You walk back. He turns around with a evil grin on his face. And his purple eyes look almost glowing.
You walk to far back and fall in the large flower pot. He jumps off the ledge and walks towards you.
"You know? You really are special." You look up at him.
"W-what do u mean?" He is now standing In front of you. He leans down.
"You mean a lot to that boyfriend of yours. I don't know why but I don't like that. So, I thought maybe I could get rid of you to solve my problem" he walks back to the edge. "But you see.. I still love you, and I can't kill my little sisters best friend" he sits and swings his legs over the edge. You stand and just stare at him. He slowly turns his head around.
"I guess I need to talk to someone" he has a.. Sad.. Smile on his face. His eyes even look sad. You slowly walk to him.
"About trying to kill me..?" You keep walking. He turns his head and looks down.
"Well I thought if you were gone I wouldn't feel like this."
You didn't feel too bad for him. He did try to kill u. But u felt somewhat bad. You walk to the bench he was sitting closest too and you take a seat.
"You don't have to kill me to get rid of your problem." You swear you could feel his eyes on you. So u gulp.
"I mean, I guess u still love me so.. U need to find someone else.." You hear him stand and jump down. Now he's standing in front of you. Your looking down in your lap at your fingers. You feel a drop on your hands.
Rain..? You look up. Gakushu's crying...? You look at him wide eyed.
"I-m sorry, yn.." He kneels down and puts his head in your lap.
You move your hands around in confusion.
Is this really happening?? You thought.
You sweat dropped as you patted his head.
"Uh... It's okay. Just try and find someone else, I mean you are the school president" he looks up at you. His nose and cheeks are pink his eyes are all watery.
You smile awkwardly. "What does that have to do anything?" You look down at him.
"A lot of girls like you. When we were dating I got picked on by your fan club!" He looked at you with an awkward smile
"Fan club..?" He sits up on his knees and wipes his eyes.
"Yeah" you laugh
"Weird huh?" You grab his hand pull him up to the bench. He sits.
How can I be so normal around him..? You asked over and over again as u both laughed.
Where are you karma..?
Karma's POV
"We've been going up these stairs for 15 minutes" nagisa groaned as he looked down. The stairs Aren't even that high. The wide space you can see the floor and a popcorn crumb
"Shut your pie hole it's only been 10 minutes since yn went up and just keep going, yn's up there!" I push nagisa up the stairs.
I'm coming yn! Don't let him kill you.
Your POV
Gakushu has calmed down. And he's actually acting happy. Your showing him his fan site. When a picture of him pops up. He grabs your phone and puts it close to his face.
"When the hell did they take this??"
You laugh.
"Super fan girls have their ways" he looks at you and laughs
"How do u know? Are you a fan girl?"
"Psh yeah right!" You both laugh. He hands your phone back. And you feel another drop. You look over at Gakushu. He's looking up.
"Rain.." You also look up and feel a drop on your forehead.
"Yeah, I swear it was sunny when me and nagisa got here" he stands and starts walking to the stairs. You walk after him. It's starts pouring all of the sudden. You both run to the door. You walk in first. And Gakushu shuts the door.
You wipe off your hair. And start walking down the stairs.
As your both talking you hear something.
"What is it?" Gakushu asks. You go over the railing. And look down.
You see a blue haired person with a red haired person behind them. You smile.
"Karma! Nagisa!" They both look up.
Gakushu is now looking down at them beside you.
"YN!" Nagisa yells and starts running up the stairs. You laugh and look at Gakushu. Who's still looking down. But with cold eyes. Then u follow his gaze and it's karma. He looks pissed. Staring back at Gakushu. Karma then starts running up the stairs. And passes nagisa who stops and looks up. And sees Gakushu also. His eyes go cold. He's also mad..
Should you help Gakushu get away..?
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