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Your POV
you open your eyes and stare up at the ceiling. It's Sunday. You grab a pillow a put it on your face and groan.

"Yn..?" You hear nagisa question. You take the pillow off your face and look to you left. You and nagisa are now face to face. His face is a bit pink. But u think nothing of it.

"Yeah?" He turns the other way.

"Wanna hang out at the mall?"

"Uh sur-" your phone rings.
"Hold that thought" you answer it.

"Hello?" You sit up from your bed and stand.


"Oh hey Sam, what's up?"

"Wanna hang today with Sean and karma?" You were surprised by the last person she mentioned.

"Karma..? You takes to him?" Nagisa looked at you as he sat up from the bed.

"Yeah, well actually I'm with him now"
You hear Sean yelling in the back ground "karma you took yn away from me!" Then u hear karma "shut your trap, is yn on the phone?"

"Yeah.." Sam replies

"Gimme" you hear a noise and then silence.

"Hey babe" you hear karma's voice

"Uh.. Hey karma" you giggle a bit.

"Hurry and come here! I'm like super bored with these dorks" you hear Sean screaming and Sam yelling.

"SHUT YOUR FACES" karma yells. You giggle again.

"Okay, I'm gunna get dressed"

"Kay, see ya later, love you" that's when u hear Sam yelling

"Love you too karma"

"Shut it Sam! I'm gunna ki-" he hangs up the phone. You walk to the closet and grab a f/c shirt and short jean shorts.

"We're going to hang with Sam, Sean, and karma." You walk in to the bathroom as u tell Nagisa.

"Okay.. But I don't have clothes" he says through the door. You stop half way pulling up your shorts.

"Just wear your school uniform. I'll buy you clothes" you finish pulling up your shorts. And grab the f/c bra off the counter.

"I can just go home and get new clothes"

You buckle the bra on
"Nah it's fine I wanna buy you something anyways" you walk out of the bathroom pulling your shirt down.

Nagisa on the other hand is naked except his boxers and is pulling up his pants. He stops and looks at you. You just continue to walk to your dresser and brush your hair.

"U-uhh" he grabs his stuff and runs into the bathroom.

"Dork.." You say under your breath.

I know it's short I just wanted to update!

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