the tournament

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After a bit you both finish your food and drinks and then Gloves heads outside and you follow him out. The tournament is then announced, and then Gloves goes over to sign up for the tournament, you follow him, "there. Signed my team up... Just to make sure, you are joining my team as a sub, right?" You nod, "yeah!" Gloves smiles and nods back, "alright, thanks. Now we have to wait for the tournament to start." You nod then you and Gloves sit down and talk for a bit as you two wait for the tournament to start. Gloves seems to be enjoying talking to you.. as well as you enjoy listening and talking to him.

After a few moments, the tournament is announced to start, and then you and gloves go up and enter the lobby, Half-Rim and Clip-On also enter the lobby with you two. The matches then start.

Sometimes, during the battle you tripped, every time Gloves passed you, he asked if your alright, "you're clumsy, you know that [Y/N]? But are you alright anyways?" You roll your eyes, "ha ha ha... Very funny.. Gloves." Gloves chuckles a bit and smiles, before he goes back to turfing, you get up and clean yourself off and go back to turfing.

You guys do manage to make it to the Finals, and Gloves smiles and nods, "we made it to the finals." You look at him before looking back at the screen, "wow. We really did make it to the finals..." Gloves nods, "yeah, this is where my team got defeated by Team Emperor last time... But they got defeated by team blue, but then they took the title back, so we're up against Team Emperor..." Gloves grips onto his dualies as he talks, you look at him, "are we... Even ready?" You question, and Gloves looks at you before nodding, "I think so... Let's go." You nod, the final match... Then starts.

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