The popular one knows something..

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"Well why wouldn't it be called end.. Karma attends that class.." You stop walking and turn around to look at them. "Karma..?"

Sean and sam look at you again. "You got to be kidding me.." Sam face palms

"Karma's that psycho kid who almost killed a student" Sean said throwing his ball in the air while resting his head on the back of the bench he was sitting on.

"I'm sorry. Still confused" you look at them blankly

"oh my god your clueless! He's that red head kid who has that creepy look in his eyes!" Sam playfully karate chops your head.

You stare at them.
"Still nothing" you sweat drop and scratch the back of your neck.

"OMG YN! One of these days I'm going to strangle you. In your sleep." You smile awkwardly scratching your chin.

You think you've heard of this Karma character before. But the almost killing another student seem like a little much.

"Yn? YN!!!" Sam yells in your ears. You blink and look up at her.

"Come on ding dong, it's time to go" she points in Sean direction. He's looking at you and holding all the shopping bags you and Sam have bought. He motions for you to go to him by moving his head. You stand from the bench and look up.
What did Nagisa mean..

-Flash back of what Nagisa said-

"Well.. I wouldn't count on it we don't have much time"

-FB over-

He looked so... Dark and angry then... You look to your two friends. Sam's attacking Sean trying to get her new skateboard out of the Spencer's bag.

"YN HELP!" Sean yells running in circles while Sam's chasing him.

"GIVE IT, YOU RAT" He runs around the bench and Sam jumps over it. You sweat drop.

"Sam just.. SAM GET OFF HIM! YOU'LL BREAK HIM AND MY STUFF" you run towards them.

Well what ever you thought completely left your head that night. Until...

"Yn..? Hey.. Yn?" You feel someone poke your cheek. You snap out of your trance and look away from the window.

"What is it?" You rub your left cheek Because you were using your hand to sit up while zoning out and it was numb. You look up at the person. it was the last human being you wanted to talk to.

"Hey!" Her cheery voice made your ears ring. Her pink cheeks wanted to be punched. She waves at you.

"Can I help you..?" You basically gave her a hint that you didn't want to talk.

"Oh! Uh I need to ask you a few things" you looked at her confused.
Why would Hannah Matthews, the most popular girl in school. Want to ask you questions.

"Uh, what's up?" She grabs your hand and drags you out of the room.

All through the halls people were staring and whispering. You mentally stabbed yourself over and over again. Like why Hannah Mathews of all people (no offense to any Hannah Matthews reading this) you just went along with her.

She dragged you into an empty room.
You walked away from her while she shut the door.

"So what's this about? I have better things to do" you sit in the nearest chair.

"Well ya see" she plays with her skirt.
Does she think you like her? Psh.. You thought to yourself and made a pout face. She noticed.

"What is it?" You looked at her.

"I'm bored can we just hurry this up?" She bows. You jump up in surprise.

"Wh..what's this about?!" You motion your hands towards her

"Please stand up.." you sweat drop and she stands

"I found something out about the E-3 class room" you mentally faceplam

"3-E?" she's really stupid.

"Yeah, their teacher isn't normal. Well actually their whole class Isn't!" Things start popping into your head. Voices, sounds, images. Nagisa calling your name, him saying "Well.. I wouldn't count on it we don't have much time", Sam and Sean screaming at eachother, the news lady saying moon over and over again. You grab your head.

"You okay?" Hannah asks

"Nagisa.. What are you hiding?"

-I don't own any of the characters except, Sean, Sam and Hannah Matthews.

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